He's Writing

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I couldn't sleep. I just laid in my bed and cried the rest of the day and through the night. I hadn't left my room at all, luckily my parents hadn't came here either. Sun finally started to rise, I should start packing to school. I just don't feel like it... I don't want to see him, I don't want to see anyone today. I just want to lay in my bed, because outside my room awaits a living hell, now that my parents know. They're probably going to disown me and then t-throw me out... I-i don't know what to do... If I won't leave my room until they go to work everything should be fine... For now at least.

I have been waiting until I've heard a quiet sound of closing door. My parents finally left. Now I can get to school- but first I have to eat something! I didn't eat much yesterday, I feel so hungry. I got up and opened the door peaking outside to make sure that I was alone.

I quickly went to the kitchen and decided to make myself a sandwich and a cup of tea. Ah tea... The only good thing in my life that never changes. I mean they make different flavours but the way you make it doesn't change. After it was done I added sugar and sipped it. It was perfect! I took it to my room and finished drinking it there. I sat on my bed. So, what am I going to do the rest of the day? I dont really want to watch anything or read, and now that I'm not hungry I feel very tired. Maybe I'll just lay a bit, yeah, sounds like a great idea. I did just that, laid in my bed under my fluffy blanket not even changing. I closed my eyes while thinking why everything seemed to go downhill for me. What? I'm not crying, you're crying. My eves just tend to sweat when I think about sad stuff.

Wait... What about this dream-person-that-might-be-a-ghost-of-king-George that I see every time I fall asleep? I don't want to see him either, or have to do with this stupid thing today! I quickly opened my eyes to face him.

He still looked at me withe the same concerned face and like he knew what happened. I looked at myself. I was wearing the same thing I slept in, so that's good that I didn't change in my pink fluffy pj's... I mean totally manly and not soft and comfortable pj's. Tears still stained my cheeks, I quickly wiped them with my sleeve and turned back to him. God, why can't I dream of something other than this?

George tried to get my attention by waving his hands, and screaming, but for all I care he could just disappear. Even if he's real I don't even know him, and I don't want a random person to see me cry. Just wake up Samuel. You're not tired, you just need a cup of coffee. You can already feel all of this fading away-

I heard a sudden noise from behind, George smashed his fist against the forcefield. He looked kind of scared. I looked at him sad that I couldn't tell him to go away and leave me alone.

Suddenly he smiled and started to dig in his pockets. After a short while he took out a marker and came closer to me. He checked with his hand  where the wall was and tried to write something. At the first try I couldn't read it, it was all messed up and wrong, he seemed to notice my confusion and thought for a bit. He then tried again and I could almost read it, I mean it was still mirrored but at least it was readable.

"Please don't cry, tears really don't suit you :)" It read. I gave him a week smile and he tried to write something else.

"By the way, hi! I'm George, you may call me the King or address me as sire. I know we've seen each other only a couple of times but I think we could be friends :D" I read it at loud and nodded. Is he like the real deal?

"Excellent! Then I should probably explain all of this to you, you know, no one should lie to their friend :P if you want to say 'no' or 'yes' just nod or shake your head, ok?" After reading that I gave him a small nod. He thought for a bit, maybe he didn't know how to start?

"You know you're sleeping, right?" Nod.

"So imagine: except for the real word there is another one: the dream world! Which I live in. Most of the people don't remember it or think that it's not real, but as you can see it it. Kind of." I looked at him confused. The was no clear space in front of him, so he moved and I followed.

"You see, you're standing in the middle ground between the real world and the dream world, it's like a porch. The wall separating us is" He stopped. "basically what you think a reality is. Just the layer between what is possible and what can only happen in the dreams" He looked at me. "Do you understand everything I've wrote so far?" A nod from me. He moved a bit again.

"Good. Because you're real you can't cross it, and vice-versa for me. And that sucks because I would love to hug you right now" He quickly blurred that but I managed to read it before he did. "And now please focus, because this is the most important part, you have to understand: I'm real, you're not crazy. I've lived in the real world but" He looked for the right word. "something happened and I moved here. Remember, K?"

Well... What if I only dream about all of it? Can I be sure? He saw that I wasn't responding. He looked flustrated.

"You want proof?" I nodded. He thought for a bit with closed eyes then opened some weird thing for a second. He closed it then returned to writing. "Charles Lee is sleeping in class right now. He's worried about you and wants to check on you later. If what I said is true will you believe me?" It took me a bit to think that through, but I still nodded. I mean I'm friends with Lee, but would he really notice if I were gone for a day? Nah. George - yeah, not calling him king any time soon - let out a breath.

"Cool. Back to this area you're standing in. Basically rules of both worlds apply in there. Like all your things you want to be with you will be moved in there, you can hurt yourself and might die... but you don't need to eat or drink, because you have to do that in a real world. Or you might die-" He tried to wipe it all out but it didn't came off. What does he mean I might die? I started to panic.

"Hey, it's ok! Nothing will happen to you! You just can't stay here for really long." He moved yet again. "You can always wake up, or fall asleep again, then everything should be okay :)" I nodded and yawned. I'm still tired, I actually don't get a lot of rest staying in here. "I know you're tired, so I won't teach you anything more now. Have a pleasant sleep" I nodded and he walked away. I spotted this red sofa from earlier, how could I not see it before? It doesn't matter, I just layed on it and closed my eyes to the calming site of black, it was a really nice change to the white I kept seeing since couple of days.


You've got one new message from: Charlie Chaplin the edge lord

"Not now..." I turned to the other side.

Marry Christmas to you all! I'm sorry that I posted this so late, but I had a lot of assignments for school and didn't have a lot of time to write something decent. I'm not sure if I'll post another chapter in this year so I also wish you a happy new year! :D

~1291 words

~ 3.02.19 edited (note: Friday)

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