He's Having Real Fun

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This chapter is dedicated to all of you amazing readers that comment. Your comments keep me motivated. Thank you all.

King's POV

"Sammy wants to know something about me??" I squealed happily. "Perfect! That means our friendship can move on to the next level! We'll be besties in no time! He won't even notice when he'll become mine!"

"My full name is George William Fredrick Hanover, and I was the king of England. I like plants, especially tea, every kind of tea." He looked even more confused than before.

"But how are you here? And why do you look so young and don't act like a king from 18-something?"

"It's a long story, let's just say that one day I found a book, like yours, about this whole dream stuff. I wanted to move here and here I am. A different person a different time."

"A different person?"

"It's complicated. When I went to the other side I stopped being the person I was and became someone else- something else. I became the green arrow - jk, but u know the drill"

My sweetheart looked surprised.
"btw how do you know about the stuff that's happening in the awake world?"

"Remember the dream door? I can access any door I like if the person is sleeping. And so many people dream about being a part of a movie, maybe I don't understand how the technology works, but that's easy enough to figure out that that's some type of a play."

"You can enter anyone's dream? That's amazing! So cool!"

"My poor innocent Sammy, if you only knew how many people have wet dreams..."

We stood there for a while because he didn't have another question, so I decided to do something to prevent the awkwardness between us.

"What about you? You're always just asking me stuff, now is my turn to learn something more about you :)"

He looked surprised. He thought for a bit and responded.

"Ok, what do you want to know?"

"How was your day?" That seems like a question a good friend would ask. I gave myself an imaginary pat on the back and 10 friendship points. He smiled, darn his smiles so smiley.

"Well like I mentioned before I spent almost the whole day with Charles - btw he's kind of my only friend rn, I went to his house, we had cookies, it was awesome! And the best thing was that library. It was enormous! And so cool! Charlie is the best."

Charles. He's having sooo much fun with him. He never talks about how much fun he has with me. What is this feeling, so sudden and new? That I felt first time I heard him talking about you? Remember this the Charles, I am Sammy's true real friend, not you.

"I'm coming there tomorrow too! :D"

It's on Charles. I'm going to show you how much fun can Sam have with me.

"Sammy~ Let's have a  sleeping sleepover! Right now!" I wrote, and he looked at it surprised. "Come on Sam, I haven't played with someone in ages!"

"Okay, what do you want to do with this wall between us?" He looked a bit sceptical. Oh, you're gonna have a good time, just you wait. LET THE FUN MONTAGE BEGIN.

First thing we did was tic tac toe. I haven't played this in a long time, and I let Samuel win. Yeah. That was the only reason I lost each time we played. Also I just wanted to see him smile, because I'm a good person.

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