Ghost- Part 12

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~Y/N's P.O.V.~

     "Mom?" You asked, watching her stare at the ground. Before she could answer, the same two cops from earlier walked up. "Miss. Y/L/N," one of them called. Your mom looked up in concern. "Yes?"

     "Not you. Her." The other cop pointed at you, making you feel even worse. You slowly stood up, your legs shaking under you. You turned to your mom and saw she looked confused. The two cops grabbed your arms, leading you away from her.

     They gently pulled you, obviously not wanting to cause a scene. You stared ahead, hoping that this wouldn't end badly.

They led you to the hall of interrogation rooms. Before you went down the hallway, the first door opened, and Jim walked out. You saw him pulling Jerome out, who was now laughing and in handcuffs.

The cops stopped, waiting for them to pass. "Jerome?" He looked up at the sound of your voice. His laughing stopped and his eyes widened. "What did you do?" You asked, clenching your teeth.

"Doll, I-" Before he could continue, you interrupted him. "What did you do!?" You shouted. He stared at you as they pulled him away from you. The two cops holding you held you back as you kept shouting at the ginger. "What did you do!? What did you do, you ginger freak!?"

The cops pulled you into the room. They pushed you down onto the chair. One of them grabbed your wrists, and handcuffed you to the table. You pulled on them a little, hoping they would budge. "What are these for?" You asked. The cops ignored you and walked out.


You sat alone as you waited for somebody to come in the room. You only hoped that Jerome didn't snitch on you, but you knew there was a good chance he did.

That's all Jerome seemed to be good at: stabbing people in the back. Especially you. You looked up as the door opened. Jim walked in, holding a folder. He sat across from you, keeping a straight face.

     "Why am I here?" You asked. "You know why you're here," he countered. You froze. "No, I really don't, James," you lied. "You helped in the murder of Lila Valeska," he stated.

     You felt your stomach lurch and almost explode onto the table. "No, I didn't," you lied again. "Jerome was lying." Jim perked up at your words. "Jerome told us everything," he told.

     You felt anger fill your being. You knew you shouldn't have trusted him. "He's a liar. He just wants somebody else to take the blame. Jim, you know me."

     Jim shook his head. "I want to believe you, but.." He trailed off, opening the folder. "'I saw Jerome Valeska and Y/N Y/L/N walking on Arkham bridge the night before the body was found. We confronted them and Jerome went nuts. We thought he was just trying to get into her pants, but now I know the truth'," he recited.

     "Mason Hill came in today and told us about everything on the bridge. You were there after Jerome killed her. You helped him clean up her body and dispose of the hatchet, which just so happened to be found under Arkham bridge," he informed you. You sat there, not answering.

     The odds were stacked against you. Jerome had dug a hole and pushed you into it, leaving you with no way out. "You didn't report the murder or anything. You know that makes you an accomplice to murder, right?" Jim asked.

"I didn't do anything," you whispered. You knew that at this point, it was no use. Jerome had gotten himself arrested, and was dragging you along with him. "Give it up, Y/N. It's no use," he said.

You banged your hands on the table in anger. "I didn't murder the bitch! I did nothing! He should be thrown into prison forever, not me! All I did was hide that silly hatchet and her gross body," You shouted.

Jim watched you in shock, quickly covering it up with a straight face. "That's all I needed." He stood up, and you realized what you did. "No, Jim! Come back! I did nothing! I did nothing!"

After about ten minutes of you sitting alone, shouting for your innocence, a cop came in. He released you from the table, but quickly put new handcuffs on you. "It wasn't me!" You shouted, but the man ignored you.

He pulled you out of the room and back into the precinct. You could feel the eyes of the officers on you. The were probably shocked that the daughter of their coworker was being arrested.

You ignored their looks, and stared at Jerome, who was sitting in a cell, smiling. You turned to the officer, and kicked him where the sun doesn't shine. He doubled over, groaning in pain. You took the chance to run to Jerome's cell, knowing the little amount of time you had.

Jerome stood up as you reached the cell. "I'm going to kill you, you bastard," You hissed. "Y/N, it wasn't-"

Before he could answer, somebody grabbed your arm, and pulled you away. "I'll kill you, you son of a bitch! You're dead! Hope mommy saved a spot for you in hell!" You yelled.

"Y/N?" You looked up and saw your mom staring at you in sadness. You turned to who was holding you and saw it was Jim. You began to struggle, but he was a grown man and had much more strength than you. "Let me go!" You shouted. "Let go of me!"

You turned to your mom, still thrashing in Jim's arms. "Mom, help me!" She stared at you in sadness and confusion. Jim opened the cell door next to Jerome's, and pushed you in.

You ran towards the door, but he shut it, locking you in. "Mom, please," you cried. "Please, help me. I can't go to jail. I can't."

"Y/N, look. I know you probably don't want to talk to me," Jerome started. You turned to him and glared. "Then why in the hell are you talking?" You hissed. "Doll-face, don't be like that," he whined.

You turned your body to him, walking towards the bars. You came face to face with him, only separated by the cells bars. "You've ruined my life, Jerome. All you have been since I first met you is trouble. I knew I made a mistake when I helped. I don't know why you couldn't have gone to one of your other dumb ass friends."

Jerome's lips curled up into a maniacal smile. "Aw! Is somebody sad that they got caught?" He asked in a baby voice. You bared your teeth. "I swear to god, Jerome Valeska. If I wasn't in these cuffs, you would be dead."

"Yeah, I got the idea when you were throwing a fit," he chuckled. "I was throwing a fit? You killed your mother, Jerome. And for what? Because she roughed you up a couple of times?" You asked.

Jerome's smile fell and he set his lips into a thin line, narrowing his eyes. "You know what she did to me, Y/N. You know what I've had to go through my whole life. You know that she deserved everything I did to her."

You rolled your eyes. "Just shut up, Valeska. All you have managed to do in the last week is ruin my life. Just because we were friends a couple years ago, doesn't mean you get to drag me into this mess like you did."

He chuckled as you sat down on the bench. "You didn't seem very hesitant to help," he pointed out. "I don't believe I even had to ask."

"Fuck off, Valeska."

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