Immature Part 1

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Requested by @xxXBLBXxx

*Trigger Warning*
Suicide Attempt

     You sat on your bed as you listened to your mother and father fight again. As if your father being one of the most notorious criminals in Gotham wasn't enough. Being the daughter of Edward Nygma, or as he like to be called, The Riddler, was a challenge in itself. Your mother was madly in love with the man, but completely hated the fact that he was a criminal. Most of the hatred came from the fact that you inherited his passion for crime. Riddles, you liked them, but they weren't your thing. You didn't really have a thing yet.

     "You're putting our daughter in danger!" Your mother shouted. "Not only has she been hanging out with those two clowns, but she was almost arrested the other day! Do you want our daughter to be locked up in Arkham, too!" You sighed. You get why your mother hated your hobbies, but she underestimated you. She only ever talked about how you would be in Arkham sooner or later.

     "Y/N is smarter than that," your father said sternly. He was always more calm, but always made sure to get his point across. "She's not going to get thrown into Arkham with those two. She's smarter than them. She's smarter than most people in Arkham." You've always been closer with your father. He understood you more than your mother ever could. "Yeah? You thought that about yourself, too, didn't ya?" She fired back.

     You couldn't take it anymore. You got up and opened your window and jumped out. Luckily, you were on the first floor of your house, so it wasn't difficult. You ran to the only place you could go. Jerome's apartment wasn't very far away, considering the fact that he had to move every now and then, for obvious reasons.

     Usually, you, Jerome, and Harley would always hang out together, but you would have to call her from his place. You've always had a strong attraction towards Jerome, but then you meant Harley. She seemed to feel the same way about him, but also you. Ever since you all admitted your strong attraction for one another, you've been inseparable. You guys were never apart, and never hung out without one of you. It always was the three of you. Or so you thought.

     Jerome had given you a key awhile ago, so you unlocked the door and quietly walked in. You saw that the living room was empty, but heard whispers from the kitchen.

     Once you reached he kitchen, you froze in shock. You saw Jerome and Harley just staring into each other's eyes, talking about god knows what. You heart immediately shattered. They had left you out; forgotten about you. These were supposed to be the people that loved you most, but they obviously were no better than the scumbag Oswald Cobblepot.

     "What the hell?" You suddenly blurted out. They both jumped before turning to you. They stared at you with wide eyes. "Y/N!" Jerome exclaimed in shock. "What are you guys doing?" You asked. "We promised not to hang out without all three of us!"

They looked at each other before shrugging. "I mean, you had to know that this was going to happen," Harley said. You glared at her. Not only was she taking Jerome away from you, but she was also using your feelings for her against you, too. "You're only a little girl," she said.

You raised an eyebrow. "I'm sixteen! You two are eighteen! That's only a two year difference!" You exclaimed. You looked at Jerome who was looking at the ground. You've known Jerome for a couple years now, and never has he hurt you as bad as he and Harley have today. "Y/N, have you seen yourself? You dress like you're three, and skip around like a child. You're immature, and honestly, Jerome and I are both done with it," she said.

You looked down at your outfit. You had a green dress on with leggings under it and sneakers. So what if you didn't dress like she did? You were different, and that was good. "Harley, you wear pigtails," you pointed out. She smirked. "But I add that little flavor to it, showing that I'm not a baby. Your look screams, 'Where's my bottle?'"

You looked at Jerome who sat there silently. "Jerome," you said before Harley cut you off. "Listen, Y/N. We still love you, but you need to grow up. Nobody wants to deal with having to carry you around like a child. Come back when you're grown up," she said. You looked at Jerome with tears in your eyes, but he did nothing. You huffed and stomped out of the apartment.

You ran all the way to the Sirens. You weren't close with Barbara, but you've had a couple meetings with Tabitha before. The whole way, all you could think about was what Harley had said. You were a burden to them, and they didn't want to deal with you anymore. Never before had you been so humiliated. Did everyone think that about you? Is that why your mother thought you would just be thrown into Arkham?

You stomped to the bar and plopped down in a seat. You quickly ordered a drink, not having to show any identification. It was Gotham, and people knew who you were. They would be stupid to question Y/N Nygma.

You sat there for hours, ordering more and more drinks. At first, you tried to keep a steady pace as to not get sick, but by the time you were done, you were sure you were going to vomit. You ran to the bathroom and puked all of your drinks into the toilet, along with any food you had eaten that day. Once you were done, you washed your hands. While doing so, you looked in the mirror.

"They're right," somebody said from behind you. You looked and saw that it was you, but not the real you. It was like your very own Riddler. "You're only a child. A backpack that they've been meaning the throw away. Even your own parents consider you a burden!" You, or not you, exclaimed.

You drunkenly glared at the vision. "Shut up," you mumbled. "What was that? Sorry, I don't understand mumbling. It's for babies," they fired back. You grew angry quickly. "Shut up!" You shouted as you punched the mirror. You stared at your cracked reflection in horror. You were a mess. No wonder they wanted you gone.

"Here," your vision said. You jumped in shock. Usually, she only appeared in the mirror. She must be getting stronger. You looked at the pill bottle she was holding to you. You tried to read the label, but it was only a blur. "Take these. All of them. It will fix this."

You shakily took the bottle in your hands. You decided not to think and just do it. You tried to open your bottle, but it was hard in your state. You kept fumbling with it, but it wasn't opening. Finally, you popped the cap off. You didn't hear the door opening as you brought it to your lips. "Y/N!" Somebody shouted, hitting he bottle from your hand.

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