Back Again-Chapter 2

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You were laying in your room, staring at the ceiling. You couldn't stop thinking about the Joker. There was something about him that was so... familiar. It was like you had found the missing piece you lost when Jerome was killed.

You felt the tears well up in your eyes. Jerome. God how you still loved him. He was your everything. You still felt the same pain that you felt the night he died. You haven't heard anything about Gotham sense you left. Nothing about Bruce Wayne, Gordon, Theo, nothing.

You couldn't help, but think that, that was for the best. You didn't want to hear about your old enemies. A smile came onto your face just thinking about their reactions to when you would reveal that you were back. They would be so shocked. Jerome would be so proud to see you put on such a show.

Thankfully, you were pulled away from your thoughts by a knock on the door. You jumped up and ran to the door. Once you opened it, you were surprised to see the Joker. You smiled. "Uh, hi," you greeted. He smiled back. "Hello, Miss, Y/N." You shook your head. "Please, call me Y/N." He smiled. "Y/N."

You guys stared at each other before you shook your head. "Please, come in," You said, opening the door so the man could walk in. He looked around, nodding. "So how does it feel being back in Gotham?" He asked, turning to you. You closed the door and turned to him.

"It feels good to be back, but also it was the hardest thing for me to do. Gotham was my home. I made a life here, but it was all torn away from me, and coming back to it, is something I never thought I would do," You confessed. You looked up at him wide eyed when you realized what you said.

"I'm sorry! That was probably really weird for me to just put all of that onto you, it's just... you remind me of someone and I just can't put my finger on it," you said, examining his face. He smiled. "It's fine. I've been through a lot, too. Gotham can be a nightmare and a dream, all at the same time. It's crazy." He began to chuckle.

You nodded. "So, what can I do for you?" You asked. He cocked his head to the side. "What?" You giggled. "Well, I'm guessing you came her for a reason." He opened his mouth in an 'o' form before shrugging. "I was bored," he confessed, jumping onto your bed. You giggled before sitting at the desk that was next to your bed.

"So, what's happened in the last fifteen years?" You asked. He looked at you and chuckled. "A lot." You giggled. "Anything that would be important to me?" You asked. "Depends. I don't really know your story, do I?" He pointed out. "I guess you're right." He looked at the little table you had next to your bed that was being occupied by a lamp and the picture of you and Jerome.

He picked up the picture and examined it. You froze and watched him. He looked up at you and showed the picture of you and Jerome. "You were close with him?" He asked. You hesitated before nodding. "He was the love of my life." Joker raised an eyebrow. "Was?" He asked.

You looked at your hands in your lap, hiding the tears that so badly wanted to fall. "He, um, he died. He was killed 15 years ago. That's actually why I left. He was killed right in front of me. It completely ruined me."

"But why didn't you come back if you were so in love with him?" Joker asked. You looked up at him with furrowed eyebrows. "Why would I if he was dead? He was never coming back." He began to chuckle which turned into a full on laugh.

You looked at him in disgust. "What's wrong with you!? This isn't funny!" You shouted. He turned to you with tears of laughter. "Nobody ever told you!?" He somehow said through the laughter. "He came back! Some guy named Dwight brought him back to life a year later!"

You looked at him with your jaw almost to the floor. Could it be? Was Jerome really alive? "So-so he's alive!?" You cried. He stopped laughing and nodded. "Of course he his! I'm not dumb enough to die twice!" The Joker said, and began laughing again.

A smile began to light up your face until you realized what he said. You frowned before looking at him confused. "What?" You mumbled loud enough for him to hear. He stopped laughing and raised an eyebrow at you. "What is it?" He asked.

"Y-You said you weren't dumb enough to die twice," you said. He looked at you with wide eyes. "I... I um," he stuttered. You looked at him with tears. "Y-You're him, aren't you?" You asked. "You're Jerome. My Jerome." He looked at you for a couple minutes before nodding. "I am."

You were frozen. You couldn't move, talk, or barely even breathe. He was staring at you, which wasn't really helping. "Say something, doll." Hearing that name struck something in you. You jumped onto the bed next to him and sat on your knees. You put your hand on the side of his face and looked into his eyes. They were blue-green. So were Jerome's.

You brought your hand away and ran it through his hair. It was soft, just like Jerome's. That's when it finally clicked. This was Jerome. He was alive and he was there, in front of you. You jumped on top of him and threw you arms around his neck. You didn't hide the sobs that were escaping your mouth.

You felt him hold you just as tight, which only caused you to cry more. "It's you! It's really you! I thought I lost you forever!" You sobbed. He pulled back, but kept his arms around you. "I thought you left me," he confessed. "I thought you left and met somebody else. I thought you forgot about me."

     You rapidly shook your head. "How could I ever forget about you!? You are the love of my life! You're still my everything!" He smiled. "I feel the same way."

     You stared at him, smiling. What could possibly ruin this perfect moment? What could happen that could ever tear you and Jerome apart? Nothing. Or so you thought...

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