Story- Ending

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Part 1

You sat at the table, waiting for Jim and Harvey to come. Today you were going to finish telling them about your's and Jerome's final time together. You had to admit, it was one of the hardest things you've had to do. You just missed him so much.

     Tears started flowing from your eyes. You hadn't cried since that day. You've been numb, only really tearing up during theses stories, but not full on crying like you were now.

     Of course, as you were crying, Jim and Harvey walked in. You quickly wiped your tears, but saw the looks of concern on their face. "Hi." You croaked, ignoring the fact that they just walked in on you crying. "Hi." Jim nodded at you. "Hey kid." Harvey said. You smiled at the nickname. He was the only person that called you nicknames since Jerome.

     "Are you ready?" Harv asked. You nodded. "Yeah. Let's just hurry up and get this over with." They both nodded.


"It was the day of the banquet." You started. "Wayne's banquet?" Jim asked. You nodded. "He was so excited." You smiled.

"He said he was finally gonna become a star. He already was in my heart, but he wanted to be in everybody's." You said.

"Y/N! Y/N! Y/N!" Jerome ran into your room, screaming. "Doll! Princess! Gorgeous! Sweet cheeks!" He began jumping on your bed, waking you up.

     You sat up and pushed him off of the bed. "What?" You asked, laying back down. He shot back up, still full of energy. "Today's the day! Today, I become a star. Aren't you excited, doll face!?" He exclaimed. You nodded. "Of course, handsome. But I'm tired. I need to go to sleep." You whined. Jerome just shook his head.

"Fine, but I thought I should tell you that Tabitha and I are going to pay a visit to my dad." He told you. You nodded. "Okay, hun. Have fun. I love you." You said pecking him on the lips, then laying back down. He smiled at you. "I love you, too, doll." Then he left.

You slept for a couple more hours before you woke up again. When you were finally up for the day, you went downstairs for breakfast. You had a bowl of cereal, and saw that nobody was really awake. Dobkins and Greenwood were both dead, tragic I know. You were about to go look for them, when Barbra came down.

"Hi, Y/N. What're you doing?" She asked, grabbing a bowl, and pouring herself some. "Eating." You said. "Ya know, we need to hang out more. We haven't really talked since Arkham." She pointed out. You nodded. "Yeah! I'd enjoy that." She nodded. "Good. Anyway, I have to start getting ready for tonight. Talk to ya later!" She shouted, leaving the room.

     You sat and finished your breakfast in silence. When you were done, you put the bowl in the sink and began to clean it. As you are cleaning it, Jerome walked into the kitchen. "Hiya, doll face." He said, walking up behind you. He gave you a kiss on the cheek. He was rarely ever this romantic, and it made you happy. It felt nice to be a normal couple for a couple of minutes.

     "Hiya, J. How did the visit with your dad go?" You asked. "Great!" He exclaimed. "We caught up, talked about tonight, and other stuff, but then Jimbo and Harv interrupted us." He growled. "I had to hurry up. So I stabbed him in the eye, played with Jimbo a little, then left." He said. You nodded. "Sounds like fun."

     "It was! But, I want to spend sometime with you before my performance tonight." He said, wrapping his arms around your waist. You turned around and wrapped your arms around his neck. "Whaddya wants to do?" You asked. He smirked. "Cuddle." He confessed. You giggled at his childish, but sweet, answer. "Ok, handsome." You said, grabbing his hand. "Let's go."

     "He was so excited." You smiled. "He wanted everybody to know he was a star. Theo, Bruce, you two," you paused, looking at your hands. "Me." You mumbled out.

     You were facing Jerome with his arms wrapped around you, and yours around him. You were both just looking into each other's eyes. After awhile, Jerome broke the silence. "I'm so happy you get to see me tonight." He confessed. You smiled.

     "I am, too. You're gonna do great. I just know it." You said, causing him to smile. "I wish you got to be on stage with me." He said sadly. You nodded. "I know, but I'll be there watching you. I'll always be there, J." You said, beginning to play with his hair.

     "Thank you, princess." He mumbled. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. "For what?" You asked. He smiled. "Everything. Thank you for being there, for helping me, for caring about me, and for loving me." You smiled. "I love you so fucking much, Jerome Valeska." You breathed out.

     Jerome grinned back. "And I also love you so fucking much. Y/N Y/L/N." You leaned in and kissed him. It was a sweet and romantic kiss. His lips were so soft, and tasted of bubblegum, your favorite. You didn't want the kiss to stop, but you eventually pulled away for air.

     For awhile after that, you guys finished your little 'session'. You were forced to end it, when Theo told Jerome to start getting ready.

     Before Jerome left, he came into your room to say goodbye. "I'll see you there, Y/N. I love you. I love you a lot." He said, leaning down and kissing you. "I love you, too, Jerome. With all of my heart." He began to walk to the door, but you stopped him. "Jerome!" He turned and looked at you.

     "Remember, I'll always be here for you." You said, causing him to smile. "I know." He said, walking out.

     Little did you know, that was the last time you would spend time with Jerome Valeska, the love of your life. He was killed by Theo Galavan that night, right in front of you.


     "Did anybody ever tell you his last words?" Jim asked. Tears began cascading down your cheeks. You nodded your head. "Yes." You said, crying harder. "Can you tell us?" Harvey asked. You nodded.

     "H-his last wo-ords were-" "Y/N. Tell my princess I'm sorry." Somebody said, cutting you off. You looked up and saw a boy.

     A boy with flaming red hair, beautiful green-blue eyes, barely visible freckles, and a huge smile. He was surrounded by the dead guards, that nobody realized were killed, and his arms were held out, covered in blood. Jerome. "Hi, gorgeous. I'm back."


     I don't know if you guys noticed, but I purposefully did that😂😂


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