Smells Like Teen Spirit

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     This imagine is based off of the cover of "Smells Like Teen Spirit", by Think Up Anger. I'm using this version because of the dark and creepy vibes it has, but I do recommend the original version by Nirvana.


"Load up on guns and bring your friends!" You shouted to your men. You need this to be big. This was perhaps the best plan you have ever had. "It's fun to lose and to pretend, but we can't lose and pretend today. Today is real and we are going to win," you said, walking out of the room.

She's over bored and self assured.

You continued to walk to your office. You were a little nervous about today. It had to be perfect. This was your time to show them that you were still tough, even after everything that's happened.

You walked into your office and locked the door. You then walked up to your mirror and just looked at yourself. You were no longer the innocent little girl you once were. You could think of so many words to describe yourself, but none of them were good. "Oh no, I know a dirty word," you whispered to yourself.

You continued to stare at yourself in the mirror, and saw nothing in your eyes. It was like looking into a dolls eyes. "Hello, Hello, Hello? How low," you said to yourself. "Hello! Hello! Hello!"

You walked over to where all of your weapons were and just stared at them. These were your life now. These were you. "I'm worse at what I do best, and for this gift, I feel blessed." You loved what you did, but it hasn't been the same since what happened. It never would be.

You grabbed your revolver that was a gift, and two knives, before walking out of the room, and down the hall. Once your reached your destination, you saw your friends. You walked up to them and joined them. "Our little group has always been, and always will, until the end. This is our time, let's make it count," you said.

"Turn the lights off!" You shouted to the workers. You heard the screams from the other side of the curtains as soon as the lights went out. Your plan was going good so far. On the other side of the curtains were a bunch of rich snobs that came here for a show, and boy were they gonna get one.

You heard the gunshots as people tried to leave, but they couldn't, not with your men. "Lets go," you told your friends.

You walked out on the stage, the lights still off and the room pitch black. "Hello, Hello, Hello-" you said before you were cut off. "What the fuck is going on!?" They shouted. "How low," you said. "With the lights out, it's less dangerous," You taunted. "Here we are now, entertain us! I feel stupid, and contagious. Here we are now, entertain us!" You yelled to the audience. This was your time to cause some chaos, and oh how it would be so much fun.

A mulatto
An Albino
A mosquito
My libido

     The lights individually shone onto all of your friends until they were all revealed. Tabitha Galavan, Victor Zsasz, Bridget Pike, aka Firefly, and Penguin. You heard the gasps of the people in the audience. Oh just wait until they saw you!

All of a sudden it was quiet, and you decided it was time for you to reveal yourself. A spot light shone into the middle of all four of them, but no one was standing there. "And I forget just why I taste," you said as you began walking towards the light. You put your foot in, so they could only see your black converse. "Oh yeah, I guess it makes me smile. I find it hard, it's hard to find. Oh well, whatever-" You stepped fully into the light, but looked at the floor so no one could see your face and your hair blocked it. You could practically feel the people leaning in trying to see who you were.

"Never mind," you said as you looked up. You heard people begin gasping and screaming at the sight of you. It was good to know that people remembered who you are. All of the lights were turned on so you could see the crowd. You were about to talk when you heard a loud bang from the side of the crowd. You looked over there with narrowed eyes, but saw nothing. "Hello? Hello? Hello?" You called out. "Hello! Hello! Hello!" You continued to shout. You motioned for them to turn the lights off again.

"With the lights out, it's less dangerous!" You called out to whoever was out there. You wanted them to show themselves. "Here we are now, entertain us!" You continued. "Well since you asked," you heard the person say. Then, the lights were back on, and you had to wait for your eyes to adjust. Once they did you looked at the person and gasped.

A denial

"No," you gasped. A denial. He can't be there, it wasn't possible. A denial. He laughed. "What doll? Don't you recognize me?" They asked. A denial. You looked at him and tears filled your eyes. A denial. "Jerome?" You asked. He nodded and held his arms out. "In the flesh." You stood there for a second before running towards him. You still couldn't believe it.

A denial. A denial. You jumped into his arms and wrapped your arms around his neck. You began sobbing into his shoulder. "This doesn't seem real," you confessed. A denial. He chuckled. "It is real, though. I'm back, and I'm here to stay." You nodded, but you still couldn't wrap your head around this. All you knew was that Jerome was there for now, and you were gonna make him stay for as long as possible. A denial.


     Merry Christmas everybody! I hope you all had a good day and got some amazing things!


Jerome Valeska Imagines Where stories live. Discover now