Chapter 26

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As I rolled out into the bright sunlight from the darkness of the bus, I had only one thing on my mind...The gang, and getting home. I was rolling on my wheelchair on the sidewalk when I saw a blue mustang approaching me. I tried rolling faster, but I couldn't. So, I just stopped to see what they wanted from me. I heard a familiar voice behind me. "Hey grease. What happened. You broke your leg?" Someone asked. The person went to the front of my wheelchair. I was looking down. "Oh my god Coral what happened?!" The person asked. I looked up. It was Joe. He was looking around with wide eyes. "Everyone thought you were dead! What happened?!" He asked. I shrugged my shoulders. "War." I said. He looked at me funny. "Women can't go in the war." He said. "Well, at first, they didn't know I was a woman. I went for my boyfriend." I said. He nodded. "Eric?" He asked. "Yeah..." I said unsure. "He has been drinking so much. He hit Ponyboy and has been hurting everyone." Joe said. I looked down. "Hey, well, you're home now. Let's get you to the Curtis's house. I think I have an idea on how to do it." Joe said. I nodded. "Want me to take you to my house to form our plan?" He asked. I was unsure. "I guess." I said. Joe picked me up bridal style and put me in his car, then he folded my wheelchair and put it in the trunk. I was looking out the window watching people go by. nothing seemed to change while I was gone. That's good. I leaned my head on the window. I glanced at Joe who looked at me with worry. I sighed and fell asleep.

"Hey, Coral, we are here." Joe said. I sighed and got up. I tried to stand up, forgetting about my leg. Joe saw me. I looked down and started to cry. "Hey, hey hey. It's okay." Joe said comforting me. "Hey, listen. Months ago, what I did...I am sorry." He said. I nodded. "It's fine." I just wanna see the gang." I said. He nodded. He picked me up and brought me into his house.

"Okay so I am going to call the gang and tell them the Socs are going to the Curtis's house and it will be gang against gang. Okay?" He asked. I nodded. "Let's do it." I said. Joe got the phone book and opened it. He soon found the Curtis's number and called it. I could tell Darry answered the phone because I heard a deep voice. A soon as I heard his voice I put my hand over my my mouth and shut my eyes tight trying to prevent tears from falling. Joe looked at me then started to speak into the phone. "Hey grease. We are coming to your house in 1 hour. Bring your gang and only your gang. We will meet you at your house for a mini rumble. Be ready." Joe said, then hung up. I then let my tears fall. Joe put his hand on my back. "You want some food or water?" He asked. I nodded my head. I haven't had a good meal in a long time.

20 minutes later Joe and I ate our meals. We were talking about everything that happened in the war. He teared up when I told him about all the dead people I saw, and how tragic everything was. Joe put on the TV and we watched Mickey for a while. Then, It was time to see the gang.

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