Chapter 25

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Coral's POV

I woke up in a white room. I was at some sort of hospital. I knew because of the bed I was in. i heard the clicking of heels coming towards me. I sat up and instantly regretted it. I went to stretch my legs. I screamed bloody murder. Nurses came piling in. "What's wrong?!" One of them asked. "MY LEG! IT'S GONE AND THE OTHER ONE IS BROKEN!" I yelled. "You didn't know?" One of the nurses asked. I nodded my head no and started to freak out. "Everyone thought you were dead. We sent a letter to your family that you died. There was a 20% chance that you would live!" The nurse exclaimed. This can't be happening. "You've been out for 4 months." The doctor said. I nodded. Everything was quiet. I just started SOBBING. Everyone thought I was dead? What is the gang doing right now?! I kept crying. I heard someone say, "We are losing her." Next thing I know...It's black.

I woke up 2 hours later. The nurse told me I could go home. I was super happy. I was given medication for the pain. I had to be put in a wheelchair. This would be hard to get used to. The people gave me a uniform to wear on the way back. I was wheeled onto a bus, and I was being sent home. I looked at all the injured people on the bus, and one I knew. It was Jackson. "Jackson!" I called out weakly. He was in a sling, and was wearing crutches. When he heard me call him he ran to me and hugged me. He looked at my leg, and where my other leg should be. I was in so much pain. "You are as white as a ghost. How are you feeling?" He asked. I shrugged. "I broke my leg, I am missing a leg, and I have burns on my back. What do you think?" I asked a little meanly. "Look, you saved me. I am sorry about what happened. I don't know what I could do to thank you and make you feel better, but I am sorry." He said looking down. I nodded. "It's not your fault." I said. I leaned my head on the window and closed my eyes. I was thinking of the gang. What would they say when I come back?

Dally's POV

It's been 4 months since Coral died. The gang was not the same. But, we were recovering - slowly. Two Bit hasn't made jokes as often as he usually did. Steve hasn't even looked at a car since Coral left. Soda isn't taking it well at all. He never comes out of his room anymore and he quit his job at the DX. Darry has been working more hours. Ponyboy and Johnny cried for like, days, and they are never home. Eric has gotten really mean, and is always drinking. Me? I think I am taking it harder than anyone in the gang. I miss her so much. My usual "No emotion" look is gone. I haven't slept with any girls or anything like that. I have been drinking though. All day everyday. It's great...Because sometimes I am so drunk, I forget that Coral died. But, when I wake up, I remember, and I go through the cycle again. I miss her more than anyone will ever know. And, I know nothing can bring her back. As I stared at one of her pictures (Above), I cried. I walked downstairs to the bar. I have been staying at Bucks. I can't walk into our actual house without crying and missing Coral. I just love her to much, I can't let her go.

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