Chapter 10

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I fell asleep 5 minutes after Soda came into the room. As soon as I fell asleep, I had my vision. And, it was a horrible one...

I was at the Curtis's house. It was the day of the rumble, and it was 9:00 PM. I walked into the living room and saw myself watching TV. There was medical supplies that surrounded me. I smiled at how I am always prepared. Everytime the gang has rumbles, I am their personal nurse afterwards. I looked at the  clock once more. 9:03 PM. There was a knock on the door. I answered it. Joe and his friend were there. They grabbed me. I started to scream. They cut off my clothing, and they raped me. No one was  there to help me, because they were all at the rumble. I started to scream again. I was crying, and no one was there to help. I went through all the possibilities of how to stop this from happening. They all resulted in someone getting hurt. So, all I need to do is tell the boys to get back by 9:03, and if they can't...Well, you know what will happen. 

I woke up to Soda shaking me. I looked over and saw Dally and Darry next to the bed looking worried. "What's wrong guys?" I asked. "We should be asking what's wrong with you...You were screaming in your sleep yelling for one of us to help you." They said. "Well, I got a vision..." I stopped myself. I can't tell them. I went through all the possibilities. If I told them what will happen, they will get hurt trying to come back at 9:03 sharp. I had to fight the guys off myself. "It wasn't important." I said. They nodded. "Well, get some more sleep. It's 1 AM." Darry said. I nodded. Dally kissed my forehead and went back into the living room. I turned and looked at Soda. "You want to tell me what that vision was about?" Soda asked. I nodded no. "If I tell you, you guys will get hurt." I said. "Babe, tell me what happens. Is it about the rumble?" Soda asked. I nodded. "If I tell you, you can't come back here." I said Soda nodded. "So the day of the rumble, at 9:03 PM, Joe and his friends come over and rape me." I said quietly. Soda's eyes got wide. I could tell he was tearing up. "Now how am I not supposed to come back and help you?" He said putting his hand on my head. I shrugged my shoulders. "I will fight them off myself. I would rather have that happen to me then one of you guys get hurt." I said. He nodded. "I am going to give you a knife, gun, and tomorrow we are going to do self defense stuff. Alright?" Soda said seriously. I nodded. I didn't notice I was tearing up until Soda kissed every tear on my face. Then he kissed my nose, then kissed my lips. I smiled and kissed back. I rolled on top of Soda and we kissed for a while. I fell asleep on top of him with Soda running his fingers through my hair. I knew for sure I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

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