Chapter 6

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After Soda and I kissed he smiled, and we exit the room. I could tell my cheeks were bright red so I went to the bathroom. When I Was done, my cheeks weren't red. I walked out of the bathroom. "Are you boys okay?" I asked. "Yeah, but they ain't." Two Bit laughed. I smiled. "Thanks you guys." I said. I sat on the couch. "I told Darry that the kid was there. I don't think I have ever seen Darry punch that hard before." Dally said nudging Darry. "Yeah well no one messes with my kid sister." Darry said smiling. I hugged him, and everyone. "Darry where is Pony and Johnny?" I asked. "They went for a walk. They are going to go to the movies later. As long as they're back by 10:00." He said. I nodded. "I think I am going to go to the movies too. Dal, wanna come?" I asked. "Sure. I ain't got nothing better to do." He said. Before we left the door I looked at Soda who was still blushing. I winked at him, and we left.

*Time Skip*

Dally, Ponyboy, Johnny, and I were at the movie theaters. U was sitting in between Ponyboy and Dally. Two Socs sit down in front of us and start talking. Dally nudges me. "Some cute redhead huh Coral?" Dally said. I rolled my eyes and smirked. Dally continued to talk dirty to this red head. I hit Dal. "Hey man I am getting kinda tired. I am going to the Curtis's." I said. Dally broke from his whole "tough guy act" and whispered to me, "You come right back if any Soc gives you trouble. And, please be safe." He said. I nodded and said bye to Pony and Johnny.

As I was walking home, Scs started to follow me. I started to run to the Curtis house. I ran in the door and slammed it shut, out of breath. I turned around. Soda was on the couch, and Darry was in his chair. "Coral, baby, what are you doing home so soon?" Soda asked. "I Wasn't feeling to well. I wanted to try and sleep or something." I said. Darry smiled and nodded. "What hurts baby?" He asked. "My head." I said. Darry got up from his chair. Darry put his hand on my back and led me to his bedroom. "You can put on one of my big shirts and go to sleep." HE said. "I'll have Soda check on you in a bit." HE said. Before he left the room he turned to me. "Oh, and I know about that kiss." He said. My face turned red. Darry winked and left the room.

Soda came into the room sometime later. He hopped into  bed and cuddled with me for a while. I opened my eyes, and we kissed. I fell back asleep. When I was sleeping I had a dream that Ponyboy ran to the lot, then to the park. There was a whole bunch of Socs beating Johnny and Ponyboy up. Then, Johnny killed the Soc. After, they ran to Dally for help. Dally gave Johnny a gun, some money, and he told them to go on a train to Windrixville to an abandoned church on Jay Mountain. My dream, then ended.

Later, I woke up to yelling. I looked at the clock next to me. SHIT it's  2:01. I ran into the room. Pony said, "Don't you yell at him!" I ran in front of Pony and I got hit. The whole world was quiet. "Baby...I am so sorry." Darry said touching my cheek. "It's okay you didn't mean to." I said in pain. Ponyboy started to run out the door. Soda's eyes were wide, and Soda punched Darry right across the face. "Soda!" I yelled. "No I deserved that." Darry said. "Guys, I am going to get Pony" I said. I looked at the boys and smiled. I started to run out the door to go to the lot. I was starting to run when Soda yelled my name. "Coral!" He yelled. I turned around. He kissed me, and I kissed him back. I quickly said..."If I don't come back, I will be back in 5 days." I said. He looked confused. But, I left him confused. I had to get Pony before anything went down.  

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