Episode 21: Runaway Robot

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Christopher walks into the room where Eliza is waiting for him with a smile on her face.

Christopher: How's the West Wing Wild Child doing today?

Elizabeth Justice: How do you think she's doing, darling?

Eliza blushes heavily before kissing her best friend's lips until they break away for air.

Christopher: I'd say great.

Elizabeth Justice: You are right in your assumption then.

Christopher: How was your mission in Vegas, dude?

Elizabeth Justice: It was intense I was actually allowed to fight against enemy agents alongside my parents.

Christopher: I am seriously hoping my evil uncle doesn't send any one of his remaining agents here to either abduct, or kill me.

Elizabeth Justice: You have an evil uncle?!

Christopher: Yeah, dude. It's a very long story.

Elizabeth Justice: We've got time.

Eliza walks back to the table with their orders as she smiles sweetly and kisses her best friend's cheek and lips three times each before sitting down.

Christopher: Remember when we first met and I was flashing back to the horror I endured?

Elizabeth Justice: Yes I do.

Christopher: The person who tortured me was my evil uncle who grazed my arms and poured rubbing alcohol into the wounds and the cabin we were in was set on fire and on top of that I lost one of my friends due to my team's stupidity and the fact that the sick bastard killed her in front of me and destroyed the murder weapon in the flames.

Elizabeth Justice: Oh, my poor baby. Not to be disrespectful, but at least you survived the ordeal and we have a whole four-organizations worth of agents out looking for him now as we speak so we might be able to find and arrest him for his crimes.

Christopher: The fact that he has already killed more people than just Sunny over time means we either have to lock him up for life or kill him in the most unceremonious way.

Elizabeth Justice: I agree with that, but we can't kill him in cold blood since we'd be in trouble for open murder and you are also a private investigator and the captain of a team of three.

Christopher: If I have to kill him in a fight it's self-defense and a last resort by all means of course.

Elizabeth Justice: I know that we have to first try a peaceful approach with laser guns before moving up to pistols.

Christopher: Hopefully we won't have to do either, dude.

Christopher sips his hot chocolate and takes a bite out of his cherry pie while Eliza does the same with her order as they smile at each other.


Christopher and Eliza continue enjoying their date as everyone's heads turn to see Bryson Byrne and Steve Aneirin walk into the room.

Christopher: I swear to fucking God!

Elizabeth Justice: What's wrong?

Christopher: Just a couple pains in the ass from before we reunited.

Elizabeth Justice: I know Bryson Byrne from my childhood, but who is the other guy?

Christopher: Steve Aneirin, a member of my uncle's team.

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