Episode 18: Christopher and the Vanishing Lady!

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Christopher holds his staff in front of him as he narrows his eyes at Donatello while E fights Phylidia Flanders while Roger almost makes it out of the parking lot only to be stopped in his tracks by Nayte, Shelby, and Seren.

Christopher: I guess you still have a lot left to learn about true power.

Donatello Obscurité: Then you guys are all bound to fail in your efforts to win against my corruption ability.

E.: Then let's see just how you can twist and corrupt your way out of this one.

Phylidia Flanders: We still have a fight to finish against these two.

Roger Clancy: First chance I get I'm bailing.

Nayte Sangrey: We don't wish to fight you either.

Seren Lynn: We'll gladly let you go if you promise not to come back here.

Shelby Ripley: In the meantime let's just kick Phylidia's ass.

Donatello sends planes of darkness after Roger and Phylidia who are both corrupted back into Fire Lord of Flames and Magician of Madness until Nayte tackles them both onto the ground destroying their dark stones destroying them before they even get t he chance to fight at all as Phylidia kicks Nayte in the stomach knocking him into a tree while Roger gets up onto his feet and kicks Seren and Shelby in the stomach knocking them both onto the ground before unsheathing a sword as he slashes it at the team of allies before he takes off running leaving Phylidia Flanders left to fight alone with Donatello while he punches at Christopher and misses his mark before Christopher kicks Donatello in the stomach knocking him onto the ground.

Christopher and Donatello charge at each other trading punches and kicks with each other as they then unsheathe their weapons and clash before sheathing them and continuing to trade punches and kicks with each other as E charges at Donatello who throws a punch at her and misses before he punches her in the face knocking her onto the floor as someone out of nowhere attacks him with a strong strike from a bo staff before he has the chance to respond as Julius leaps down and kicks Donatello in the stomach knocking him onto the ground as he gets back up onto his feet while he throws a dark stone at Julius who swings her staff at it and it gets infected immediately much to everyone's shock and Donatello's joy as Christopher grabs Julius' weapon and snaps it in half destroying the dark stone and reverting the damage done to the staff in the process as he hands Julius back her weapon who smiles and strikes Donatello in the face.

Julius charges at Donatello who tries to take a swing at her only to have his hands tied up by the weapon's whip form as Christopher punches him in the face while E attempts to kick Donatello only to be kicked onto the ground from behind by Phylidia who smiles evilly at her as she kicks Phylidia in the face causing her nose to bleed as she throws a smoke bomb at the ground and disappears the moment E shoots a bullet in her direction as E returns her attention to Donatello who smiles evilly at the trio as Christopher kicks Donatello in the stomach knocking him backwards as he breaks free from Julius' whip and blocks her next ten staff strikes while he grabs Julius by her jacket and throws her onto the ground while throwing punches at the guardians who quickly evade his attacks before Christopher strikes him in the face knocking him onto the ground.

Donatello charges at the team of three as Nayte, Seren, and Shelby charges at him as he smiles evilly as he sees this and throws three more dark stones at them as each stone infects their wristwatches as they are quickly seemingly taken down and under Donatello's control only to reveal that they are more in control as they remove their wristwatches throwing them onto the ground as the dark stones are destroyed by stepping onto the watches reverting the damage to the watches and everything else before they put their watches back on their wrist sand continue the fight with Nayte swinging his staff at Donatello who blocks all of the attacks before disarming him of his weapon before kicking him in the stomach knocking him onto the ground as he and Seren block each other's attacks before the same thing happens to her and Shelby as they hit the ground next.

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