Episode 15: First Friend

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Christopher is seen laying down on the couch as E walks into the room with a new mission and kicks the couch startling the young spymaster.

Christopher (Startled): I'm up.

E.: Good, because you were accepted into the University of Iowa for a mission.

Christopher: What's the mission?

E.: Your mission from the agency's president is to bond with his daughter by becoming her best friend and keeping an eye on her.

Christopher: I'm on it.

E.: Good because this girl, Eliza Justice, is notorious for ditching her secret service agents.

Christopher: I'm completely aware of that. In fact, I know exactly where she is right now.


Christopher walks into the scene waiting for his asset to arrive in order to meet up with Elizabeth face to face.

Christopher: Well, this is exactly where I'm supposed to be meeting the agency president's daughter.

An extremely attractive girl wearing a dark gray tank top with a dark red headband in her hair, a dark red scarf around her neck, dark gray stockings, long wavy brown hair with blonde highlights that reaches her mid-back, a fair skin tone, a red A-line skirt, and black high heels walks over to Christopher waving at him and smiling.

Elizabeth Justice: Hi.

Christopher slowly loses his composure by starting to get nervous.

Christopher (Nervous): H-hi.

He regains his composure again as Eliza looks him in the eye and vice versa.

Elizabeth Justice: You don't have to be nervous, are you by any chance the person my dad sent here to help me?

Christopher: Yeah why?

Elizabeth Justice: Oh, no reason at all.

Christopher: Oh hey, if your dad is the president of something then can you do me a favor and tell him to stop with the whole daylight savings thing or at least add an extra hour to normal time for both?

Eliza giggles at what Christopher had just said.

Elizabeth Justice: Funny and cute. I like that, and I really like you.

Eliza giggles delightfully.

Christopher: Who are you?

Elizabeth Justice: Elizabeth Justice. My friends call me Eliza, but I'll make an exception for you, cutie pie.

Christopher: I'm Christopher Jones.

Elizabeth Justice: It's a pleasure to meet you.

Christopher and Eliza shake hands and smile at each other.

Christopher: Where have I seen you before?

Elizabeth Justice: My dad is kind of the president of an agency called The Federal Organization.

Christopher: Hey, that's where someone I know, works.

Elizabeth Justice: Really?

Christopher: Yes, and you just might already know someone from that agency as well.

Elizabeth Justice: That's so cool.

Christopher: I know right?

Elizabeth Justice: I'll be right back in a minute I have to go get something out of my car.

Secret Team Undercover Season 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora