How Do You Do, Styles?

Start from the beginning

    Harry understood. "Oh, right." he laughed.

   I softly giggled. "Yeah. I'm Tiffany, by the way. My friend, Zoe, is in the restroom." I told him. "Well, thanks again. Sorry I bumped into you..." I said. "And wasting your time." I added softly.

   To my surprise, he actually heard it. He looked at me with his eyebrows raised and a "Are you kidding me?" expression. "You didn't waste my time, Tiffany!" he exclaimed.

   "No?" I asked. "But I mean, you're Harry Styles--"

    He cut me off. "And that's supposed to mean...?" he asked.

    "No! I mean, um, I mean don't you have to go somewhere? Ya know, record songs or be with your bandmates?"

    "Oh," he said. "I see. Well, we're sort of on vacation right now. We just finished our last concert in Australia, and we're back home for a couple of weeks to rest and hang out. I'm staying at the hotel with the guys for a week until I go back to Holmes Chapel. You might have seen Niall and Zayn? They were covered up though, so maybe not. Liam and Louis are with their girlfriends." I barely heard half of what he said. I was too busy admiring his husky accent.

    I nodded and sat down next to a table. Harry sat across from me, setting his drink on the top. "Well, I noticed Niall a bit. His hair color sort of gave him off."

    "Funny. You're not screaming or fainting right now. Most of the girls the lads and I talk to either scream, faint, or just freeze up." he observed. "You're different."

    I blushed again. Damn it, stupid bloody cheeks. Hah, I'm getting on the British lingo. "Well, I mean, I admit I'm a fan. But I don't listen very often, and believe me, I'm screaming on the inside. Just not as much as you think." I laughed.

    He looked at me and tilted his head to the side a little. I instantly felt insecure. Why was he looking at me like that? Did he think I wasn't pretty or something? Was there something on my face? my teeth? Did he think my laugh was dorky? Zoe always teased me about my laugh, saying that it sounded like I was half choking, half giggling. I didn't really pay attention to that until now.

    While my mind was rambling, I managed to act natural. Oh, who am I kidding? I was sitting there like a rock, observing him observing me.

    He tilted his head back to its original postion, which meant he was done thinking. "You have an American accent!" he announced with a bright smile. I left out a breath that I hadn't realized I'd been holding. "Where in America are you from?"

    "California." I simply said. I unwrapped a straw and stuck it in my iced mocha. I looked at Zoe's drink. It was melting a bit. Come to think of it, where was she?

    As if on cue, Zoe popped up out of no where and put her hands on her hips. At first she didn't notice Harry. "Sorry I took so long. There was a lady in there and it sounded like she was giving bir--" she stopped when her eyes landed on Harry. She quirked an eyebrow up. "Who's that?" she demanded, jutting her thumb at him.

    I frowned at her manners. She's a very straight forward person. "That's Harry. Styles. From One Direction." I said slowly.

    Harry smiled and awkwardly waved at Zoe, who didn't return the gesture. Instead, she rolled her eyes at me and said, "I know who he is but why is he here?" she said. I smacked my hand on my face and groaned inwardly. Zoe looked at Harry who had an amused expression then back at me. I guess she decided to ignore everything because she bent over to retrieve her drink, sticking her straw into it and sipping the life out of her cup. "Oh, Starbucks here is way better than Cali. Right, Tiff?" Zoe isn't that big of a fan for One Direction, like me. I mean, we both love their music and the boys themselves, but we just don't spend 24/7 of our lives on them. Zoe's favorite is Niall--no surprise there--because he's blond. Again, no surprise there. Literally, all of her boyfriends were blond, fake or natural. She never had a serious boyfriend, which was why she kept chasing a guy after another guy after another. I'm hoping that if she meets Niall, she won't scare this one off, and Niall won't break Zoe.

Catch Me ~ A One Direction/Harry Styles Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now