f i f t y t h r e e

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When Talia and I got back to my flat I put Keegan on the floor in the living room with the majority of her toys so that she would be distracted while I spoke to Talia about what had just happened back at Harry's family home.
"She was bang out of order back there." Talia said as she sat down on the stool near the breakfast bar,
"Yeah but so was I looking back at what I had said, I told Harry that he can't see his daughter. He has only just started to get to know her and I'm already thinking of stopping that over an argument with his mum." I sighed, the front door opened and in walked Cal with Herb and when Keegan saw the little dog she ran over to him and hugged him, he instantly licked her face which made her laugh.

"Cal I'm in such a mess." I groaned as I walked over to him,
"Is it money because you know I will-"
"No it's not money, I have enough of that to keep me going for a few years. It's Harry's family." I told him
"More specifically his mum." Talia said
"What's happened?" He asked me.
"Basically his mum was basically calling me a bad mum and that I have anger issues I was then called a slag by her, she said that Keegan would be better off with a proper family where they can support her." I sighed
"Well that ridiculous." Cal expressed
"She also said that Raye leaches off of us all for money and that all the men she has in her life will confuse Keegan oh and that by having Simon in her life constantly she will get confused and start calling him dad instead of Harry." Talia explained to Cal who hugged me.

"She is bang out of order because you're great with Keegan and she doesn't understand that for a year you have been looking after her on your own really well you have only been back for a short amount of time and still you are coping. This thing you have with Simon won't complicate things for Keegan because you obviously know to limit your time with him." Cal explained, and I nodded quickly
"Talia can you call Simon he needs to hear all of this." I sighed as I looked at Keegan who came fumbling over to Cal with Herb following her. When we saw Herb he had Keegan's hair grips in his fur with her scrunchies on his ears which made us laugh, she also pulled on Call's trouser leg for attention. "She wants you to pick her up." I told him and when Cal realised he swept up my daughter and held her with a smile which she reciprocated instantly.

(*Time Skip*)

Simon arrived when I put Keegan down for her nap, he saw Talia and Cal sitting in the living room and then he came over to me.
"You okay?" He asked in his normal tone,
"Keep it down a bit I've just gotten her off for a nap." I say as I point to Keegan's bedroom,
"So why am I here?" He asked us all.
"Charming(?!)" I say sarcastically with a slight snap to my voice also.
"N-no I don't mean it like that." He said
"No it's not your fault I'm just not in the best of moods that's all basically-" after I explained everything to Simon he was just as angry as the rest of us were about this whole thing.
"Do you reckon she'll take you to court?" He asked me curiously
"She can do all she bloody wants she's not having full custody of my daughter I understand that all kids need both parents but I have raised her since she was a second old and I'm not going to hand her over just because I didn't give Harry the chance to get to know her."
"Isn't that a little selfish?" Cal asked me
"Who's side are you on?!" I whisper shouted at him.
"Yours obviously but I'm just saying if they do decide to take this too court then isn't that how the judge is going to see it? As you being selfish?" He asked
"Well they can think what they like. I know and love my daughter and I will not hand her over with a slam of a gavel." I tell them all.

There was another knock at my door and when Talia answered it for me in walked Harry who I was less than pleased to see right now,
"You have a nerve." Simon says to him,
"I take it these two know." Harry says referring to Cal and Simon and I nod,
"Of course they do how could I not tell them? Or will too many men knowing interfere with Keegan and her confused little head." I snapped at Harry who frowned.
"Don't be childish Raye." He sighed
"I'm not being childish I'm looking out for my daughter." I say to him,
"Who is also my daughter." He rolled his eyes at me.
"Don't try that with me Harry you may be her dad but I am the one who has raised her, a couple of trips and days out with daddy doesn't qualify you to have the title." I say to him angrily
"Yet that was all down too you! You were the one who stopped me because you decided to do a fucking runner!" He shouted at me.

"Don't raise your voice at me." I scowl
"I'll do what I like when you're stopping me from seeing Keegan!" He kept shouting and each time he raised his voice I kept looking at her bedroom door and kept expecting her to burst out into tears because she was woken up.
"She's asleep so stay quiet or I won't talk about this with you." I warn him,
"How am I supposed to stay quiet when you're stopping access?!" He snapped again,
"Stop shouting." Simon warned him also
"Oh I wondered how long it would take before you would pipe up! This has got nothing to do with you Simon so just stay out of this." Harry growled lane eventually Keegan woke up crying so I sighed heavily.
"Well done now she won't sleep at all." I huffed as I walked into her room,
"I'll put her back down." Harry said as he walked over to the bedroom,
"I think you've done enough." I snapped as I took Keegan from her cot and brung her into the living room.

She rubbed her eyes and rested her head on my chest as she sucked on the ear of her toy rabbit.
"Let me hold her." Harry said and I was contemplating it for a moment before handing Keegan over and when she saw Harry and the darkness in his eyes she burst into tears again.
"Give her here." Simon said and Harry refused,
"Harry just hand her over." I said but yet again he refused but Keegan was still crying so Simon just took her and held her and instantly she stopped crying.
"I don't believe this." Harry huffed,
"She may only be a year old but she can sense things Harry especially when people are upset." I told him,
"Whatever you'll be hearing from my lawyer." Harry huffed as he stormed out of the flat.
"Looking forward to it!" I call out as I hear the door slam shut and a now Happy Keegan smiling at Simon and the others along with myself.

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