t w e n t y t h r e e

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When I woke up I was lying on Gee's sofa covered in black fluffy blanket, I sat up from the sofa and I looked behind me to see Will in the kitchen getting milk out of the fridge when he turned around he saw me looking at me and he smiled at me slightly
"Good morning." He said to me
"Is it really good? I've got a massive headache and the room is spinning."
"Well that's called a hangover Raye get used to it." Will laughed as he passed my a warm cup of tea for my to drink
"What happened last night?" I asked
"Well you were having a good time until you started hanging around with Cal, he got you extremely drunk and you were having the time of your life you did spend the majority of your time with Harry-"
"Who's Harry?" I asked him
"You don't remember do you? *Will showed me a picture that was taken of Harry and I- that didn't jog my memory so he showed me his YouTube channel* do you remember him now?"
"A little bit. I do remember talking to Simon for a little bit." I said while sipping my tea
"Well it wasn't really a talk more of an argument." Will told me just as Gee walked into the room
"Are you talking about her and Simon?" Gee asked Will as she sat down on the sofa with me, Will nodded as a response as he ate his food
"You two were really going at each other. It was like you genuinely hated him you were so angry at him and he was so angry at you." Gee laughed which made me laugh a little bit
"I didn't do anything that could've upset someone did I?" I asked the both of them
"Apart from calling Simon's date a whore I don't think you said anything else." Gee giggled slightly, I put my hands over my face and fell back into the sofa and started to laugh a little
"What about Joe?" I asked them both
"You didn't talk to him." Will said
"Alright well that's good I think I'm going to go home and just sleep for the day." I said to them both as I stood up from the sofa and started to walk towards their front door
"You can't go home and sleep." Gee said
"Why not?" I asked her curiously
"You've actually forgotten haven't you?" Gee laughed a little in disbelief
"Well obviously I have so what is it?"
"You agreed to do the Sidemen clothing photography with Freya, Emily, Nia and Steph." Gee told me
"Can't I cancel I really just want to sleep."
"Nope. You promised Josh you would do it." Gee smiled at me, I just whined and groaned loudly in annoyance as I left the flat and walked home in my battered dark angels costume in broad daylight where everyone could see me. When I got home I walked through the front door and went straight into my bathroom so I could have a shower and get cleaned up for later on.

When I got out of the shower my phone started to ring and I saw that it was Josh so I answered his call

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When I got out of the shower my phone started to ring and I saw that it was Josh so I answered his call.
"Hey Josh." I said to him
'You sound rough are you still up for the photo shoot?' He asked me
"Yeah I'll still do it. When do you want me round yours?" I asked him
'In the next twenty minutes would be great.' He said to me
"I better leave now seeing as it takes me twenty minutes to get to yours." I laughed a little
'Yeah you should. Look when you're here try not to cause any arguments.'
"With who?" I asked him in confusion
'Simon and his lady friend.' Josh laughed a little
"Why would I start an argument with Simon? His lady friend I can understand because I called her a whore but why with Simon?" I asked
'Wow you really don't remember do you?'
"Obviously I don't remember look I've got to leave now but I won't start any arguments if they don't start one with me." I joked which made Josh laugh
'I already told Simon the same thing and seeing as you don't remember what he said I guess there is no need for arguments.' Josh told me
"What did Simon say Josh?" I asked
'I've got to go see you soon.'
"Josh what did-"
"Jo-" I was then cut off because Josh had ended the call and it made me curious yet suspicious of why he cut the call even shorter and wouldn't tell me what Simon had told me last night that I had forgotten.

I grabbed my car keys and left the house so I could help with promoting more of the Sidemen clothing line. It didn't take me long to get to the house and when I did there weren't many cars in the driveway which meant that I would be able to park actually on their property. I parked the car and got out giving two light knocks on the door which was opened by Tobi who smiled and hugged me as he took me inside the house.
"Guys! Raye is here!" He called to the others Josh then stepped out of the kitchen and passed me some clothes that I was going to wear there was a blue tie dye top and some black leggings that had the letters 'SDMN' printed in white on the leg. I smiled at Josh as I took the clothes I then went upstairs into the bathroom so I could change and as I was going to the bathroom I heard Simon and his 'girlfriend' talking in his room. Normally I wouldn't listen in but I had the urge to do so.
"I don't want her doing this Simon."
"She's a friend of the guys Liv I can't tell her to leave." He told her
"But she called me a whore! And quite frankly I don't like her she fancies you Simon it's plain as day you can see it written all over her face when you walk into a room." She snapped at him
"Look. Raye is a friend I've known her for a few years I'm not telling her to leave and I promise she is no threat to you."
"I don't feel threatened by her at all." The girl objected
"You're so cute when you're jealous." He said and I could tell he was smiling at her by the way he was talking; I was being the stupid and clumsy girl that I was I dropped my clothes on the floor making a slight thudding noise, my eyes went wide as I quickly and quietly rushed into the bathroom so I could change.

When I was getting changed there was a knock at the bathroom door,
"Hold on." I said quickly as. himself slipped on my shoes and left the bathroom when I walked out I saw Simon leaning up against the wall next to the bathroom door
"Have you been in there the whole time?" He asked me
"Yeah why?" I asked trying to play dumb
"Because I swear I heard someone outside my bedroom door." He said
"Well I don't know I've been getting changed so unless it was one of the boys I can't help you." I said innocently as I started to walk towards the stairs. The door opened and out stepped Liv
"Hello Raye." She said bitterly
"Olivia. Are you doing the promotion too?" I asked her
"No I didn't want to." She said
"You didn't want to support your boyfriends clothing line. Such a shame." I say as I walked down the stairs but I stopped quickly when I remembered something that happened last night. Simon called me a whore because of Harry and I don't know why but it hurt me to hear that from him. I got into the back garden and saw the girls getting ready to have their photos taken I walked past Harry who was going to be our photographer I put my hand on his shoulder which got his attention I then smiled at him as I walked over to the girls, he just smiled and rolled his eyes slightly at me.

(*Time Skip*)

"Raye will you have a photo with Simon?" Harry asked me
"No" both I and Olivia said in unison, everyone understood why Olivia said no but I on the other hand it didn't make sense to any of them.
"Why not?" Simon asked me quickly
"Because I don't want one with you that's why, just have Olivia do it I'm sure she'll be more than happy to do it." I snarled at him, Simon just stood there in shock along with everyone else whereas I walked away taking Olivia by the hand so that we could change clothes
"Look I'm sorry about last night I tend to be quite different when I'm drunk."
"*sigh* it's fine don't worry about it." She smiled
"And I'm sorry for the snide comment I made upstairs as well." I apologised which just made Olivia laugh slightly. We swapped clothes and I decided to leave the house and go home, when I was about to get into my car Simon called out my name I just rolled my eyes and faves him with anger
"What's wrong with you?" He asked
"You are. Do you actually think I'm a whore?" I asked him in anger
"I was drunk Raye I didn't mean it!"
"Yeah but a drunk mans words are a sober mans thoughts." I said slowly, Simon just stood in upset "so I was right." I sighed as I got into my car and drove home.

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