t w e n t y t w o

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The taxi pulled up outside of my house and I rushed inside and called out to Joe and I got no reply which either meant that he hadn't gotten back yet or he had gotten back before me and had already left me. I decided to sit on the second step from the bottom that was opposite from the front door so that when it opened I would see Joe instantly and I wouldn't miss him coming here. It did take a while but eventually a car turned up and the door opened Joe stepped inside the house and he looked down at me and frowned slightly as I stared at him with my puffy red eyes that had mascara smudged ever so lightly underneath them.
"Please let me get my things Raye." He sighed as he placed his keys down on the radiator
"No not before you listen to me. I agreed to come back and talk to you yesterday night so what's changed since then because if it's that photo that JJ posted then I promise that is was nothing more than two friends watching films until we both fell asleep." I explained to Joe as he stood in front of me with his hands in his back pockets of his black joggers
"It's not just that. I feel like I'm going to be second best to you, you're best friends with Simon and even though I'm meant to be your boyfriend I feel like I'm the best friend and he's the boyfriend because of all the time that you spent together talking and hanging out and if you aren't doing that then you're texting each other planning to hang out another time; when you do that there is never any enough time for us anymore." He explains to me
"I'm sorry you feel like that. I promise in no way did I want you to feel like that." I told him as I cried a little
"Look Raye, I still love you but I think that we should just take a break and see other people for a little while. If nothing comes of it then fine but if something does I just want you to be happy." Joe suggested and when I heard him tell me that I could feel myself getting even more upset
"I just want you to be happy and if this is how you're going to be happy then fine. We'll take a break." I sighed Joe then sat next to me on the steps and I leaned my head on his shoulder while he wrapped his arm around me waist pulling me closer into his body.


It was the next day and for the first time in a while I was actually upset to wake up alone, I just lied in bed curled into a ball with the covers pulled right up to my neck barely being able to see over the top of them. I was really upset about what Joe had suggested but if that's what he wanted to do then I had to let him I wasn't going to deny his happiness just because I wasn't so keen on the idea even though I didn't want to tell him that because I would just come off as really selfish and that would only make the whole so much worse so I just had to let him go.
While I was lying in my bed I heard my front door open and close and a muffled voice call out to me but I just ignored them until they came into my bedroom, I heard Freya sigh and she sat on the edge of my bed and stroked the top of my head.
"Josh told me what happened yesterday." She said to me
"We're on a break. He wants to see other people." I say quietly barely audible
"I'm sorry Raye I know how much you loved him but maybe this is a good thing." Freya suggested which got my attention a little bit more
"How can not seeing the person that I love be a good thing?" I ask her a little rudely
"Well I know for a fact that a certain Minter really likes you. Maybe this could be your chance to spend some more time with and get to know each other a bit better." Freya said to me
"I don't want to. This whole thing started because of Simon and I spending time together." I sighed
"Yeah I know but this time you can actually spend time together without feeling guilty or looking over your shoulder in case you would upset Joe."
"Maybe." I whispered to myself while thinking about what Freya had said
"Look. The way I see it is that you can do what you want now and so can Joe so there is not point thinking about the 'what ifs' and the 'maybes' so get dressed we're going to go shopping and then all of us are going to a Halloween party tonight that Gee is hosting." Freya smiled at me
"I don't really feel like it Frey." I said
"Come on! Look if you don't like it or feel uncomfortable at anytime you can leave." She told me
"Fine I'll come." I have into her
"Great! Well get dressed we're going shopping with Emily, Katie, Gee, Talia, Nia, Steph and Sarah." Freya smiled at me, so I got out of my bed and walked over to my wardrobe to pick out some clothes to wear.

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