f o r t y f i v e

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Eighteen Months Later

Getting ready for a child's birthday party is extremely stressful, especially if you're a single mum aged twenty one, living in the centre of Newcastle in a fairly small apartment, working a full time job wanting nothing more than just to relax and spend time with your child. Keegan is my daughter and she is the light of my life, the centre of my universe and the point of my existence. Keegan was born on the seventh of September on the yellow sandy beach not far from our house. Of course I should be making this day the happiest day for her and for me; a year ago today I became a mum for the first time, but, there is a small thought in the back of mind because today is also Simon's birthday and he'll be turning twenty five. I guess I want to forget about his birthday because it reminds me that I left him behind without saying a word to him I just packed my things and decided to leave. I don't know why but I didn't sell my old apartment in the Halo tower because somehow it did feel wrong to do so, so now it is just sitting there completely empty and untouched just like it was on the day that I left London and instead came to Newcastle.

It was very late at night when I was decorating the apartment for Keegan's birthday, I was putting up loads of balloons, banners, streamers and I was setting out all of her presents ready for her to open in the morning when she wakes up. When I finally finished I walked into my bedroom closing the living room door behind me so Keegan could be surprised in the morning when she wakes up. I lied down on my bed staring at my phone that was lying face down on my bedside table and I don't know what came over me but I took hold of my phone and went straight into my contacts and scrolled down to Harry's name. I contemplated for a good twenty minutes before I clicked on his name to send him a text. The only thing that I worried about was, what to send him. I can't exactly spring on him that he has a daughter that would be weird since I have been missing from his life for eighteen months. I then started to type a text to him and before I knew it I had hit send and there was no coming back from it now I just hoped that Harry still had the same phone number after all this time.


I woke up the next day to hear Keegan gurgling over the baby monitor so I got out of bed, grabbed an oversized jumper and slipped it on while I made my way down the hallway to Keegan's bedroom. I walked over to her baby blue curtains and opened them quite quickly and I watched Keegan watch my every move because she is a very curious girl.
"Hello Gorgeous." I smiled down at her as I picked her up out of her crib where she hugged me back as I carried her down the hall. I the placed her down on the wooden floor and opened the living room door to reveal the decorations waiting inside to be admired by Keegan, who quickly walked in with excitement as she played with the balloons that were tied onto some long string, she then walked over to her presents and looked at me for confirmation. I nodded with a smile as I sat down on the sofa which is when smiled and one by one she grabbed hold of the presents and placed them down by my feet before she sat down in front of them and opened them in front of me.

(*Time Skip*)

I had dressed Keegan in her new clothes and placed a headband around her head that had a little yellow bow on top of it, I then left her to play on my bedroom floor with her new toys while I grabbed some clothes to wear so I could go and change in the bathroom really quickly.

I had dressed Keegan in her new clothes and placed a headband around her head that had a little yellow bow on top of it, I then left her to play on my bedroom floor with her new toys while I grabbed some clothes to wear so I could go and change in...

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

When I walked out Keegan had hold of my phone and started tapping the blank screen and kept holding it to her face like she was trying to talk to someone but surprisingly a male's voice called out that knew too well.
'Hello? Raye is that you?' The voice called out and I started to panic at the voice of Cal(Freezy) so I quickly grabbed the phone from Keegan and ended the call and because I snatched the phone away from her she started to cry so I apologised to her and got her to calm down and stop crying. While she was now happily playing on the bedroom floor I opened up my messages to see that I didn't get a reply from Harry. Part of me was glad about it but the other half was slightly disappointed that he never replied to my message, so instead I opened up my previous messages with Smon and decided to send him a birthday message I have been in hiding for long enough now, he and they others need to know that I am okay.
R: 'I know this will come as a shock to you that I am sending you a text message after so long, but I just thought that I would wish you a happy birthday xx'

Unlike with Harry I didn't have any doubts are second guesses about sending the message I just tapped the button on the screen and that was that, I felt a lot better that I had sent that message to Simon I just hope he will be pleased to receive it from me after all this time. I was looking down at Keegan and just stared at her questioning myself if what I was about to do would be the right decision for her let alone for me. So I grabbed two overnight bags and I started to pack my things and her things into the two separate bags, it didn't take very long to get organised so I started to put the two bags into my car along with Keegan's car seat and her pushchair which I folded up and put into the back of my car. I put all my essential things into my black handbag and then I grabbed my phone, house keys and put them into my handbag after I locked up the house, I put Keegan's little red autumn coat on with her little black hat on her head just before I placed her in the car and strapped her up so that I was ready to leave, I took my car keys out of my back pocket and I got into the car and started my trip to London which could probably either change things for me either for the better or for the worse.

Simon's POV

I was currently sat round my parents house while we celebrated my birthday, normally I would spend my birthday with the boys and we would go out the night of my birthday but this year I fancied a change so the night before I drove to their house and spent the night there so I could have my birthday at the family house the next day. When I woke up the next day I could hear the radio downstairs in the kitchen and I could smell pancakes so I checked my phone to see that it was half past ten in the morning, I got out of bed and put on some shorts along with last nights t shirt and I made my way downstairs to be attacked by Herbie the family dog I laughed and made a fuss of him before I made my way into the kitchen to see my mum making pancakes while my dad was setting the table.

"Happy birthday Si." My mum smiled at me as she started to plate up all of the pancakes for us to eat together,
"Thanks mum." I smiled back at her as I sit down at the table putting a couple of pancakes onto my plate, I was going through Twitter looking at all the birthday messages that I was getting when I felt sick and dropped my knife and fork on the plate quite hard.
"You okay Simon? You look like you've seen a ghost." My dad jokes but little does he know I actually feel like I have seen a ghost when I see the name pop up.
"Si?" My mum asks me as I don't reply to my dad, I then look up at her and hum slightly
"Sorry, fine I just got a message thats all." I say to her not wanting to go into detail so I put my phone down and carry on eating.
"Well aren't you going to reply?" Dad asks me
"Reply to what?"
"The text that you got." He says to me
"Huh o-oh yeah I will, I'll do it later."
"You okay Simon?" My mum asks me with slight concern,
"Yeah i'm fine don't worry." I reply to her as I continue eating my pancakes.

(*Time Skip*)

I was currently sat in my old bedroom with my phone in my hands contemplating whether to reply to the text or not but after minutes- which felt like hours I eventually decided to reply to the text but just as I was about to I got a call from Sarah so I instantly picked up the phone.
'Simon. You need to come home, like now." Sarah says very quickly and seriously
"Why what's wrong?" I ask her trying to keep calm
'Just come home it is better if you do.'
"I can't just leave Saz i'm with my mum and dad." I tell her seriously
'Trust me Si you're going to want to come home.' Sarah says before she ends the call on me, but due to the curiosity shooting through my mind I grab my car keys and decide to do what Sarah says and I come back to london. I explain to my parents that I need to go home and they understand I could see the disappointment in my mum's eyes as I tell her that I am going but nevertheless I still leave telling them both that I would either come back tomorrow or in a couple of days. Si Get into my car and drive back to London.

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