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A few days had passed since Joe and I kissed and honestly this is the happiest I've ever been even when we were in a relationship a few years ago the feeling that I get when I'm with him now is so much better then it was before and I guess it is because both Joe and I are in much more happier places then we were before, especially Joe and I'm so proud of him I can't even put it into words. Today was Saturday which meant it was Upload day and I was going with Joe and Elliot and hopefully this year is going to be so much better then it was before. I got up at around seven in the morning to feel the body heat of Joe beside me which I loved the feeling of, I sat up slowly without disturbing Joe I then tied back my hair and shook Joe lightly to try and wake him up but it wasn't working; Joe had always been a heavy sleeper and it was a nightmare to wake him up even when it was important events like today for example.
"Joe you need to wake up." I said but I got no reply "Joe!" I said a little louder but like before, no reply I then grabbed my pillow and smacked him repeatedly on the face and on his chest to wake him up which of course it did. Joe groaned in annoyance before he took hold of my pillow and threw it across the other side of my room I smiled sweetly at him, Joe then pulled my on top of him so I was sitting on his waist with my legs either side of him,
"You have to get up you know." I said
"I know but can't we just stay like this for a little longer?" He asked in his morning voice
" 'fraid not mate." I smiled at Joe I then kissed his head and played with his un styled hair that drooped over his face perfect.
"Fine I'll get up." He gave him I then went to get off of Joe when he grabbed me from behind and got out of bed and carried me round the room before he threw my down on my bed on my back as he towered of the top of my leaving kisses up my neck and jaw getting closer and closer to my lips which is when I broke us apart by laughing a little and smiling into it which made Joe do the same thing as well.

" He gave him I then went to get off of Joe when he grabbed me from behind and got out of bed and carried me round the room before he threw my down on my bed on my back as he towered of the top of my leaving kisses up my neck and jaw getting close...

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I decided to not wear much makeup only mascara, concealer, eyeshadow, eyeliner, fill in my eyebrows and do my highlighter. When I finished getting ready I grabbed my car keys and other things and waited by the front door for Joe so I could drive and pick Elliot up on the way to the Upload event,
"Joe did you book that hotel room like I asked you to?!" I shouted as I knew Joe was still upstairs getting ready
"Shit! I knew I had forgotten something I'm so sorry Raye." Joe frowned
"*sigh in annoyance* it's fine book just book one in the car while I'm driving to pick up Elliot." I told him as he came down the stairs and over to me near the front door
"I really am sorry." I said sadly
"It's fine honest." I smiled at him before I kissed him lightly on his head before we left my house to go and pick up Elliot and drive all of us to Tobacco Dock.

(*Time Skip*)

When Joe, Elliot and I arrived at Tobacco Dock we obviously had to go in round the back because of all the fans and when I walked in I got a chill and not because it was cold but purely because of my memories of the last time that I came here I was just hoping that this years was going to be so much better, I must have zoned out for quite a while because Elliot was trying to get my attention by calling my name but I just wasn't paying attention to him.
"Raye!" He said a little louder this time which made me jump as I snapped out of my thoughts
"Sorry what were you saying?" I asked
"Joe and I are going to see Tobi and the others are you coming coming?"
"U-um yeah I'll come I need to talk to some people." I said trying not to make it obvious that I was gritting my teeth and the fact that I was clearly mad. The three of us walked down the stairs and into the main meet and greet rooms and that's where I saw the two people who at this current moment in time despised so much it was indescribable.
Chloe and I clocked eyes, and looked at Simon, tapped him on the shoulder and then he looked at me I then watched as Chloe walked over to me trying to take me by the arm to walk away from the others but I snatched my arm away from her as I didn't want her to touch me.
"Long time no see Raye." She laughed a little nervously
"Yeah and I wonder why?" I asked in annoyance
"Look I-"  but as I was so angry I cut her off
"No you're going to listen to me for a change. How do you I felt when you stopped talking to me for two whole years? I honestly thought that it was because I was getting close with Joe and I knew that you liked him but no turns out you were actually hooking with the guy that I liked and you knew I liked him and before you give me that shit and say that you didn't know you can't deny it I told you everything." I said in pain and anger
"It just kind of happened it wasn't planned and I definitely didn't get with him to hurt him honestly. We just started to talk and it just escalated from there really." She explained
"I just can't believe you palmed me off for him like I know he's cute and everything but you were my best friend and what suddenly Simon Minter is more important than me now?!" I shout getting everyone's attention including Simon's because he heard me say his name
"No you are so much more important than him."
"Then why didn't it feel like it and why did you ditch me?" I asked her
"Because I was scared to hurt you by telling you about us both." She sighed
"You're hurting me now!" I shout at her as I storm out of the meet and greet room. I decided to take a walk around the set up and I came across Callux's meet new greet room; luckily it was open so I went inside and sat behind the board that was propped up against the wall.

About half an hour later I heard someone call out in the room
"Hello?" They said rather cheerfully
"Fuck off." I sniffled knowing that it was Simon's voice which I had heard, he then came and sat down next to me "do you not understand the meaning of fuck off?" I asked him in anger
"You're crying Raye I wanted to see if you were okay." He said calmly
"Oh so now you care? Two years too late mate." I said spitefully to him
"It wasn't my fault Raye you were annoyed and upset at me I didn't think that you would want to speak to me or try and work things out between us."
"So what? You thought you would just give up on me? Of course I wanted to work things out with you Simon you were my idol at that time my fucking hero and what you thought that instead of trying to make things work you would move onto my best friend instead?!" I snap at him in fury and hurt
"Raye it-"
"I'm not done. Do you know how much you hurt me when you didn't bother to make things work but yet neither one of you had the decency to tell me that you were dating I had to find out from my fucking boyfriend. It fucking killed me to think that you didn't care anymore." I explained to him
"Who's your boyfriend?" He asked in confusion and curiosity
"Joe." I said bluntly to him
"Oh wow." He said in shock
"Nothing you did good." He joked
"No one is better then you." I mumbled Simon didn't reply to me instantly
"How can you sit here and say that I didn't care about you?!" He suddenly snapped at me
"Because you didn't try!" I shouted at him "you didn't try." I whispered in defeat as I stood up and walked away from Simon who just sat in the room. I got close to the door when Simon called out my name
"Raye!" I turned around with red puffy eyes and looked at him in sorrow "I'm sorry." He said lightly, he then opened his arms out for me to hug him, I sighed with relief and quickly walked over to him and returned his hug while I buried my head into his chest he buried his into the crook of my neck as he has to bend down because I was quite a bit smaller than him.
"I love you." He blurted out to me, I then pulled away in shock and looked at him
"What about Chloe?" I asked him
"Of course I care for you but she's not you I haven't even said that I love her yet." He tells me
"And you've been going out for two years. Yet we've spoken for about twenty minutes and you're now telling me after knowing me again for a day also knowing that I'm with Joe." I say
"I know it's fucked up but it's true." Simon said to me I just hugged him tightly and didn't repeat the three words he said to me because honestly I don't know how I feel about anyone.

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