t h i r t y s i x

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It was the day after the tournament and after it happened JJ held a after party in Wembley arena for all of his friends and I'm pretty sure Joe even went I'm not sure. I on the other hand went home and cried myself to sleep and felt sick from doing so, I was so upset and worn out that I actually made myself ill from crying so much over Harry which I'll admit I didn't actually knew could happen, I was currently lying on the sofa with a blanket wrapped around me, staring at the sun through the window that was peaking over the buildings in London when there was a knock at my door
"Go away!" I called out to them barely being able to speak
"It's Will, please let me in Raye." He said
"Leave me alone Will, please I just want to be alone." I said sadly, I then got no reply from Will all I got was the sound of my door unlocking and then footsteps walking across my wooden floor and that's when I saw Will standing in front of me just staring. "I said I didn't want you here! How did you even get a key?" I asked him
"I took Gee's spare one. Has he been over to see you at all?" Will asked obviously referring to Harry I just shook my head simply yet the thought of him would send me off into to tears again and at this point I didn't care who I was in front of while crying I was absolutely heartbroken about last night and even though I don't think I'll say it I just need some company because I really don't want to be alone while feeling like this. "I'm so sorry Raye." Will said as he came and sat with me
"Why? You weren't the one who cheated on me." I sighed as I wiped my eyes while Will pulled me in for a hug.

"I know but I just-"
"There is nothing you can say or do Will that will make me feel better or remotely happier. Did he go to the party last night?" I asked Will very quickly changing the subject off of me
"No he didn't go last night, he said that he wasn't feeling well but Kirsty went and she tried to get Harry in with her but neither JJ or Joe would let him inside the party. Let us help you Raye you have so many people in your life who love and care for you please let them help you." Will explained to me
"I don't want pity I just want to be left alone nothing any of you can do can make me feel better." I remind Will as I move myself off of him so I could stop being hugged by him. I then heard my phone ring and when I looked at the caller ID on the screen I saw Simon's name light up so I picked up the phone and passed it to Will
'Hello Raye are you okay? What happened?' I heard Simon ask on speaker
"It's Will, Raye is- asleep on the sofa." Will lied for me
'How is she?' Simon asked Will casually
"She's not good. She's cried a little but that has made her ill so she stopped now she doesn't want us near her she doesn't want our pity she just wants to be left alone." Will explained to Simon very bluntly.

'Jesus, well what even happened yesterday night? All I saw was Raye punch Kirsty in the face and then slap Harry.' Simon said instantly reminding me of what I had done last night
"Put two and two together." Will said
'Shit. I'll kill him.' Simon said angrily and I was starting to get worked up and slightly scared, Will noticed me behaviour and tried to calm me down
"You know she won't want you to do that." Will said to Simon trying to stop him
'I don't care she can't make decisions anymore I have to do it for her.' Simon said to Will and I wasn't going to say anything because I thought he was just really angry that was until I heard the noise of car keys being picked up so I knew I had to say something before Simon did something that he would seriously regret doing.
"Simon don't." I say barely audible
'Raye. I can't let this happen to you, let me help please?' He asked me
"Why? Why should you help?"
'Because I care about you.'
"What like you did when you were the one who hurt me and made me leave? Remember Simon? Because we have been here before so what makes you any better then Harry right now besides the cheating part?" I asked him
'That's not fair Raye.' Simon sighed
"Life's not fair! I mean it Simon if you go and hurt him I will never ever speak to you again and that is a promise."

'Raye don't be like this, I know you're hurt but don't shut us out.' Simon sighed
"Good bye Simon." I ended the call and then I threw my phone across my living room in anger and upset I saw in the corner of my eye Will jump with fear
"He was only trying to help you Raye."
"And I didn't ask for it! I don't need help from him or you or anyone for that matter. In fact why don't you just go?" I asked him sounding agitated
"Get out!" I shout as I get up while grabbing hold of Will's arm and I pushed him out of my apartment slamming the door in his face, I then put my head in my hands and slid down the door and I just collapsed on the floor in my blanket with tears falling down my face.

Will POV

After she slammed the door on my face I walked up the stairs and went back into my flat to see Gee in the kitchen getting herself a drink of water.
"How is she?" She asked me as I walked into the kitchen to talk to Gee
"Well she has made herself sick from crying, she hates Simon for what he did to her in the past, she threw her phone across the living room, she doesn't want our pity or for any of us to care about her oh! And she kicked me out of her apartment." I sigh heavily
"Fuck, well have you got the spare key?" Gee asked me
"No I think I left it there, what are we going to do Gee she is really hurt about this."
"We need to speak to Harry." She suggested
"I can't speak to him I'm still angry at him Gee." I tell her
"Well you're just going to have to let that go for Raye's sake while we talk to him because he is probably feeling the same as her right now if not worse for making her feel like this." Gee explained
"Fine we'll talk to him tomorrow morning." I suggested as I walked into my room and just collapsed into my desk chair, running my hands through my hair in frustration.

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