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"Hi, sorry to ring you I'm one of Raye's friends Sarah. You don't happen to know where she is do you? I'm just wondering because she isn't in her flat and I- well we wondered if she was staying with some family." Sarah explained politely to Raye's mum
'No sorry the last I saw of Raye was when she was dating Joe. Is she okay?'
"Y-yeah she's fine she's probably just staying with a friend. Thank you." Sarah sighed as she ended the call
"Well?" I asked her while driving
"Her mum hasn't seen her since she was dating Joe and that was ages ago."
"We're never going to find her." I say in frustration
"Not necessarily, the last person in Raye's family to see her was her sister when she left for America maybe she will know where she is, I'll give her a call." Sarah says as she dials a new number this time taking a much shorter amount of time on the phone because obviously she didn't know where Raye was either. "We're going to have to try her brother." Sarah says to me I just sigh and nod to the answer.
'Who is this?' The voice asks as Sarah put it on speaker phone
"Um is this Nathan Lawrence?" Sarah asked
'Yes. Why who is this and why do you have my number?' The voice asked
"We're friends of your sister, Raye, we don't know where she has gone and-" as Sarah started to explain the call cut out; Nathan had ended the phone call.
"Oh well obviously they ended on bad terms." I joke slightly
"You can't joke right now Simon. We have no idea where Raye is and no lead on how to find her." Sarah sighs heavily
"Maybe she doesn't want to be found have you thought of that?" I asked
"What do you mean?" Sarah questioned
"Well think about it. Whenever Raye would go away or want to visit somewhere she would always tell somebody incase they needed to find her and as far as I'm aware this is the first time that she hasn't told someone where she is going which kind of gives the impression that she doesn't want to be found." I explain to Sarah and by listing to all the facts it finally sinks in for her to understand.
"*sigh lightly* okay, so what do we do now?" Sarah asked me curiously
"We go home and wait." I tell her
"Wait? Is that it?!" She snaps
"Well what else do you suggest? We came find her because we have nothing that leads us to her!" I snap back at her
"Harry. We go and see Harry, he knows her better then anyone of us he'll know where she could possibly be." Sarah says with a little gleam of hope. Even though it is most likely impossible I give into the idea and leave Eastbourne and start to drive back to London to go and see Harry to see if he knows anything about Raye's whereabouts.

(*Time Skip*)

When we got back into London it was quite late, it was getting close to ten o'clock but Sarah was determined to see Harry and ask about Raye and if he had seen her recently and give some information about where she could possibly be staying right now without telling any of us. When we parked outside the main building Sarah and I walked inside and got into the lift pressing the correct floor number,
"Do you think he'll know where she is?" I asked Sarah after breaking the silence
"I would like to think so but if he doesn't then I just don't know what we are going to do Simon." Sarah tells me just as the lift doors open and we are faced directly with Harry's flat door. I took a few steps forward and knocked on his front door and it opened quite quickly by Harry smiling but when he saw Sarah and I it dropped slightly.
"Simon, Sarah what are you doing here?" He asked us both
"Can we come in?" I asked him
'Who is it Harry?' We heard a female voice ask, Sarah and I looked at each other in confusion and then back at Harry
"That's Kirsty's voice, how come she is here?" Sarah asked Harry
"What's that got to do with you?" He snapped at her
"Don't snap at her." I warn Harry
"Just tell me why you came here." Harry demanded from us both seriously,
"Have you seen Raye recently because she just kind of took off without telling any of us. The only thing we have to go on is the video that she posted on her channel a few days ago." I explained
"I haven't seen her since she came to drop off her key. What video are you talking about?" Harry asked in confusion
"You haven't seen it?" Sarah and I asked him in unison with slightly surprised and confused facial expressions, "look just watch the video and if you have any idea of where she could be give one of us a call." I tell Harry before we leave, Sarah and I walk away but just before Harry closes the door Sarah turns back around and walks back over to Harry to tell him something.
"You better hope that this isn't the first place she comes because if she sees or even hears you with Kirsty she will feel even worse then she probably already does so you better hope that for your sake that whatever you and her have going on is nothing serious." Sarah warns Harry before she walks away with me and heading back to the elevator.

We get into my car and just sit in there for a few minutes before leaving so I could drive Sarah back home.
"I guess that's it then." Sarah sighs as she runs her hands through her hair
"I don't really know what to say Sarah, I mean we can't give up looking for her by having one go and trying to find her. We could look for her but just be a little more discreet about the whole thing."
"We could work together in doing so because that way we won't worry the others about it. I'll do most of trying to track her down bec-"
"Why should you do most of it?" I asked
"Because, like I was saying, you need to focus on fixing your relationship with Talia because if she thinks you have dumped her completely for a girl we don't even know where she is then Talia is going to be even more upset than she probably already she right now." Sarah explains to me
"But she already thinks I have more interest in finding Raye then our relationship." I tell her
"Look I know this is going to be hard for you Si, but you're just going to have to bury your feelings for Raye and leave all of this for me to do. Okay?" Sarah asked me, I nodded in agreement and then we set off to drop Sarah off home. I dropped Sarah off quite quickly and then I made my way back home racking my brain with all the possible places that Raye could've gone to stay.

When I got home I walked through the door and was greeted by Josh, JJ and Vikk who were standing by the stairs.
"What's up?" I asked them all
"Don't get mad okay?" Vikk asked me
"Why would I get angry?" I ask with a little laugh, the boys all looked a little guilty and a bit worried as they stared at me,
"We couldn't have done anything to stop this okay?" JJ said to me
"Just don't get mad." Josh said to me
"Just tell me what has happened." I say
"Raye came here about an hour ago."
"What? Well did she say what she was doing here and where she was going?" I asked in despair
"She just said to tell you that she was sorry and that you can't hate her and especially not to hate yourself." Josh said
"Why didn't you call me? Why didn't she come and see me herself instead of getting you three to be her little messenger pigeons!" I say in agitation
"Because she didn't want you to try and stop her from leaving." Vikk said to me
"Why didn't any of you?!" I snapped but they all just stood in silence, I was so angry and feeling betrayed by the guys so I stormed off into my room where I saw Talia sitting on my bed.

"Simon I-" she tried to talk but I just shut her down completely
"Not now Talia this isn't a good time." I say in anger
"It never is a good time with you! I'm starting to think that maybe you don't want to fix our relationship because lately you have been so completely caught up on Raye that you have lost sight on what is actually important here!" She shouted at me
"I haven't lost sight on what is important. I know what is important here and that is finding my best friend!" I shout back at her
"Oh do you know what Simon I give up! I give up with you and our relationship because you clearly don't love me like I love you so have fun in finding Raye. I just hope that it is all worth it in the end by destroying your relationship with me." Talia says in anger as she storms out of my room hearing both my bedroom door and the front door slam shut. I fall onto my bed and just lie in anger as I start to resent the guys for not calling me and actually starting to despise Raye for not telling me what she told them herself, she didn't even text or call me. And that's what hurt the most knowing that she couldn't even bring herself to tell me; our relationship means that little to her that she has to get someone else to tell me not to hate her or to actually hate myself.

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