Everything was perfect!

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Liam POV:

“Umm Astrella, lets come back later and get your phone. You must be starving, let’s get you food.” I panicked. Why was she here? Astrella can’t see her. What am I saying! Astrella and I aren’t dating why do I care if she meets her? Astrella doesn’t like me! But I like her. I don’t need her to be a part of this… The part being a girl named Casey. She was this crazy stalker girl I had. I couldn’t seem to get rid of her, and when I asked her nicely to leave me alone, she posted photos of me kissing another girl. She was the reason my last girlfriend broke up with me. I didn’t need her ruining my chances with Astrella.

“No Liam, I want to go get my phone.” Astrella slide towards the door. I grabbed her arm. “Oww Liam let me go. What’s your problem?” She jerked her arm away. “Let’s go.” Before I could grab her arm and explain she was outside the door walking towards the store. I slid out of the car and put my hat down low and grabbed Astrella’s hand. “Um what are you doing?” She pulled her hand away.

“It’s so I look like a different person. The paps won’t recognize me holding your hand. Just go with it.” I whisper pleaded. She looked up smiled her gorgeous smile and intertwined our fingers. I looked down and smiled at her. I couldn’t help but feel so right in this moment. That is until I looked up.

“Hello welcome to the Apple store. How can I help you?” The worker asked.

“Um she needs a phone. The iphone 4s please.” I said to the worker.

“Ah yes sir. One moment please.” The worker walked away and I looked all around. Okay Casey was still outside.

“Liam is everything okay?” Astrella grabbed both of my hands and looked into my eyes, smiling a weak smile.

“Nothing a hug can’t fix.” I smiled down at her. She wrapped her arms around me. It was so perfect. She was perfect. The worker walked back.

“Alright here is your phone. I set everything up, and you have the same number as your old phone.” The worker smiled. “Shall we ring you up? Follow me.” We walked to the register. Astrella started to pull out her wallet.

“Nope. My gift to you.” I said handing my credit card to the worker.

“No Liam. Its way to much, let me pay.” I shook my head no, and grabbed her wallet. I put it in my pocket so she couldn’t do anything.

“Have a nice day!” The worker said as we walked out. I looked around frantically and there was no sight of Casey. Wooo that was close. I turned to Astrella and handed her the phone.

“Liam that was so much money, please let me give you at least half.” She begged.

“Nope.” I smirked.

“Then what can I do? Please I feel bad!” She said.

“Well, you can give me a kiss on the cheek and you have to hold my hand the rest of the day.” She smiled up at me.

“Whatever.” She laughed and rolled her eyes. She lifted up on her tippy-toes and kissed my cheek. Then she intertwined our fingers. I smiled down and kissed her forehead. Man if this is what not dating Astrella feels like, damn did I want to see what dating her felt like.

It was perfect. We went to lunch and laughed, held hands, and just were generally happy the whole time. I think for one moment she let the stress of everything that has happened go and was happy.

“No way!” Astrella laughed.

“Admit you love the beibs!” I yelled.

“I don’t!” We were in fits of laughter. Then in the mist of it my hat fell off. Astrella quickly bent down and grabbed it. She placed it back on my head, smiling up at me. Our faces almost touching. I was going to to this. Kiss her. I was going to kiss Astrella. We were leaning in for the kiss when I heard the scariest voice ever. “Hello Liam.” Casey peered at us with her evil  eyes…

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