A sad message from the author

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hey everyone!

So tonight I recieved a call from my uncle.

My 13 year old cousin had a large bump in his arm. They took him to the E.R. He has been in the hospital for several days now.

About 3 hours ago they diagnosed him with Bone Cancer.

To think Iof how good of a person he isans how amazing his family I breaks my heart.

So why I am telling you all this is because I am asking for a favor.

Pit him in your prayers, thougts, mind. Whatever it may be. He needs the strength. He is young and has a whole beautiful life ahead of him.

I am truley blessed for the miracles that have already happened in my family and I am just waiting for him to be the next miracle.

So keep him with you! Thank everyone!

Much Love!

Ps: I don't know if I wil lbe updating before Saturday. I have alot on my mind and alot To do. Sorry

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