One Year Ago

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Cassie POV:

Louis and I flew home to see my parents and sister. Last break we flew to his home, so it was my turn.

Everyone else was visiting their families.

"Hey Lou-Lou, do you know what today is?" I asked my amazing boyfriend, who was sitting on my bed packing his bags. We leave tomorrow morning to go back to Chiacgo, to leave for tour. Once our American tour is finished we are done touring for awhile. They said something like a year or so. That will be wonderful, sometime to relax. I am moving with Louis in London. I am so excited to be sharing a flat with him.

"I think I do. The one year anniversery of Matt's passing." He looked up at me with sorrowful eyes.

"Yup." I popped the p, trying to hold back my tears. Its been a whole year since I lost my best friend. I don't know how I made it without him, but Louis certainly helped with that.

"Can we stop by the cemetary tonight? And maybe go visit his mom." I asked.

"Of course."

*later that day*

I stood there and stared at the the grave. I can't believe a year has gone by.

"You were a great guy Matt. You are truly missed. Thank you for watching over Cassie everyday." Louis said looking down at the grave. "I'll give you a minute." He walked away leaving me alone to just stare.

A year is such a quick time. I still think it was just yesterday that Matt was yelling at me to hurry up for our last drama practice. Or taking pictures at prom, or our graduation.

Even though Matt graduated as well that day, the first thing he did after the ceremony was done was run to me and hand me a big boquet of flowers and told me how proud he was of me. He never thought of himself, he always cared for everyone else.

I slumped down next the grave."Matt, so much has gone on since you left. I went back to Louis. Best choice I ever made in life. He really is a great guy. Oh god Matt I miss you so much. I am so sorry I haven't come and visited you more. You know if I still lived here I would be here every single day to see you. I am so sorry, but always know I love you. I pray you are watching down on me. I love you and I miss you." I was crying. I stood up and kissed the edge of the grave and walked to my car. Louis grabbed me into a hug and whispered in my ear, "He would be so proud of you."

I think Matt gave me Louis. I think this is the guy Matt had saved for me all along.

Louis and I got back in the car and drove home. We packed and were on our way to the airport the next morning. I felt better now that I went and saw Matt's grave and his mom. I missed her. She looked amazing. She is truly a strong women. I visited Nani too! She has a boyfriend and is studying Literature at some big name college! Everyone is doing great which is so relieveing to see.

Now its off to finish the final leg of this tour and then a much needed BREAK! woohooo finally! The boys need this break! Bek, Adian, and Lily are all moving into the same apartment complex as the boys and I. Lily wasn't ready to leave Zayn for a year, and Bek and Adian were not leaving her in London, so they decided to stay! They were already signed for the next tour! So now they are stuck with us! But I am happy to have some other girls. Don't get me wrong living with the boys is great but I need a girl to talk to, and now I have TWO! WOOHOOO! My life is good.


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