The Start of it All..

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Cassie POV:

"Hello my name is Lillian but Lily for short. I am 19 and going into my second year of being a teacher at Dance Acadamy. I studied my last year of highschool here and now I am one of the head teachers. This is a excellent school and I hope you choose us. Thank You."

Her voice rang out and ended the video. "She's perfect!"

"Ya think so? Alright it has been settled, you and the boys will be attending Dance Acadamy in Chicago for the next three months. Are you sure you can handle it? I mean watching over all five boys without me there. I am trusting you Cassie." Paul said firmly.

"Paul you know I only allow mischeif on Tuesday night. I promise I will watch them very well."


Lily POV:

"that's what makes you beautiful!" my best friend yelled at the top of her lungs. Finally that line ended the song. Ugh that music was simply terrible.

Okay so before I get on with this story I guess I have to tell you about us. Well my name is Lillian but I like to be called Lily. I have long wavey brown hair with some pink streaks blended in underneath. I am 5'6" and kinda adverage, not fat and not skinny. I had a weird build to my body but being a dancer it was kept in shape, well a least alttle. I have grey eyes, pale, pasty skin. I don't think I am ugly but I don't think I am beautiful either. I am normally a happy person, oh and I hate One Direction nuff said.

Now my best friend is Bek. She is stunning. 5'8" and skinny. Light skin, green eyes, and the perfect features. She was funny too! We first met in dance class at 5 years old and have been best friends since. Oh and did I mention she loves One Direction. 

And my other best friend was Adian. He became friends with both of us in the second grade. We were the three bestfriends all through second grade till now. Well there was one thing different.. Adian and Bek were dating. They had been since our junior year of high school. We still all acted like best friends though. Nothing changed between us when they started dating but lets face it, at times I as jealous because they were so happy together. I wish I could open myself up and get a man but I was too scared after my last heart break. But anyways we are the three head teachers here at Dance Acadamy. We all came here our senior year of high school. Our jobs now paid for us to have a penthouse in Chicago. Naturally we all decided to live together.  

But that's alittle about us anywho back to what's going on...

"Stop singing that horiffic sound! My ear drums are bleeding!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

"NEVER! ADMIT  IT YOU LOVE THEM!" she was yelling now standing on our couch. 

Adian ran and grabbed her down into a tackle and I dog piled on top of them.

"So guys we have the day off. What are we going to do?" 

 "minigolfing" all three of us said at the same time.

*later that day*

"Do I have to do it?" I looked into Adians eyes pleading.

"Yes you do. You made the bet and lost now get your ass up there and say it." Adian pushed me toward the peer.

We always made these stupid bets. Today I lost and this was bad. I climbed on the peer with everyone at the minigolfing place staring at me. Today would be a packed day. I glared at Adian and he stood there with an amusued look on his face. Bek stood there looking worried. I glared at him one last time and then turned to the crowd and announced "Hi, my name is Lily! I am 19 years old and I can sadly say my milkshakes don't bring all the boys to the yard! YOU WANT IT! WHAT THE GUYS GO CRAZY FOR? I AM SINGLE!"  

Everybody in the place was cracking up and Adian was rolling on the ground. Bek kicked him and made him stop laughing.I jumped down walked up to Adian "next time you have to pick something harder." I looked him dead in the eyes. He took that as a challenge.

After Adian went to return our balls, he came back with 6 people in tow..."Girls I would like you to meet One Direction."

Ohhh god kill me now...

Adian POV:

I went to return our balls and clubs. I told the girls to stay there because Lily would kill me if she knew what I was really doing. I got a call last week from One Directions manager. They wanted us to be their dance coach. I agreed of course. They also had to live with us. In our pent house. The one with my girlfriend who is crazy about them and my best friend who hates them. This should be fun.

I haven't told Lily yet. She would say no. I told the guys I was meeting them here. I see them

"Hey guys! I am Adian! How are you guys?"

"Good! I'm Cassie and this is my boyfriend Louis, and there's  Harry, Zayn, Niall and Liam."

"okay cool! I am excited for you all to be living with us. But when I go introduce you to the girls you can not mention your living with us or that we are your new teachers. I haven't told Lily yet. Okay, my girlfriend loves you guys, my best friend on the other hand, not so much. She is extremly nice and by tomorrow she should love you. She is just stingy at first okay. Oh and my girlfriend is of limits and Lily is single, but be careful I don't know if she is ready to mingle. Ready let's go meet them"

I was really nervous. I knew for a fact that Lily was not going to be happy. 

But it was such a good opportunity for us that I had to. She can get over it. I kind of hope they break her out of her shell a little.  

I already see the look on Lilys face...she is not happy. But awe look how cute Bek looks. She is all excited! How cute! Agh okay back to it...

"hey girls! Look who I found!" I said pointing at One Direction.

She already looks like she was going to kill me...

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