Never loved

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Lily POV:

That night Zayn and I stayed up and hung out. I learned a lot about him and I opened up to him. I never open up to anyone and I just let a lot of it out to Zayn. I felt comfortable with him, like I had known him my whole life. I really liked Zayn. 

Over the next couple days I had started to develope major feelings for him. I was just being stupid though. He doesn't like me back. I know it, I know he doesn't like me back. Nobody ever will like me or ever love me. I was too messed up, too ugly. I was never going to be in love and be happy.  Face it Lily you were meant to be alone… You’re not pretty, you’re not smart… you are nothing.

*2 weeks later*

Zayn and I had become like best friends. We always were together and we were so comfortable around each other. His bed eventually came and he was on the other side of the room. It felt lonely in my bed. But Zayn and I made a pact to have FriendZone dates every week. I really enjoyed them. Hell I really enjoyed everything about him, but he is too good for me so I guess I will have to like him from afar.

“Hey Zayn! I have to go to the store, come on! I need someone to go with me!” I yelled and within two seconds Zayn was in front of me with his coat on and ready to go. He always had this gleam in his deep brown eyes. Boy did those eyes send butterflies to my tummy.

“Okay so we have to make dinner tonight. What do you want?” We were walking down the busy streets of Chicago.

“Ummmm, how about chicken?”

“You always want chicken.” I couldn’t help but laugh. He freaken loved his chicken.

Zayn and I walked into a building which had a little store inside of it. We were walking down the asiale and all the sudden Zayn screamed.

“What the hell?!?! Are you okay?!?!” I was freaking out looking at him.

“They are out of Nutella…” He looked at me, his eyes filled with sadness.

I walked up to him and hit him across the chest. “Do you have any realy problems, or is the biggest problem you have?”

“Well, once the restaurant I was at was out of chicken nuggets.” He looked completely serious. I hit him across the chest again. “AHHHH SHE IS HURTING ME!!!” He was dying of laughter. “Zayn stop! Stand up people are looking.”

“Um excuse me. I am going to have to ask you to buy your items and leave the store.” A worker spoke to us.

“Ohh sorr…” I was cut off by the worker staring at Zayn. Her eyes got big.

“You’re Zayn Malik.” She was almost speechless.

“Hello Love. Whats your name?” He asked turning on his seductive eyes. I loved when he did those eys.

“Cara. Oh god I love you!” She was all over him. “What are you doing here, I mean in my store, well not my store, well you know what I mean because you are like Zayn Malik.”

He backed up alittle so she was off him. “Well I am helping my uhh,” He looked at me for help, his eyes full of plead, I nodded yes, “My umm girlfriend. We are going to make dinner tonight.” He smiled at me. She backed up and looked at me in disgust.  My heart dropped. She was looking at me the way everyone else did. As if I was worthless.

“You’re dating her? Why she is sooo well ugly.” My heart dropped and do did my head. It hurt to be called ugly but she’s right.

“Hey, you don’t even know her! You have no right to talk to her like that!” Zayn yelled at her. Why was he defending me? She was right, I am ugly…” She is the most beautiful, loving, caring, perfect girl in this world. If anything I am the ugly one in this relationship!” Zayn was boiling over with anger. The worker just stood there in shock. Zayn grabbed my hand and walked out of the store. A tear fell down my cheek. He was still holding my hand walking down the street. He was cussing under his breathe.

Love and Loss (one direction) book 2Where stories live. Discover now