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*Btw Tyler's voices in his head are in Italics*

I woke up this morning, by the sun beaming down on my eyes. I looked my phone to see the time.

March 17 9:00 am


Three days have gone by I don't quite remember them. Of course.

I got up and looked at myself to see if anything has happened to me the past couple days. Nothing. I get dressed, in my and head downstairs to have breakfast.

"Tyler, What are you doing up?" Mom said, very confused. What was she talking about?

"Um... its 9 o'clock. What do you mean?"

"You told me yesterday that you wanted to be awake at 10."

"Sorry. I don't remember that."

She slowly comes closer and holds my shoulders. "You never remember anything anymore. What is going on? Are you doing drugs?" She predicts the worse, of course.

"No! Of course not, mom. I would never do that" She lets go of my shoulders and gives me a 'really' look.

"Mom I wouldn't do that, I just forget things a lot."

She gets a sad expression on her face and tells me to get breakfast. She picks up her phone and dials something and walks in the dining room as it is calling.

I make toast and go watch some TV.

She thinks you're insane. You really are. I've told you. She probably is calling the police to get rid of you.

"Stop it" I whisper to myself just so my mom or anyone doesn't hear me.

You can't stop me. I will always be here. I will take over again. You are not strong enough to stop me.

"Just leave me alone for once" I try to whisper quietly but I was actually pretty loud so I look towards the room my mother is in and she is peaking in the room. Once our eyes meet she turns around and goes back into the dining room. I now start to wonder if she thinks I'm crazy too. All the rest of my family think I am so they leave me alone all the time. I barely see them, but when i do they judge me or make fun of me. I'm just glad that they ignore me.


I'm outside on the porch, watching the birds go by and the sun going down. The two birds I was observing started to fight and the larger bird seemed to have bit the other and it falls down to the ground making a small screech. my mom comes outside and sits next to me. Watching me watch the birds. I look over to her.


She gives me a sad expression and looks down trying to hide it. "Hi, Tyler" she says somewhat quietly. She seems to want to tell me something, but why is she so sad about it.

"Do you want something?" I ask, glancing at her eyes staring at the wooden porch.

Still looking down she says "Honey, I called the Doctor about your forgetfulness and they told me you should come in and get tested."

I didn't think I was that bad. Should I tell her the truth?

"For what?" It starts to get really dark and I look up to see the first star of the night come out.

You're Insane, don't you remember?

I shake my head a little to ignore that.

"I don't know exactly. They want to figure it out." 

She walks off still not looking at me at all. Why can't she look at me?  I start to get up.

Because you're ugly, stupid.

"I know, you've told me many times, so just leave me alone." I whisper to myself. As I walk up the steps to my room to get ready for a shower.


I know this is pretty bad but it is my first Fanfic. Sorry it's so short. Also it will get interesting after a few chapters so try and wait out the boringness. 

Word Count: 665

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