They both fall silent. Seokjin is right. He knows he is, and he's aware that the judge would do anything for his son, anything. So he doesn't wait for his answer. He paces his breathing, calms himself down, swallows down the sour bile rising in the back of his throat at the crystal clear memories emerging back from the grave he buried them in.

Seokjin sees Taehyung's father's expression soften and he knows he won. So he stands up, slowly, bows out of respect because he still owes that man his life and more, and starts walking away from the visitation room.

Jungkook doesn't know why the fuck he's doing this, but he knows it's definitely too late to take it back now.

"Jeon Jungkook, you have exactly three seconds to tell your bitch to let go of me before I cut his balls off and feed them to you." Taehyung threatens, trying to wriggle out of the fat pig's hold.

It's lunch time and no one knows where the guards are. Jung Hoseok and another guy were supposed to be on duty in the cafeteria, but for some reason they're nowhere in sight.  So now all eyes are on Taehyung while he's being kept in place by one of Jungkook's men, a guy much bigger and stronger than him, and Jungkook's starting to think that maybe this isn't the best way to get Taehyung to stop being mad at him. He realizes that if anything, it'll only make him angrier.

But Jungkook's got his mind set and anything else doesn't really matter right now, because he's about to do something he never thought he'd do in a million years.

"Tae, I need you to shut up for a minute."

"Oh, sweetie, all you need to do is to let me go and trust me, I'll shut up for fifteen fucking years, you won't be hearing my voice." He manages to slip his arm away from the man restraining him and lands a hard blow on his jaw with his elbow, managing to make the guy lose his balance for a couple seconds before he's being grabbed again, grip hard and painful.

Taehyung groans and that's when Jungkook takes a step forward, eyes trained on him before they move to the big guy and he nods, a curt movement that is instantly followed by the painful grip around Taehyung's arms relaxing. He winces, hand moving up to cradle his arm before he stops midway and straightens up, fiery glare piercing through Jungkook's eyes.

"Why do you keep fucking chasing me? Are you in love or something?"

"God, Tae, just shut up." Jungkook retorts, stepping closer again until his face is a breath away from Taehyung and, even though the older man will never admit it, his breath does hitch in his throat and he finds himself leaning forward just a tiny, tiny bit. "I'm here to earn you."

Earn him.

The words ring in his head for a bit, he analyzes and studies and runs them through his brain over and over again but he just can't seem to understand, so he asks.

"What in the living hell are you saying, Jeon?"

Jungkook breathes in deep. "You better fucking be mine after this."

Then he drops to his knees.

Taehyung doesn't get it. His eyes follow. He stares, tries to understand, and he only does when there are hands on his belt loop and-- oh.


"Are you fucking shitting m--"

"Quiet." Jungkook grits out.

PRISONERS [Taekook]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon