Murder Part 2: Mission Complete?

Start from the beginning

        “Wait a minute….” Pewds scrunched his face in thought until an idea clicked into his head. “Is this some sort of satanic ritual?”

        “Pfffff! Is this guy serious?” Ash cackled.

        You facepalmed, ignoring the obnoxious boy. “No Pewds, its-”        

        “No you don’t have to explain; I get it. You can believe what you want… It’s just-”

        Cry pinched the bridge of his nose.“Pewds, seriously! We aren’t performing any sort of ritual, certainly not a satanic one at that.”

        “Yeah, we really aren’t.” You added.

        “We are merely putting a murderer to his death.” Cry explained casually.

        Pewds let out a sigh of relief. “Oh. WELL WHY DIDN’T YOU ASK ME?” The swede blurted in his whiny voice.

        You’re eyes went wide and you looked over at Cry, who met your gaze.

        What the hell?

        “W-W-Well P-Pewdie-”

        “OH!” The swede shouted in realization. “Is this some-sort of new couple thing? Is that why I wasn’t invited?”

        This time Cry was the one to facepalm.

        “Totally, that totally what this is!” You answered sarcastically, rolling your eyes.

        “Uhm, hello???” Ash called from behind. “Can we just get this over with or…?”

        “Yes,” You replied. “If Pewds stops asking stupid questions!”

        “Hey!” The swede yelled defensively.

        Cry chucked. “Okay, Okay! Let's refocus here!”


        You, Cry and Pewdie left the room, shutting the door behind you so Ash couldn’t hear.

        “So what’s the plan?” You asked, more directed towards Cry then the other Youtuber.

        “You don’t have a plan?” Pewds questioned, clearly dumbfounded.

        “We did.” You answered. “But then you came in and kind of screwed it up.”

        Pewds shot up his hands in defense. “Sorry! Not my fault you were being loud!”

        “It fine. It doesn’t matter anymore.” Cry responded, waving off the whole thing. “Let’s just think of a new strategy.”

        “Fine.” You and Pewds huffed in unison.

        “Okay; 1st plan of action?”

        “Get the truth out of Ash.”


        “Kill him.”

        “What about Matthew? Aren’t they-”

        “Don’t worry about him.”


        After about ten minutes, the three of you managed to come up with a new plan. You went over it again before deciding to head back in the room. Cry stood off to the side as he opened the door, allowing both you and Pewdie to enter first. He motioned for you to go, but his hand suddenly fell as he noticed to shocked expression on your face. You went stiff, the gag slipping from your grasp as you stared at Ash. Blood was soaking through his once pale shirt and also pooling at the floor around his feet. His hair hung down in front, the tips dampened by the red substance. A small object, which was clearly the cause of injury, was poking out; the knife that was previously in Cry’s hands before you left was lodged into the boy’s chest. One of his hands was somehow untied, the rope curled up on the floor. 

        “(Y/N), Pewds…. wh-”

        “Did you drop the knife?”


        “Did you drop the knife?”

        Cry looked down at his hands.  “I-” His hands traveled to his pockets: Empty. “Shit” He muttered. Then he looked back up, walking out from behind the door to see what it was that had turned you so ghostly pale. 

        Ash had stabbed himself with the knife after his hand was untied, but how was it untied?

        You instinctively rushed over to Ash, falling onto your knees in front of him.  He was still tied to the chair ; still alive; still breathing, but his time was short.

        Bloodied clothes.

        Pale skin.

        Droopy eyes.

        Jagged breathes.

        Slow heartbeats.

        “Ash… how the fuck…?” You choked. There were so many mixed emotions running through you mind: hatred, anger, regret, disappointment, guilt, confusion, and even some sorrow. “How did-”

        “I-I had to do it.” His voice was weak and a bit slurred.

        Pewdie and Cry collapse beside you. “What?”

        Ash’s eyes dropped lower. “He hired me to do it…”

        “Who hired you.” You slapped his face “Tell me!”

        “He... Ken, he was one of them.”

        Then his eyes shut.

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