Im Awake Now 💚

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Dre Pov :

11 months later

Waking up from a coma I guess was really a eye opener for me but I didn't feel like one it felt like I was in heaven with my mom and it just wasn't my time to officially go and she told me wake up.

Once I woke up I looked around the room and it wasn't nobody but DJ sitting on his iPad and I said "hey little man." And he was so tall like I had was shocked to see how big he was and he said "Daddy you was sleep for a long time."

  And I said "I was tired man but I'm woke now where is everybody "they went with the doctor." And he and I conversed for 10 minutes and my little man was now 7 years old and I couldn't believe it  until I told him to go back to his seat once I heard my aunt and uncle and the doctor coming close towards the door so I had a little prank for them

  The walked in and I played like I was still in a coma and I could hear them still praying for me and the doctor said "His heart beat is a way better " and my aunt replied "what does that mean ?." And I said  " That I'm woke."


 DJ screamed "Surprise" and my aunt and uncle and the doctor we all crying and I started crying too and the cane close and hugged and grabbed me and I just felt the love from them and my aunt was just kissing me all over "How long have I been gone ?

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DJ screamed "Surprise" and my aunt and uncle and the doctor we all crying and I started crying too and the cane close and hugged and grabbed me and I just felt the love from them and my aunt was just kissing me all over "How long have I been gone ?."

"11 months Dre oh my gosh thank you lord Jesus you are okay."

"Yeah my hospital bill is threw the roof huh" everyone started laughing I tried to move my legs and the fact that I couldn't feel my uncle arm on it "doctor I can't feel my legs." I asked while she was wiping her tear away "yeah Dremon you are gonna have to go to rehab cause you've been in bed for long your legs don't have no feeling."

"So basically I'm a baby again" "yeah well you have to learn how to walk again" man what the fuck why did this have to happen to me- ....

     I started having flash back to the person that did this to me and I started getting angry and my heart monitor started beeping fast "Dre what's wrong?" "I'm upset at the fact I have to go through this bullshit." and my head started hurting me and I started thinking about Prince and the monitor slowed down and I thought to myself damn I still care for that sucker and he was on my mind now and I wonder how he was doing now so I asked my aunt "How's Prince ?."

"He and I don't speak anymore !."

"Why is that ?." And she disregarded that question by asking the doctor other things about the Rehad and I was taken aback because she love prince so I'm extremely curious as in how they fell out and she left saying she going to call the whole family and I knew that wouldn't take long for the whole world to find out

Prince Pov ...

Zay wake up I said with his breakfast in my hand and he woke up looking so cute but hoped up once he seen the food in my hand and said "Good morning Prince ." "Good morning baby."

So it's been a while since y'all heard from me but guess what Zay proposed to me and I couldn't be more happier and I haven't been to that hospital since Dre aunt kicked me out but I check on him from time to time and I hear that he's still in the coma and I'm praying he'll be okay❤️.

On to other news this summer in June Zay flew me out to Costa Rico and proposed to me and I couldn't believe it we haven't been together for that long but we known each other for years and he's and I don't fight at all it's like he's my true love like the piece I need.

My phone started ringing while I was laying down with Zay who had it on sport center and I was rolling my eyes cause he watches this 24/7 and I got a call from Trent saying "Best friend guess what ?."
"Dre is woke." My heart instantly filled with relief that he was woke and Trent asked "are you going to see him ?."

"NO send him my love please."

"But Prince this is someone who has done a lot for  you and almost died you can't go see them ?."

"Ughh okay I'll go." And I hung up on him.

"Who was that bae?." Zay asked

"Trent trying to get me to go shopping with him."

"Oh alright." I didn't feel the need to tell Zay I was going to see Dre well at least I thought I didn't while he and I were watching the sport center breaking news was that Dre was awake and Zay said "Thank god." And I said the same thing.

Getting back into this writing stuff I took a break but I'm back with the jumpoff so I hope you guys enjoy this chapter writing the reminded me how much I missed writing

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