chapter 4 little miss grumpy

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You go through the rest of the of the day grumpy, and ignored everybody because you were trying to keep your anger down or else you'd probably end up snapping Jisoos arm in half, I'm not joking I've done it before and nearly did it to Namjoon a couple of days ago. Damn I have bad anger issues.

You walk home and as your about to open up your door you see a car in your drive way........


You open the door and your nose is immediately met with the strongest smell of alcohol and now your 100 percent sure it's your eomma..... great.

You walk into your! lounge room and see her passed out on the coach. So she hasn't  changed, she must still be a prostitute or a drug dealer I don't really remember. The last time I talked to her well, lived with her I was 14 and she just up and left one day not even saying goodbye. I guess she hates me because I scare all her boyfriends away I even broke one of their arms because he tried to hit her, but she didn't praise me just yelled at me for hurting him.

I grab her shoes and take them off and plop them beside the couch, I end up covering her with a blanket because she was shivering and considering how skinny she was that could lead to hyperthermia. Why do I still want her approval after everything she's done to me......

I go to the kitchen and make myself some food and relise that shes eaten all of it. Now it's one thing to come back after 4 years of leaving me alone, BUT EATING ALL MY SNACKS IS SOMETHING YOU SHOULD NEVER DO!!!!

I run up to her and pull her onto her feet making her wake up.

"what are you doing y/n I'm tryna sleep" she says tiredly, and coldly its almost as if she doesn't remember leaving me....

"Get out" I try to keep my voice calm but on the inside I'm thinking of all the different ways I could murder her, right here, right now. LIKE SHE ATE MY FUQING POPCORN AND DRANK MY CHOCOLATE MILK SHE SHOULD BE THANKFUL SHE WOKE UP AFTER THAT!!!

"You shouldn't be so mean to me I am your mother y/n!" She slightly raised her voice at the end her sentence as if she had the right to.

"Well you don't act like it!! To me your just a woman who gave me life and a pretty shitty one at that! NOW GET OUT!!!" I think thats the loudest I've ever screamed to be honest and she ducked her head down in defeat or more like laziness.

She slapped you causing a loud sound to fill the house and echoed of the walls because you don't have much furniture in it.

"Jesus calm down I'm going I just wanted to take a nap fuqing hell I raised such a disrespectful piece of shit" she says as she walks out the front door and slams it shut. After that you can hear her swerve down the street. Great she's probably ripped up the front lawn.

I looked out the window on the front door to see the damage she caused to my front yard which was alot. But then you find yourself slowly sliding down it.... crying, I hate crying it just makes me feel so weak.

I should go get some food that might cheer me up!!

You try to cheer yourself up

°° the deli °°

You walk around with your basket on your right arm filled with goodies, cause I need it after the day I had. While walking down the aile to try and find some noodles you spot...


You walk closer to him and tap him on the shoulder.

"hey" you say softly because you still feel bad about running out of class and ignoring him all day.

"Hey y/n, why were you so quiet today?" He askes with complete consern written in his words and face. I gotta say it was hot, but everything he does is hot so yeah.

"I just wasn't feeling good I guess" you lied and slightly looked down while talking.

"Y/n what happened your face has like a red hand print on it and your eyes are red and puffy like you've been crying!?!?!?" Now he grabs your shoulder and starts to slowly rub his thumbs into circles on it. You feel so secure and safe in his hold, but you don't wanna talk cause you can feel a lump in your throat like your gonna cry of you do.

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