chapter 2 game plan

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She slowly walks to the track and starts streaching. FULLY AWARE OF HIS GAZE ON HER LIKE BDIAJSHSUWBSJSJ. She touches her toes and I swear you could see her whole ass like are those shorts or underwear.

You were so mad and into deep thought you didn't hear Namjoon and Jin calling your name asking if your okay. Namjoon grabs your shoulder and you grab his hand and twist it around his back and push him on the floor, he grabs his arm and winces in pain as Jin helps him sit up.

"WHAT THE HELL Y/N!!!" He yells while Jin is helping him stand up. "WHY THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT Y/N!?!" You turn around to be greated with a very angry looking Yoongi (lil raw raw).

Well you wanted Yoongis attention atleast you've got it now huh

You snarl at him and quietly say your apologies to Namjoon then run out of Gym class, not bothered by the teachers protest.

You run down the hall and into the girls toliets. THATS IT IF HE WANTS A SLUT ILL BE A FUQING SLUT!! You stare at your reflection seeing what you could do to look slutty and after a good half an hour of doing that you start to get really pissed.

You end up punching the mirror then slumping down on the floor crying. I don't know why Yoongi has such a big affect on me. You get up off the floor and wash your hand then go back to the dressing rooms to go back into your normal clothes. Nobody was there cause they've already moved onto there next class.

You make your way down the hallway with no expression on your face with anger filling your veins, like its slowly eating you alive. You soon arrive at your class room with the class already started. You reached for the door handle and notice your hands dripping in blood, you just shruge it off and continue to open the door. As soon as you step into the class your scoulded by your teacher and told to go to your seat, while students just watched in shock because they can all see my bleeding hand.

You go to your seat at the back and next to you is Hoseok and he won't stop looking at you. You don't care though and continue to pretend like your listening to the teacher.

°° home time°°


You feel really light headed as your riding home but its probably because of all the blood you lost from your big as cuts on your hand. If Yoongi doesn't care then nobody would was all you thought.

You crash as soon as you get home and dont eat dont sleep you just stare at the wall with your Polaroid pictures on it with you and Yoongi. You slowly drift off the sleep thinking about how your going to get his attention tommorow.

BTS FF // what are u doing to meHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin