I'm worried about you.

Start from the beginning

        "What were you guys laughing about anyway? If it was that funny then I want to know about it!" He asked, desperate for an answer. 

        Marzia was about to answer, but you quickly clasped your hand against her mouth. "Well..." 

        Shit. What were you going to say? 

        Marzia somehow managed to wiggle away from your hand and yelled out "It's a secret!" Pewds looked very disappointed.


        "No buts Pewds!" 

        You silently thanked her by smiling. She returned it with a wink. 

        'Crisis Avoided'

        It was starting to get dark out, so Melix decided that they'd reside to their bedroom, which was across the hall. Cry slept in the bedroom right next to yours, with the door open in case you needed anything. Instead of going off to bed as well, he decided to stay with you. After all, you weren't falling asleep for very long time. So Cry sat beside you on the bed. You didn't mind because you enjoyed Cry's company. He was always fun to talk to. There was just something about him that made you feel safe. When you were together, you could be yourself and he could be himself without worrying about being judged. It felt like you both knew each other for years. Maybe that's why Marzia thought you liked him and he like you; because you were so open with one other after days of meeting each other. 

        "Hey. You hungry?" Cry asked quietly, as if not to disturb the other two. 


        "Well you're in luck today my friend!" he said somewhat obnoxiously. He searched through his backpack and pulled out two uncrustables sandwiches and a huge bag of chips. 

        "DUDE!" You squealed. Without hesitation, you wrapped your arms around Cry. "Thank you so much Cry!" You whispered. You saw a smile form on his face. The action itself made the both of you blush, but it was too dark for either of you to notice. He handed you one of the sandwiches and you watched as he opened the bag of chips. You pouted as he began to devoured the chips.

        "What?" He said when you gave him puppy eyes. 

        "FEED ME!" You begged and he shoved three chips in your mouth. "GAH! Thanks!" You said sarcastically when one of the chips fell out of your mouth. 

        "The pleasures all mine, m'lady" 

        You rolled your eyes. 'Smartass' And that's when you remember what had been on your mind all evening:

        "Cry?" You asked.

        "Friend?" he mumbled, his mouth full of chips. 

        "I need to tell you something." you said in all seriousness. Cry held a finger up, signaling to "hang on a second". You waited and began to grow impatient as you watched him swallow the rest of the mush. 

        "Alright. I'm ready." 

        "Marzia told me what happened to her. Apparently this douche bag stabbed her and left her there to die on purpose."

        "Shit. That's terrible!" he said a bit to loud. Thank god the door was shut.

        "Yeah. But the worst part is the reason that he did it." You paused for a brief moment, mentally preparing yourself for what ever reaction Cry was about to throw at you. He continued to look at you, anxiously waiting for you to continue. You gulped "He said that he wanted revenge from someone who had brought him misery. He said he would kill her, to make Felix an easier target. And then he would kill everyone else close to the person so that they would feel the same pain as he does...That someone is you Cry."       

        Cry instantly shot up from the bed and began pacing the floor. "Motherfucker!" Cry yelled, running his fingers vigorously through his long brown hair. 

        "Cry! Settle down! What's going on? Who is this guy?" You questioned, trying to remain calm. 

        "I-I don't know! I didn't do anything to anyone.... at least I don't remember doing anything! GOD FUCKING DAMMIT!"

        "Its okay Cry. Just calm down. Your going to wake up Felix and Marzia..." 

        Cry stopped pacing the floor and stood facing you. He stood there, starring at you. It sent shivers down your spine. Hew was so angry you could see his pulsating veins popping out from within his neck. You didn't like seeing him like this, in fact it scared you. "C-Cry. Don't just look at me like that! Talk to me... P-Please!"

        It was if something had clicked inside his head; hearing your voice so afraid like that... it broke his heart. All the anger was flushed out of him instantly, and was replaced with pure guilt. He sat down next to you again and with a much calmer, and saddened voice he said "(Y/N)... I-I'm so sorry. I-I didn't mean to scare you like that." He looked down ashamed of his outburst.

        "I get it Cry, you snapped. You're just worried that he's going to come for Pewds..." You said, trying to put his feelings of guilt to an ease. Why did he have to wear that mask? You just wanted to be able to know what he's feeling and thinking. It would be so much easier for you.

        "No (Y/N) I'm not worried about Pewds. I know he can protect himself.." He leaned towards you so his lips gently brushed against your ear and whispered:

        "I'm worried about you."

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