Worries and Secrets

Depuis le début

        "Well. I met Cry in real life. I was actually at Gamestop looking to buy this game, and so was he. There was one copy left, so he insisted that I took it. How he made it into the game I have no clue... I ran into him later on in the game, where he pretty much saved me. If he hadn't been there I would have died. Then, me and Cry had made it to this neighborhood , and he was carrying me away from a horde and I spotted Pewds, so I screamed at him. So that's how I met Pewdie." 

        She nodded. Once again you fell into an awkward silence. You noticed that Marzia still had a pained expression on her face, so you decided to ask her: "Marzia, are you sure you're okay? Wh-"

        "I'm fine." she interrupted, turning away. She was obviously lying to you. 

        "Marzia... What happened back there?" You questioned in a somewhat demanding tone. You could tell she was contemplating on whether she should speak or not. 'Was it really that bad?' She let out a long, exaggerated sigh before turning back to face you. There was so much sorrow in her brown eyes.

        "Its okay if you don't want to tell me. I understand. You can always tell me later."

        "N-No! Its okay. I want to tell you... I-I just need a moment..." she mumbled. You nodded your head to show that you understood. You were glad that she was opening up to you, even if she had only just gotten to know you today. She took a deep, shaky breath, and looked directly at you. You knew this was not going to bed an easy story for her to tell. "I-I was walking with Felix through the neighborhood. W-We were on our way back w-when-" She was trying really hard to hold in the tears that were forming at her eyes. "Felix left to quickly check out something. Th-That's when I-I felt two large, filthy hands clasp harshly over my lips. I-I t-tried to scream, b-but-" She gulped. She tried her best to stop stuttering."but all that would come out was a muffled cry. 'It's no use! He will never hear you!' A creepy, high-pitched, yet masculine voice spoke. I-I continued to scream. I tried to kick and squirm out of him grasp, but it was no use... h-he was too strong. If only I had worn my heels that day..." she wiped a tear off of her check. "Anyway... another man came out of nowhere, h-holding a rag. He held it close to my face, and I quickly blacked out. I-I later woke up in a park. It was the same park you found me in. One of the men forced me to my feet and roughly grasped my wrists. H-He held them tightly behind my back. The man who had spoken to me earlier... he was now standing in front of me, holding a small, yet very sharp knife. I flinched at the sight of it. 'How are you feeling Marzia?' He asked me coldly. I knew he didn't care at all. I glared at him and forced a ton of saliva to gather within my mouth. I spit it directly at him. The wad of spit slapped against his skin right under his right eye. He just brushed it off, like it was no big deal. He pushed the tip of the blade so it was pressing against my abdomen. With a little added pressure, it would surely pierce my skin. 'What do you even want from me?' I scowled at him. He cackled. 'Cry is going to pay for what he did to me, so I'm going to kill you first. And then, when PewDiePie is all weak and depressed, I'll kill him off to. I continue to kill all of Cry's beloved friends until he experiences the pain I had and still do endure.' My jaw dropped in disbelief. He stabbed the knife through my body, and then quickly pulled it out. He monstrously liked the blood off of the knife and laughed. He must have gone insane. I quickly fell to the ground, clutching my wound. The last thing I heard was him say 'Enjoy your slow and painful death bitch. No one will get to you in time!' and then I blacked out. And well, you know the rest..." She sobbed, slightly shaking.

        "Marzia... I-I'm so sorry..."

        "Its all right (Y/N).... I'm just scared that he will actually come back. That he will find us." she sniffled. You hugged her and let her cry on your shoulder. 'What if he does come for us? What did you do to him Cry?' You shook your head. Now was not the time to worry about that. You needed to cheer Marzia up. You wouldn't want her to still be crying when they got back. To get her mind of the whole thing, you decide to change the subject:

        "Hey Marzia? What were you and Pewds talking about yesterday?" You asked, thinking back to when they were whispering to each other.

        "I-I don't know what you're talking about!" She smiled. Her cheeks were tinted a slight pink and her brown eyes refused to make eye contact, as if not to give away the fact that she was lying. That's when you realized that Marzia was the worst liar you had ever met.

        "Marzia...." You raised your voice slightly. She knew that you were suspecting something.

        "I-It was nothing!" She was now blushing like crazy. You raised an eyebrow. Why was she being so secretive? 

        "I know you're lying Marzia. Its written all over your face." 

        She gave a small sigh in defeat. There was no way out of this one. "He told me..." She paused, unsure if she should actually say it. She knew she had no choice.:

        "Me and Pewdie ship you and Cry... hardcore. You're our new OTP."

Stuck in the Virtual Apocalypse (Cryaotic X Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant