The Actress and The Heiress Part 1

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Valerie -

How many days had it been?

I was sick, I hadn’t seen any light for days... This was torture but the thing that struck me was that I hadn’t seen Tiger for days, where the hell was this guy? What has been planning? He couldn’t have just singled me out then left me here in this rut, to rot? Or was he that evil. Valerie I thought to myself, this was Tiger... Thats it I’m starting to talk / think to myself, what am I doing?

I sat on the bed again, this room was my prison,  it was actually an old prison cell where I was hiding so it was the authentic feel which scared me, everyday I was pushed bread and water through by Tiger and I knew my expectations, to be quiet, not to speak. Just to sit there and slowly rot, this was killing me and I would rather be stuck in Dreamland. I hated this place so much! Why did I ever think it was a good idea to go with Tiger in the first place? At least I learnt so many things in here, and got time to think of how I’m going to make things right with Sarah... That is if I ever see her again! 

I slowly started to lie back down again, hoping slightly that Ben would talk to me. He was the only one I actually like and hope to remain in contact with, he was the good thing about this whole darn affair. Well Nico seemed okay to but I detested that ‘Blow Job’ and ‘Land-on-crotch,’ loved the nicknames I’m going to give them Jackson siblings. Them stupid siblings, I hated Baby Jackson especially and also Anna. Guess well we really never had the chance to get along from the start, they seemed self-righteous and always willing to do the right thing with Landon and Anna. 

With Baby when she saved me, I instantly took a dislike to her she is selfish, takes all the credit around that dumb ass cyborg Felicity, Baby is just too difficult for my tastes and she knows about Sarah. One thing I will never admit is to that I liked how she never brought Sarah up to me, just let me get on with my own business. Never got to really know Nico, he is just the guy with the wise cracks, think he has a bit thing for River and he just seems to have his own agenda. Cos he is just too quiet, an observer more like but I think he has his own agenda! Can’t trust a mobster but at least being an actress I can spot who is playing a role... River Tanner, the girl is sneaky. I think she is definitely looking out for her own ass, and nobody else’s but stringing Nico along, well good for her. As for Ben, its written all over his face that he likes me but he is really just to nice. Its a shame that this incident with Tiger turned out badly, we would have made a good couple.

I rolled over to the other side, I haven’t slept for days and I couldn’t keep my eyes open for any longer, they were to heavy, my limbs were to sore and I was suffering on a physical, mental and an emotional level. This was a heavy nightmare which I could wish wake up from. I had pinched myself so many times, thinking I was dreaming! Oh how I wish I was dreaming! Oh how I wished I was on set thinking I was shooting another episode of The Vampire’s Notebook! I eventually just laid down on my back, looking up at the never ending darkness above me. Silence, that was all I heard. Until I heard muffling then an eventual screaming!

“ TIGER! I DEMAND YOU COME AND SEE ME NOW!” Wait.. was that Blow Job as in Baby Bitch Jackson? What the hell was she doing, looking for me! So she is my flipping rescue party? Great they had to send, the violent one who will probably be thrown in to this prison with me, this is going to end up really well... Heard a smash, I repeat really well...

I heard another smash, clatter then bang. Then Blow Job and Ben were thrown in, like I predicted and I laughed so bitterly. Some rescue team - hang on didn’t they have powers? COME ON! They could have beaten Tiger to shreds but I bet Baby will have a lame one that only effect your intelligence and Ben could only talk to you through your thoughts... So yeah no good. I sighed deeply while Baby had already started with the insults, telling me that we were time and telling me that Dreamland was changing, modifying and evolving which Anna sent across updates to them. It was clear we were never going to win from the start... So what was the use?

“ And hello to you, Blow Job...” I watched Baby’s face drop with anger and Ben stifle a giggle at the name I had came up with. Then Baby went into a full scale rant, saying how she regrets ever thinking it was a good idea to come and rescue me! “ I didn’t want rescuing from you!”

“ What the hell is your problem with me Bitch? I’m trying to be this team player but when I get paired with selfish, self-righteous and spoilt brats like you, it makes everything so impossible!” She screamed at me! 

“ Talking about yourself again Blow Job?” I smiled she had really got riled up and I smiled at her, so I went over to a depressed Ben and put my arm around him, he didn’t want to know and he sat next to her... 

So this was going on? Him and Baby! That little slut! Was he the reason why she had went to find me? I thought of all those days of them two alone... It had sickened me. I was actually disgusted! So those two might be something, so why did I feel this way? Hang on? Was I jealous? Me! Valerie star actress of ‘Vampire’s Notebook’, jealous of that little spoilt heiress? I couldn’t be... could I actually have fallen for Ben? I couldn’t of! So why did I want to go over there and split Baby and Ben apart.  

“ Thanks for being there for me Baby...” Ben said. And he was hugging her...! “ Your perfect genius!” THAT LITTLE BITCH WAS GOING DOWN! I was literally wanted to run over there and pull her hair out, that stupid Blow Job! Stealing the only good thing in my life. I stomped over there and then I stopped. It was an echo!

“ Valerie where are you?” I heard Anna call...

Oh going to be a few bust ups next chapter... Its Anna vs River and Baby vs Valerie! Poor Ben, the poor  cyborg has to cope with with girls xD Comment on which teams you are on! 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2013 ⏰

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