Explanation & Loss

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Landon stopped us in his tracks and demanded answers, while River practically ran to the otherside of the path we were on. In that moment I decided I really didn't trust River, there was something about her that I couldn't understand and she always seemed to be hiding away and going off, then coming back a few minutes later and there was nothing in the path she was standing on previously, there was absolutely not a single trace of her!

" So what is going on then?" Baby spoke while Landon started to circle me.

The rain started to pour, while I looked at the siblings. I wish I had a brother or a sister? Did I have a brother or a sister, I asked my data banks and it froze, the data banks was keeping something from me and I didn't like it.

I tried to usher Landon and Baby to the other side of the path, to take them to the accommodation that Flick had decided to put us in but Baby and Landon weren't going to budge.

" Um Ben... gas!" River cried out while I reached into my pocket for what Felicity called the "Nightmare Spray" but I left it, River had already legged it while Baby and Landon watched it in awe and I started to push Baby out the way while and the gas started to be knocked into Landon, I pushed him out the way and the gas went straight into me.

Everything felt so cold and the atmosphere was violet, swarms of purple demonic ghost-like creatures came up to me like a lion untamed and everything felt like a whirl. I saw my memories for a second - my Mother, my Father and my sister.

I also saw an academy, a white dome and it was placed inside the moon. I also saw a women send me back down into Earth, she had raven hair and a golden pocket watch was tied to her - she seemed scared like she had lost someone.

Then everything was fuzzy, I saw Flick and a tormented old man... 

Then as quick as the memories came, they were gone and Felicity was standing above me!

" Me?" I heard Landon say.

" No all of you and three more people," Felicity was explaining. " You all have super powers, I can't remember what though, my memory is hazy about that part." Flick said.

" What?" said a hysterical River. "Who?" I kept silent, as Felicity looked worried but I wondered how I could have these powers, I was a clone.

" Felicity, I'm really sorry but I am not part of this. I am Genetically Modified clone, who was created by the evil mastermind Tiger! You have the wrong person," Felicity was unnerved.

" No Ben, you arn't a clone, you are Doctor Reynolds son. Tiger lied to you, he has kept you from me and Doctor Reynolds, Tiger took you for vengeance on your Father," Felicity, a robot , I thought who couldn't feel emotions, let out a small cry. "I'm sorry you'll never get the chance to meet him, he was misunderstood and he was a genius."

" You mean, I have a family?" I asked.

"Yes, didn't Flick just say that," River looked like she was shaking while Landon looked dazed and scratched his head.

" You mean, I'm a real human." I asked again. This wasn't sinking in.

" You are a artificial human actually," Flick said while I was slightly disappointed. " You can grow up and die like any other human, you can feel emotions and pain but you don't have a Mother. You were actually grown in the lab like me but your made from flesh and only Doctor Reynolds genes, and the Nightmare Gene was planted in you from your Fathers best friend Tiger Senior," Flick magiced up the words but I couldn't remember any of this. " Well thats what I've been told, Doctor Reynolds was a secretive man and he had lots of secrets...?"

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