Finding You

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We split up into three groups and Felicity gave us walkie - talkies and something that was in the genetics of the Nightmare Gene. So we can scare off the gas, if the worse has happened and we find the person surrounded in gas, they will be able to wake up since they are immune but it can cause emotional scars and that could be frightening, atleast the gas can't make them disappear.

I went with Felicity, so we can try find Valerie while Ben and River went to try and find Nico and Landon went to find Anna. Me and Felicity walked in silence, Felicity had been silent, quite a long time.She had a mysterious look on her face, she looked quite depressed.I realised, she was looking at a picture in her locket of the late Doctor.

" Do you miss him?" I asked.

" Yep he was best friend and it was bad enough losing Sophie, his girlfriend," She was tearful.

" How long have you been with the Doctor," I asked.

" Hmm..all his life, his Grandfather made me for him, so I was his Nanny and his best friend," She said robotically.

" Atleast Ben has some family left," I said.

" Nope he doesn't," The cybourg replied.

" What do you mean, I meant you, you know his Father and you told him all the memories with Ben. You made Ben realise who he was," I said, remembering the conversation I had with Ben earlier in the Morning.

Then slowly, I saw a small smile forming on the cybourgs face and I felt a whole lot brighter and I talked a little bit to Landon. Who said the gas was spreading and he shot some down but me and Flick haven't seen it yet. We strolled along a empty London towns centre, something that I thought would never see. Flick then told me to stop. We stopped at a brown house, that was covered in flowers and you could see a WELCOME mat and the door was unlocked. I strolled in, and immediately Flick saw it, the gas was mutating and shaping into something more sinister.

It was almost reflecting what was happening to what I assume was Valerie but Flick sprayed it with the Nightmare spray before I could fully look into it. I shot up the stairs, and opened a room. A girl, who had my brother had a crush on forever was on the floor and it was really frightening, the gas almost looked like it was feeding on her and I was scared solid. If Flick wasn't here, I am sure it would have got me now but atleast I was learning more about the gas.

" Does this gas have a name?" I asked. " Periculm, means danger in latin," Flick shot back.

Valerie was gently stirring, while I lifted her gently onto the bed. She slowly opened her eyes like Landon did, and she didn't like what she saw. " You took me away from Sarah, I hate you!" She screamed, she was delirious.

" Look the gas was eating you, we couldn't let you die!" I shouted back.

" Calm down dear," Flick was soothing while Valerie was glaring at me, what did I do to her? Stupid actress!

Valerie looked at me like something smelled bad and I didn't really like it that much. So in the end I just gave her a menacing look back, how dare she! I just saved her life and she was hating me in return! That is not very nice. She kept muttering something about a girl called Sarah. Then she glared at me again, what did I do? I REPEAT.



I AM STUCK LOOKING FOR SOMEONE I WAS SUPPOSE TO ARREST! CAN LIFE GET ANYMORE PERFECT? I could calm down a bit for a start. This wasn't suppose to happen and I was pretty damn scared now.  I kept getting frights, anytime and every time I saw something purple. So Ben grabbed a hold of my hand, it felt really comforting, I felt more relaxed. I looked at the tracker and surprise! Surprise! Nico was outside of Windsor Castle.

I didn't really want to go there but I especially didn't want be left alone, so I kept a hold of Ben's hand. It felt nice not knowing I was alone on this miserable place, where it should be busy and it was in the corner of my eye, a purple smoke.

Swifting in, Ben leaped into action spraying the Nightmare spray, he was unnerved and I was frightened. As a spy, I always relied on noise. Sounds of planning, bombs and pain, to guide me through a mission. This was silence of the most eerie kind and gas couldn't make you hear it, it made you see it. I was terrified, right outside of my comfort zone.

I walked silently to Windsor Castle and Ben was talking to me, it was relief to hear a voice. Relief to hear anything apart from inhaling and exhaling. Immediately I saw the gas, any other time I would have quickly brought out my gun and shot,so I made do with the water gun filled with Nightmare Spray, Flick concocted and I shot away the fog of purple gas surrounding Nico and Ben leapt forward to him and started carrying him.  " Is he dead?" I asked, worrying.

" No," Ben Replied.

" River...Is that you," He stirred - SHIT!

It was the one and only Nico Fox, why did he have to haunt me like this? I couldn't believe this shit it was all that I needed for him to be around and haunting me like this. He was going to be a constant reminder, that I'd failed my task as a spy.

In that moment I decided that I hated Nico Fox.

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