The Day Before - Anna

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1 Day Ago...

It was the same dream, over and over again.

I looked at the clock it was 6AM, I woke up to early so I settled down back into my thoughts, a lot of good things had happened this year but there was enough negatives to balance it all out. I had just currently moved to this new town, I used to live here when I was younger but I couldn’t hardly remember.

I couldn’t say that I had a proper home, I was always on the move I thought and with that I settled back down to my dreams about a certain ginger haired boy, ginger haired girl and a couple of other people. It was always the same dream or same nightmare. I always ended up letting go of this man’s hand and then he was gone.

And then I woke up crying, ready for this new day. Which some how never gets better...

Here I go, again...

Another day at Willow High School, another day of being the nerd, another day being misunderstood. Just another day, I chanted to myself. My alarm clock was still going! I punched it, to shut up and then I fell back on my pillow in a sleepy manner.. I didn't really want to face a day, having Physics and Maths for my first two lessons.

" Come on Anna! Or you'll be late for school," My Mum Joanna came into the room, and tried to get me up. I really didn’t want to get out of my bed, it was so comfortable and it was free from barbie bitches.

" I'm up Mum! Please can I skip today? I don't want to face it, please!!!!! " I gave my puppy eyes. MY BEST PUPPY DOG FACE EVER and still that wasn't good enough! I smiled to myself awkwardly... Pleased with how fast my Mother was considering this option.

" No, come on!" Mum laughed. She always laughed at me when I begged and pleaded, somedays she would say yes but that was only two days and she made me do chores on both...

My Mother is firm but fair, you could say...

I threw on my best Ted Baker top with FCUK straight legged  jeans, then I put on some converse boots and then put on my trusty concealer. And made my way downstairs to get a croissant, covered in melted chocolate... Yummy! I looked at the clock and then I realised I was seriously going to be late if I didn't get a move on... 

So almost immediately I ran to get my bike from the garage.. 

Just a few more years at this place, just a few more years. I can get through this, only if Courtney and Stephanie were still around, I'll be fine. I hate it here at this ruddy posh private school! I got my bike, and started peddling to school. Everyone else had fast speed mobile posh sports cars apart from me. 

And that is another reason why I got laughed at...

I met up with my friend Hannah and we waited for the class to start. Hannah was a romantic at heart and she took me under her wing, she wanted to know everything about the cities I used to live in. As I think she fancied herself as the next Carrie Bradshaw, out of Sex and The City!

Then Jenna and her barbie doll crew came up to us, not again, how many times does that girl need to humiliate me? She looks like she gets a kick out of it. It is a bit crazy, I think that girl needs to see someone about her problems.

Jenna Parker had everything that a little girl could want, the blond hair, the big blue eyes and the perfect boyfriend, the perfect troupe of barbies, also some smarts and money. If she was nice, she would be a lovely barbie but Jenna was so bitchy, that everyone hated her with an unhealthy passion.

I didn't really feel anything towards her, until she ruined a designer bag that my friend Frankie from UK, got me. I was pretty sure she was jealous of it but I could never be sure. After that though, she seemed to be spoiling everything for me and it was kind of tragic, that someone so beautiful could be so evil.

Our society was so superficial even the music is and that is supposed to free us! I wonder about the society we live in when Justin Bieber has more video views than any other singer in the whole world .... come on people how did we let this happen? I lost my train of though when Jenna finally decided to speak!

" Hey Hannah, and...Anne is it?" She knew what my name was. She applied an extra shade of hot pink lipgloss to her lips and looked into her pocket mirror making sure it was perfect. She snapped it shut and then her barbies as well as herself looked at me, waiting for an answer.

" Hi Jenna, its Anna!” I said sweetly. She acts like she hasn't heard me. Bitch!

" Converses...seriously, they don't even look real, they look like they are from Primark!" Jenna raises her eyebrows, maliciously, while I was wondering what was wrong with Primark? Seriously everyone couldn't afford designer clothes like Barbie. But my converses were real and she was getting on my last nerve.

" At least my nose is real!" I said politely. Everyone knew she had an nose job, she hated her hooter and the name that came with it “nosy parker”. 

" Lets go cockney bitch!" Jenna laughed furiously. Now this was personal! Jenna started with the slap and I started to fume.

" Bring it, well I don't have a high whiny doll voice and a face like a flipping barbies smacked arse to match!" Her crew gasped, I took a step closer to her, then she slapped me again but she didn't count on the headmaster seeing. Hannah thought I timed that perfectly.

" Miss Parker my office immediately!" Then the bell went, and me and Hannah went into the french room .Giving each other high fives. Hannah was ecstatic at what I had done to the Barbies.

My day went peacefully after that, even some people came up to me saying I was awesome! I felt really happy after that. Then I saw Jenna crying, I walked back, so she didn't see me but I still felt sick. Did I do this? Did I do this..I think I did.

I couldn't stop thinking about it while I peddled back home, Mum was out and Dad was still at work. So I answered a long message from Courtney. 

I made everyones dinner, and then did my homework. I tried watching TV but there was nothing good on, so I just went to bed. So I can get ready to face Jenna. Jenna was bound to kill me or send me into a social oblivion, she had the power money and the status.

Last time I got her into trouble, I hid in the library for a week to get away from her but someone would rat me out that I was in there. 

It was times like this, I had missed my old friends but they were all moving on. All of my old gang, had there own separate groups, there own separate friends and there own separate lives. I missed them all,  at the beginning of this move, I used to cry everyday for my old life.

It wasn't like I hated the school, hated the teachers or hated the other people. I just really wondered what could have been. I wondered how my life would have panned out back in Scotland... With a heavy heart, I tried to get some sleep.

Lets see what tomorrow brings!

I’m bound to nearly die either way.

I rolled over in my bed, thinking about everything but nothing seemed to work. Sleep wouldn't come, sleep wouldn't embrace this worn out soul. So I do what I always do in doubt, I pulled out my precious copy of perks of a wallflower and tried to see if Charlie could get to sleep.

I settled down in my bed, wrapping the quilt around me and read about Charlie, it didn't make me feel so alone in a weird way, I felt like I was alongside Charlie and he was telling me everything about his life. So with the words -

“Things change. And friends leave. Life doesn't stop for anybody,” 

in my mind and I succumbed into the healthy temptation of sleep...

I saw the red-haired boy again he was laughing, and smiling. And somehow I was able to smile back at him to, I was able to give a full-hearted smile even though on the inside I was absoutley petrified. The face is a great way to mask how we actually feel ...

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