Sweet Dreams

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 Chapter 1

Across the globe, millions were drifting or sleeping and beginning the transition, of leaving Earth. Doctor Reynolds would have probably panicked, knowing what he had created. This gas now named Periculm meaning danger in Latin. Periculm was a gas, sweeping across the globe, taking many of innocent sleepers to dreamland. A manifestation of there own nightmares and being held hostage into there sleep. This was the start of it .

Periculm was a ionizing radiation, even worse that ultra violet light which causes cancer and abnormality in the cells. Periculm had that power intensified and the gas fed of nucleus in the cells and replaced it with something deadlier. But this wasn't known yet.

Side effects of the gas, it would make you fall asleep and like the swine flu pill it would give you nightmares but it concentrated on your most deepest fear and make it become a reality, deep in your self concious. Thus creating, Dreamland.

Periculm really was danger.

Millions of children far and wide,

have no where to where to hide.

Millions of adults will return

and heat up and burn.

Millions can't escape their dreams.

You can't escape the beam.

Dreamland is not where dreams come true.

It is a place where you and your nightmares rue.

Little was known about a gene. The Nightmare Gene. 16 years ago, scientist Senior Tiger Willem Davis, placed a gene in 7 small children, so they can become hero war machines and the genes won't be activated until a gas was produced. Periculm. Tiger Senior, quickly realised how deadly it was and quickly placed the gene into Tiger Junior, so he won't be affected but Tiger Junior turned out ruthless and plotted to kill his own Father, as the gene was faulty because it was recessive from his Mother, so it didn't work. So a side effect of Periculm gas still got to Tiger Junior, Dreamland. Periculm gas was extremely addictive, and somehow he wanted more...

So Tiger Junior decided to bring Dr.Reynolds into the picture and take all the Periculm gas, and kill his ancient Father. Unfortunately Dr.Reynolds found out and refused to take the gas, so Tiger plotted revenge by tarnishing his good name. 

Dr. Reynolds grew tired and every day names haunted him, so he asked his only companion Felicity to create a pill or gas, which would send him to sleep for thousands of years, so he can relax and live in on in his mind. Felicity agreed but Tiger had been watching amongst the shadows, so he secretly put a concoction of the gas which overdrived the sleeping gas.

This brings us to the day before. We are all doomed tomorrow.

But one hope was amongst us - The Nightmare Gene. The Gene would be activated at first they won't affect the children but day by day the Gene will cause them to gain these unknown abilties: X-Ray vision, mind reading, super speed and strength, camoflauge, super intelligence a.k.a genius, time travel and predicting the future. This will eventually kill them but thats what they are War Machines. Incase something goes wrong and it did. Thus nightmare.

But one person was going to save the world for his own selfish reasons - Tiger Junior.

 Across the globe, millions were drifting or sleeping and beginning the transition, of leaving Earth. Doctor Reynolds would have probably panicked, knowing what he had created. This gas now named Periculm meaning danger in Latin. Periculm was a gas, sweeping across the globe, taking many of innocent sleepers to dreamland. A manifestation of there own nightmares and being held hostage into there sleep. This was the start of it .

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