Tiger's Mystery

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 Pippa. That was the only way he could possibly define the term 'love'. Dark hair, big hazel eyes, a preference for anything that was cute and totally not scary. Her eyes were her best feature, because he never got to see them without facing consequences..

Fire. Comfort. It gave him comfort; some sort of peace. Watching the flames gently lick up and obliterate everything in their path with such ease gave him a strange sense of power. Knowing he was the origin of this fire; this unbeatable substance made him feel strong.

But then, so did Pippa. He'd finally found someone on his side; someone who understood him.

At the end of the day, Tiger knew that he was a demonic creature and he had to serve this gas. But he hated himself, why did he have to put his best friend in this much pain?

She was trapped with him...

He shuddered thinking about him, with his name meaning "light", and his golden looks, 

" Tiger please don't do this! Leave the kids alone..." Pippa tried to communicate with him during his dream.

" Pippa don't leave me!" Tiger shouted and he tried to grab his best friend but she floated away, her eyes were permaently covered by a bandage.


The name followed him around for what had felt like an eternity, that name made him feel so many emotions and lose so many friends. He thought back to the days when he was at school, his team mates - Sian, Raven, Benji and Seth.

Then that terrible night, when he got separated from her and she got held captive by the gas, then his goddess Tyme sending him back down to Earth and then doing a deal with Lucifer.

Life never seemed to work out the way that Tiger had in mind, he was constantly always ended up the bad guy and somehow he wondered if he really was one.

In reality, he was a puppet on strings and the puppeteer was a much higher force all together..

Tiger miserably stared around, what was happening he wondered. The Doctor was half alive, he still had half his human body but the rest was just white mist and that scared him. He shot him and left him to die but he didn't have a pulse, couldn't that have just been from Periculm? Maybe he wasn't fully dead and the gas couldn't fully absorb him.

Tiger was pleased with his hypothesis and it made sense to him but somethings in the Universe he didn't understand and he wish he could. But it was time to get back to the plan he thought, he needed to get Valerie away from the others. And he was sure he could get her away. Just a quick flirt and a smile, an explanation saying how he isn't evil and done and dusted.

It wasn't that easy. Enter Ben Rider? Why did the bloody Reynolds always have to cause problems for him and that really did piss him off.

Well technically Ben Rider wasn't a Reynold... He was Snake's.

He could always plan to kidnap her like he was planning to do with Anna and River, he couldn't be bothered to emotionally wreck them. It seemed more fun kissing Baby and leaving her all confused and he was trying to isolate Valerie and somehow Baby was doing the job for him.

" Well Valerie what is it going to be?" He asked. Ben Riders eyes were pleading and the half ghost was staring. She stood there.

" Valerie I can help you get Sarah back," Yeah he already knew what was important to them as he was friends with them when he was little while his Father did experiments on them all.

So from then his "Father" kept tabs on them to see what was important to them and after Tiger maliciously killed him, he kept the tabs on them. So yeah that was stalkerish or not...

" You can help me get Sarah back...?" Valerie asked.

" I can wipe her memory from what you did, you could start over that day," Tiger grinned.

" Really?" Valeries eyes looked hopeful.

" Yes as long as you come with me," He said.

" Val don't listen to him," Ben pleaded.

" He can undo things I've done, I'm going and you can't stop me," Val immediately ran over to Tiger while Ben shook his head and the Doctor was floating.

Things were only going to go up from here for Tiger and for that he felt really pleased. As he just caused the first Betrayal. Now time to get Baby and the next stage of his evil plan.

Well Lucifer's plan.

As hard as Tiger tried to get Valerie's screaming out of his head when he was going to gag her and bind her with the gas, he knew it was going to be like Pippa all over again. That's why he had to keep Valerie at arm's length.

Valerie already had low self-confidence, so this wasn't going to be a hard challenge but everytime he murdered one of Tyme's warriors and made it into a half-ghost or a faceless mask, which was it's real term.

The screaming had never left him...

He killed countless of teams at schools, he killed off Seth and Raven, he killed off a Professor. He missed his school, he missed his friends and he missed the ideals that one day he was finally going to get peace. Peace with Pippa.

Then he reminded himself, rather he drummed it into himself that his name was used to refer to someone fierce, determined, or ambitious. And is exactly what he is a ruthless person, who is going to end up starting a new world and killing off free-will.

His School Domus Timorus taught him two things - the meaning of the word 'presentiment' and the meaning of loss.

While Valerie screamed, Tiger retired into his room and thought of what could have been, if it wasn't for that faithful day...

And that's when he realised that his self-fulfilled prophecy or Gabriel's prophecy became true. When you can't hold back the tears any longer; that's when you let the cold in.

 Gabriel once warned him when you curl your legs up to your chest, pulling them in close to your body, perhaps trying to conserve body heat, perhaps trying to build a wall in front of you so you can't be hurt again. Perhaps you're doing both and your legs are serving as a wall to protect you from everything; including heat. You don't really know if you're honest, you just know it makes you feel safer, less vulnerable. 

And you try to create warmth for yourself, but you are cold and alone. 

It's in this moment that Tiger definitely realised that he was most painfully alone and there was nothing he could really do to save himself, he had set out this road for himself and there is no way to get back to the past...

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