The Day Before - Nico

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I replay that moment in my head. It was always the same dream, where demons would attack me and try to kill me, where demons would hold onto tightly to me and devour my soul in a purple landscape...

I knew a great deal about colour symbolism, my Grandma before she died had told me all about it and as well as three Gods - Tyme, Phoenix and Lucifer. She said purple was a sinister colour. The colour purple relates to the imagination and spirituality. It stimulates the imagination and inspires high ideals. It is an introspective colour, allowing us to get in touch with our deeper thoughts or deeper nightmares, this always meant purple was a manipulative colour... 

But my Grandma wasn't the sanest of all people...

So thats why I guessed purple was always the colour in my dreams.

The moment that I decided to take back all my sins, I wanted to repent but the demons that laid on my shoulders. First I watched my Grandmother die, then I enrolled into the local gang taking over everything until I was number one. I watched my future play out right in front of me.

The demons within now covered my face. Men were tearing ruthlessly at flesh, face and eyes. Blood, anger and rage went hand in hand together, I saw light as they ripped at my face and it wasn’t natural light. A white light that blinded my vision. It matched the pain I felt as the men grabbed.One put a piece to his lips and smiled. I didn't scream. Not till I knew she was far away, the golden haired girl in my dreams. My silence frightened the others. They grew weary of their fun, so they left me

- alone.

Death stared at me, looked right through me and wandered into my soul, I couldn’t see no natural light, only a purple gas that was haunting me. 

Then she came for me - a girl who eye’s were like a river, flowing and she was always in white and her long gold hair flowed, she was always there. 

She was my redemption.

She was my only hope... 

But as Nico looked at his golden haired angel, he realised that he would never meet her, or hope to see her. She wasn’t his, and he would never ever be hers.


Because nothing light would ever enter his always so violent violet darkness...

He was running, his latest scam had blown up, and now the police were after him. It was easy though, if you knew all the right tricks. It got easier and easier, just pretend your with a family or easier still go in a shop and read a paper or he could go up to a random girl and kiss her. Just pretend your a different person than you actually are. Instead of the con artist he is. Nico knew that he was the best con artist in the business, everyone was after him. He would go for option C, always the most interesting. He spotted a girl with long brown hair, and she seemed like she was in a hurry with lots of bag. Easiest target, he had a private laugh to himself, but the cops were coming. So he had to do a run for it. 

How did his life turn this bad?  He wondered but there was no time. He had to make his move.

Nico grabbed the girl in his arms, then their lips met. But something struck Nico, something that he had never even felt before, and he looked into her eyes...






It was all in her eyes. Nico looked into the girls eyes, and they automatically turned purple, a striking violet and he stepped back, watching her reaction. Her eyebrows were now raised into her hairline and then she took a step forward to him, it was like he had flicked a switch.

The girl was blown away, and so was he. But he wasn't the one for falling in love, so he left it but he was curious, the girl had long curly brown hair and dancing eyes. So he debated with himself then he offered to help her carry her bags. There was something different to this girl, something beneath the surface he should know because he is the best judge of character.  So he needed to learn something about her, it might just have been a good kiss but there was something about her which he felt he should know... He really should have known who she was ....

He learnt a lot about her, her name was River Tanner which was familiar and she was living with her younger brother and her Mum. And she was doing the shopping before she went back to school, which started in 50 minutes, so she had a lot of time. River Tanner liked to talk and she was a bit of a gossip, he thought. So clearly she must be a good kisser, one of those popular girls, he could see it now she was clearly one of the preppy girls with her long golden brown hair and her organised way of doing things...

" So why did you kiss me?" She asked hmm now this was the hard part for him, what to say. He would just go with the normal how he thought she was his dead ex-girlfriend or something. The last time he did that, he had a girl crying and then they had a good time after that...

" Sorry you looked like my ex and I miss her a lot.." The words flooded out of his mouth and immediately she had the reaction of awww! Stupid teen girl, he thought. Honestly these preppy girls, believe anything that comes out a hot guys mouth, no wonder men cheat!

River invited him in for lunch, we had accepted and the conversation was quiet at first, then it picked up. He was right there was more to River, she started talking about morales and he knew in that moment, she was suspecting something wasn’t quite right with him so he turned on his charm and.....

“ So did it hurt when you fell from heaven?” He asked while she coughed.

“ Since when you’ve used cheap tricks to woo girls...” She said.

“ Fine! Are your parents retarded? Because you are something special!” He winked at her while he watched her jaw drop.

He laughed at her, she was feisty but she seemed oddly familiar and he didn’t know why, it was awfully odd and he knew their wasn’t something quite right going on. She seemed like an old acquaintance, he knew he must have some knowledge of her. The name “River Tanner” was to awkwardly familiar and he needed to find out why it was so familiar.!

He was frustrated and he knew it... He needed to learn more about this girl and the only way he knew was to go and look at his personal files on his super computer but he needed to find a way back to get out of her house and luckily, for once time was on his side!

" Well I better let you go to school," Nico opened the door for her and then he rushed off but River had one last question for him - what was his name?

For a moment, he didn’t realise whether he should tell this a girl, his fake name Edward O’Brian or his real name Nico Fox, which would give the game away. He looked at the red bricked house and down the suburban street, it was normal. He had never had normal. River Tanner was probably normal, she was probably a ballerina, class president and had horse riding lessons. She was probably a normal middle class citizen, he thought, which somehow made him Nico angry. What was so special about River Tanner - why was this girl so special, to make him, reveal his name?

" Nico Fox," He smiled and watched Rivers face drop, but this time it hurt. For some stupid reason and he ran off . He sped off. Yeah thats right Nico Fox, the murderer, the thief, the cheat, the liar and the runner. He privately and sadly thought to himself. 

“ Come back here!” River screamed , to his utmost amazement, she pulled out a gun and started firing at him. RIVER TANNER it had clicked, she was THE spy, she was THE one who was going to kill him and she was THE one who was supposedly the most ruthless spy?

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