Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Elsa's POV

After Kristoff and I leave Anna's room, I walk down the hallway to find an empty room. I open the door and walk inside.

"Here's your room!" I say to Kristoff. He walks in slowly looking at everything.

"Thanks, but where is Sven gonna go?" he asks.

"Well, I guess he can just stay in here with you. Just don't let him make a mess ok?" I say.

"I'll make sure he doesn't make a mess." Kristoff chuckles.

I turn around and walk out of the room and close the door behind me. I walk down the hallway to my room, and open the door. once I get in my room, I run to my bed and lay down on my back. I decided to take a small nap before lunch, so I close my eyes, and eventually go to sleep.

{mini time span}

I wake up and get out of bed. I look out my window and it is dark outside. Well I guess I missed lunch. I walk out of my room and go down the stairs to the dining room. once I get to the dining room, dinner is set out on the table. I walk over to the table and sit down in one of the chairs. I look up to see Kristoff walking towards me.

"Have a seat." I say and point my hands towards a chair at the table.

Kristoff takes the seat I pointed to and grabs a plate to eat some food, and I do the same.

"So, where's Anna? is she coming to eat?" Kristoff asks me.

I look up from my food, and squint towards to stairs. "I don't think she'll be coming down to soon, the last time I saw her she was going back to sleep so she's probably sleeping." I say to Kristoff.

"Do you think she will wake up anytime soon?" he asks.

I rest my head on my hand, "knowing her, probably not." I say to him.

Kristoff looks down at his plate and sighs.

"Kristoff, she's getting her memory back as quick as possible. She already remembers Hans, she remembers my powers. She will remember you. it just might take a little longer than other things to remember." I tell him. He looks up at me and nods.

"Well I'm gonna go to bed, so I'll see you in the morning." I say to him and walk upstairs.

When I get to my room, I open the door and walk in. I shut the door behind me and plop on the bed to go to sleep.

{mini time span again lol}

My eyes flutter open and I sit up in my bed. I move the covers and stand up. Well I still have the dress on I wore yesterday. whoops...

I get a new one from my dresser that is a baby blue color. It's long sleeves and it goes down to my feet.

After I change and fix my hair into a braid, I go out of my room and down the hallway. I walk by Anna's room, and I decide to check on her. I walk into her room, and she's still sleeping. I roll my eyes and walk over to her bed.

"ANNA YOU NEED TO GET OUT OF BEDDDDDD!!!!" I yell while shaking her. she doesn't even move.

"YOU'VE BEEN IN BED FOR LIKE 24 HOURS YOU NEED TO GET UPPPPP!!!" I yell and she rolls over to face me.

I make a huge smile at her and she laughs at me.

"Get up you lazy--"

"--alright! alright! I'm up!" she yells and I laugh at her.

I walk out of her room and down the stairs to go eat breakfast. when I get in the dining room, I see Kristoff already eating.

"Your up early." I say to him while I grab a plate and get some food.

"I'm always up this early." he says.

Once I sit down, Anna comes skipping in.

"Hi Elsa. Hi Kristoff." She says grabbing a plate.

I look at Kristoff and his eyes are wide. "she remembers me." he whispers and I smile to myself. I look back up at him and mouth, 'I told you so.'

Anna sits down with us and starts to eat. when Anna isn't looking, I look over at Kristoff and mouth 'talk to her.' Kristoff nods and looks over at Anna.

"Soooo, um, you remember me." Kristoff says and I face palm myself.

"Yeah of course I do, you took me up the north mountain to help me find Elsa." she says.


(A/N: OMG IM SO SO SO SORRY I HAVENT UPDATED IN LIKE 7 YEARS🙈 and that was an awkward place to end a chapter so I'm sorry 😂 but the point was that Kristoff thought Anna remembered that they loved eachother but Anna only remembers that he took her up the north mountain but don't worry kids it gets better😌👐

QOTC: favorite disney channel show?

Mine is girl meets world😛💕👌

Admin fact: I've seen frozen 26 times oops🙊

And I loooooove it when you guys leave such nice comments on my updates because it just makes my day😊

-xoxo Alyssa)

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