Chapter 8

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The first thing I heard when I woke up was my mother's bellowing voice screeching up the stairs.

I shot up in my bed, wondering what I'd done wrong now.

"What is it?" I attempted to yell, but it only came out in a quiet croak.

I groaned, rubbing my eyes, smiling slightly as I recalled last nights events.

I can't believe I spent the whole of last night talking to Phil.
I giggled to myself, and slid out of bed, putting my slippers on and leaving my room.

"What?" I called again, this time with actual sound to my voice.

"Get down here." My mum yelled.
I took an anxious breath before stepping down the stairs, she didn't sound happy at all.

"What have I done?" I asked hesitantly.
She raised her eyebrows, her eyes staring madly at me.

"Do you understand what babysitting is Daniel?" She glared.
Oh shit.

"Y-yes." I stuttered.
"So when I tell you to babysit," she started, "I expect you to do it properly."
I stepped back slightly, "I-i did, I just.. I-"
"You What?" She growled.

I looked at the floor, avoiding her gaze.
"What time did I say he should go to bed?" She asked.
I shrugged.
"Eight o clock, Daniel. Not half past eleven!" She yelled.
"I-I'm Sorry, I just lost track of time. I've been talking to someone and I forgot." I tried to explain.

"Talking to someone?" She spat, "who?"

"Phil.. phil Lester, he was the guy I met at summer in the city." I told her.

She raised her eyebrows, "Why would he be talking to you?" She asked.
"I don't know.." I whispered truthfully.

She rolled her eyes, "You're grounded for two weeks."
I nodded before walking back up to my room, it's not a big deal, I don't go outside anyway.

I picked up my phone and saw that I had a text from Phil.
Phil: Morning!

I grinned and replied with the same message.

He quickly responded with:
Phil: How's it going?

I laughed dryly to myself and shook my head, texting back.
Okay I guess. I got grounded for two weeks because I forgot about the kid last night.

I shook my head and rolled my eyes, I'm such a moron.

My phone buzzed again:
Phil: Oh damn, that kinda ruins my plans then.

I frowned, what does he mean?
What do you mean?

I waited for a response, walking over to sit on my bed.
Phil: I wanted to meet up again, I thought it would be cool I guess.

I groaned loud, and smacked my head on my wall making a loud thump.
Of course I had to go and get grounded then one time I wanted to leave the house.

Maybe I could sneak out during the day, my parents work anyway.

I tapped my foot impatiently, waiting for a response.
Phil: I don't want you to get in more trouble.

I sighed and typed back:
They won't find out, promise.

Phil: Okay, can you get to London easily?

I inhaled a long breath before typing back,

That wasn't necessarily a lie, it just might be hard hiding it from my parents.
Not that I care, seeing Phil is worth it.
Phil: cool, meet me at Liverpool Street station on Thursday, 11am

I grinned, typing back a quick Okay and flinging my phone across the bed, laying back and giggling excitedly.
I'm meeting Phil.. again.

Now I just need to figure out how to hide this from my parents.
They will flip their shits if they find out, especially now because I'm grounded.

Maybe this wasn't the best idea after all.

I shook my head and sighed quietly, I've said yes, I have to go now.
And anyway, I don't care if I get punished even more, I want to see him so I will.

I wouldn't risk it with anyone else but.. it's phil.
Leaving out the part that he's practically famous, there's something special about him that I can't put my finger on. He's not like other boys, he's different.

He's the only person I've ever felt this way about, and I don't know why.

I guess it's because I've been a fan of him for a while but it's still strange.

I let a small smile reach my face again as I  went to grab my phone to see if he replied.

Phil: see you then x

My stomach flipped as I saw the small kiss he put after his text.
This didn't mean anything right?
Of course it doesn't, everyone does that.. I think.

I felt my cheeks heat up as I thought about it over and over in my brain.
I rolled my eyes and settled with the conclusion that he was just being friendly, everyone does that I'm just being stupid.

Can't wait
I stared at the phone screen, wondering wether to send one back.
I shrugged and added one on the end.
He sent one so I don't understand why I couldn't too.

Can't wait x

I hesitantly pressed send and clicked my phone off, laying back on my bed.

I'd been live streaming for about forty minutes now but I refused to leave.
I had eight hundred people on my live stream, more than I'd ever had.

I squinted my eyes to read someone's comment they recently wrote.
I rolled my eyes as I realised it was someone saying they thought I had a large ego.

I frowned slightly before replying, "That's not necessarily true, I hate everything about myself, ask anyone who knows me."
I awkwardly averted my eyes from the camera and stared at my bedroom wall before nervously chuckling and carrying on my livestream.

Did people really think I had a high ego?
Is that the sort of person I portray?

Maybe YouTube isn't for me.

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