Chapter 3

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I put away my camera and lighting set up and lay on my bed.

I was nearly at seventy-thousand subscribers and to be honest, I never expected to get more than ten.

It's weird thinking that seventy thousand people saw my channel and thought that they wanted to continue watching me ramble on about random shit.

I guess it's a little heartwarming.

I crossed my legs on my bed and grinned.
I was also meeting Phil tomorrow.
God I couldn't wait.
My heart did a little jump as I thought about it.

He's so... perfect.
I wish I was like him.
He's funny, kind, beautiful..
I'm boring, dull, and stupid.

I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair.
Don't think about that right now
I told myself.

I'm meeting Phil tomorrow, that's all that matters.

I did a little squeal and ran over to my mirror.
I stood in front of it and looked at my reflection, planning out what I'll say when I see him.

"Hi, I'm dan" I said, holding out my hand for the imaginary Phil to shake.
I scrunched my nose up.
No, I can't say that it's weird.

Oh who am I kidding?
I'm probably going to scream and hug him so tight I accidentally kill him.

Wait, would I hug him?
Or would I shake his hand?

I want to hug him but would he think that's weird?
I don't know.

I shook my head and chuckled anxiously to myself.
I guess I'll figure it out the moment I meet him.

God I'm nervous, I hope I don't mess things up.
I hope he doesn't think I'm annoying.
Oh god, what if I annoy him?

I paced back and forth around my room, thinking of everything that could possibly go wrong.

I stopped and rested my head against my bedroom wall.
"You'll be fine Dan.." I whispered to myself.

Phil's a nice person.. he wouldn't judge me.

I could feel myself getting worked up over the whole situation so I pulled out my phone, running through my contacts, though I had very few, and clicked on the name of the person I needed to speak to the most.

"Hi dan." The cheery voice on the other side of the phone said.

"Hi Louise." I smiled.

Louise has been my best friend.. well,  my only friend, basically my whole life.
She's always been the person to brighten my day.
She's the best person I know.
She's hilarious, so caring and confident and I wish I could be like her.

She used to live on the same street as me but her parents moved to France, so she had to go with them.

We fantasise about her moving back to England literally every time we speak.
I hope she moves back soon, I miss her.
We've shared so many memories, most of them being embarrassing things we've done together, but they're the best memories I have.

I love Louise with all my heart.

"How are things, it's been forever since we've spoke." Louise said through the phone, I could literally hear her smile.

"They've been okay, and guess what." I grinned.
"Go on Daniel." She laughed.
"I'm meeting Phil tomorrow!" I squeaked like an excited toddler.

I heard her gasp loudly, "Really? Howell, I am frickin jealous!" She replied.

"I'm so excited Louise, but I can't help but think about the worst possible things that could happen." I whined.
"What do you mean?"

I sighed, "I don't know, I just can't help but wonder what would happen if I did something stupid. Like, what if he thinks I'm weird?" I ask.

I could hear her chuckle slightly over the phone.

"Dan you are weird." She responded.
"Thanks." I muttered.
"But so is Phil. So is everyone else there."

"I guess, I just don't want to make a fool of myself." I frowned.

"You won't, I'm sure he'll love you Dan." Louise spoke softly.

I let out a long breath, "I hope so."
There was a short silence, that I thought was long enough to break.
"So, how are you then?" I asked.
"I'm great actually, I overheard my parents arguing. They want to move back to England I think."

"R-really?" I stuttered.
"Yeah I think so." She laughed.
"Thank god for that." I breathed.
"I know right, I won't be a loner anymore." She chuckled.
"You still haven't made friends?" I asked.
She laughed slightly, "Nope, I'm crap at French so trying to make friends when you can't understand anyone isn't the easiest."
"Fair enough." I replied.

"What about you? Still lonely?" She asked.
"Yup." I laughed.

"Wow, we're just really sad aren't we." Louise said, snorting as she laughed.
"Apparently." I sniggered.

Louise sighed, "God I miss you Howell."
"I miss you too Louise." I murmured.

"We'll see each other in no time, Okay?" She told me. "Wether you like it or not."  She added.

I giggled slightly, "Yeah of course."

"I should go," she told me, "Hopefully I'll see you soon, bye Dan."
"Bye Lou." I whispered sadly.

The line went dead and I put my phone down.

"Right, I need something to wear tomorrow."  I muttered to myself, beginning my adventure through the dark depths of my wardrobe.

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