Chapter 20

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The only source of light that remained in the apartment was the dim light shining through the window from the city.

I sat in the middle of the living room, on the hard wooden floor, gazing up at the wall.
The picture frames of me and Phil were illuminated by street lights below and gently lit by the soft glow of the moon.

Louise had just cancelled the meet-up, which is fine. I miss her, obviously, but it's okay.

"Hey bub." I heard Phil murmur, the floorboards creaking as he walked over to me and sat down.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." I whispered, my eyes not leaving the framed pictures of us.

"You didn't." He soothed.
I simply nodded, dropping my eyes down to the floor.
"Can't sleep again?" He asked quietly, his hand slipping into mine.

I shook my head, "No."

He sighed lightly and lifted my chin up so my eyes were in line with his.

"I love you bub, okay?" He murmured.
I gave him a small smile, "I love you too darling."

He rested his forehead against mine, "What's on your mind?"

I sniffed slightly, "I miss my family."

As horrible as there were, they're still my family. I haven't seen them in four years, and every Christmas I get painful reminders that I should be with them, sitting by the Christmas tree, my dad making stupid jokes that only he found funny.

I miss that.

But I found something better, I guess.
I found Phil.

"I know babe," He whispered, "Maybe you could get in contact with them again. They might've change their minds about you."

I shook my head, "I can't, I wouldn't know what to say."
"I'd help you," He started with a yawn, "Come on, let's go back to bed."
I glanced at the clock, which read 3.45am
Sighing, I nodded, knowing it would be unfair on Phil if I made him stay awake for longer.

He pulled me up by my hand, and wrapped his arm around my lower waist, leading us back to his room.

We clambered into our bed, the warmth of the duvet heated my body as I gently shut my eyes, rolling over into Phil's arms, and letting myself fall back into the dark abyss that was sleep.
- -
I woke up in an empty bed, the space where Phil slept was bare and cold.

I climbed out, sliding on my slippers and walking out into the kitchen, assuming Phil would be in there.

Noticing a note on the fridge, I shuffled over to the other side of the kitchen, taking the note in my hands.

Just popped to the shop to get some milk, won't be long xx
-Phil <3

I placed it on the side and left the kitchen, walking to the living room and taking my phone out.

I rapidly typed my mums contacts in, hovering my thumb over the call button.
"Come on dan, she's only your mum." I muttered to myself.

I tapped my thumb anxiously on the side of my phone, having a battle in my head.

I groaned loudly and chucked my phone on the sofa, putting my hands up to my head.

The front door clicked, making me snap round.

I could hear Phil whistling a my chemical romance song as he walked through the apartment.

"Phil!" I called.

He immediately came through into the living room.
"Oh hey, you're awake." He smiled.
I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around him, burying my face in his chest.

He tightened his grip on me, "Morning?" He laughed.

"Sorry," I mumbled, still pressed against his chest, "I missed you."

He chuckled, "I was gone for half an hour."
"Exactly." I whined.

"You're so cute." He giggled, kissing my forehead.

His hand laced with mine, "You feeling any better from last night?"

I nodded slightly, "Yeah a bit."
"Good." He whispered, running his hands through my hair.
"I'm making breakfast, want any?" He asked.

"Sure." I replied, following him to the kitchen.
"I was thinking we could have a chill day, we can binge watch a load of movies if you want." He laughed slightly, taking out a brand new box of cornflakes.

"Sure." I smiled, resting my head on his shoulders.
He hummed quietly as he poured the cereal into bowls, spilling some on the kitchen work top.

I rolled my eyes and smirked as he cursed to himself.

He set the cereal box down and stepped back, facing me.
"Seriously though, you're definitely okay? Because I know you bottle things up a lot and I want you to know you can talk to me if there's something bo-" He rambled.

"Phil, I'm fine stop worrying." I cut him off with a small chuckle.
He took a long breath and nodded, giving me a small smile.
"Alright bub." He whispered.

He handed me my bowl and led me into the living room, jumping onto the sofa and patting the cushion next to it, telling me to sit next to him.

I fell back onto the cushion, snuggling up against Phil, my cereal still in my hand.

He kissed the top of my head firmly, "Walking dead or all the twilights?" He asked.

"Walking dead." I replied immediately, "Definitely."

He laughed and put on season three of the walking dead which had come out a few months ago.

"How romantic." He mumbled, smirking.
I giggled and gripped onto his hand, "You love it."

He hummed in agreement, "I love you."

This was boring but it was just (another) filler chapter, the drama will come soon I promise ;)

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