Chapter 15

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I stared up at the deep charcoal sky, bright, sparkling balls of light contrasting the blackness above me. I shivered erratically as the cold chilled my skin. I strolled down the road my house was located in, this time of it night it was completely deserted. I checked my watch, noting that it was was nearly midnight.
I cursed to myself, knowing that my parents would be home.

I took a deep breath and walked up the pathway to my front door, hesitating for a second and closing my eyes gently, feeling rain start to patter softly down on my skin.

I reached for the door handle, bracing myself for whatever was inevitably going to happen next, but before I could touch the cold metal, the door flew open revealing my mum, giving me an exasperated look.

I winced slightly, "I'm sor-"
"Where the hell have you been Daniel!" My mum shrieked, her face going a deep red.

I shuffled inside the house, not wanting to stay in the biting cold for much longer.
"I-I'm sorry." I stuttered out, slipping my shivering hands into my coat pockets.

She raised her eyebrow, waiting for me to answer her question.

I huffed slightly, kicking at the floor.
"I was at a friends house." I mumbled, looking down at the deep green, ugly carpet we had.

"A friend? Daniel, you have no friends." She stated blankly.

I rolled my eyes, she did have a point.
"Yeah but I've made a friend now." I muttered, still refusing to make eye contact.

I heard her sigh loudly, the clogs turning in her head.

"Who's this friend you have?" She demanded, her voice raising slightly.

"He's called Phil." I replied, awkwardly.
"What? As in the YouTube guy you like?" She asked me, her voice getting louder and louder.

"Yeah." I whispered, barely audible.
She laughed aloud, "What a load of crap."

"I'm telling you the truth!" I told her, taking out my phone and showing her the pictures we took together.

She frowned, "And how old is he?"

"T-twenty one." I stuttered.
"Twenty one!" She repeated, her shrill voice filling the room.

"It's not t-that bad.." I shrugged, trying to reason with her.
"Daniel, you must never speak to this boy again." She growled.

"W-What do you mean?" I asked, my eyes quickly welling up with tears.
"I don't want you speaking to random adults you don't know!" She yelled.

"No mum, please he's not like that." I whined, trying to stop my voice from cracking.

She snatched my phone out of my hand, angrily tapping at it.

I jumped at her and tried to prize it out her hands, "Mum please don't." I cried.

She was refusing to let go, her hand hovering over Phil's contact as I tried to restrain her.

I grabbed the sides of my phone, desperately trying to take my phone back.
"You're just making things more difficult for yourself." She growled.

"You'll never be talking to this horrendous boy again!" She yelled, forcing her hands past mine.

Anger boiling up inside me, I pushed her harshly, sending her stumbling back, my phone falling out her hand.

I ran to get it, clutching it to my chest, tears flowing down my face.

"I will not have this!" She screeched, her face turning purple with rage.

"Why are you trying to take the only friend I have?" I yelled, angry, hot tears spilling down my cheek.

"He's not a friend, he's a grown man!" She shouted.

I shook my head, scrunching my eyes up.
"It's not right Daniel, give me your phone." She ordered.
"No." I mumbled, keeping my phone tightly in my hands.

"Give me your phone!" She repeated, her voice echoing around the room.

I stared at her blankly, not moving a muscle.
She huffed loudly and started marching towards me.
"Mum please, I really like him." I cried, stepping back.

"I don't care if you like him, he's old." She spat.
"No, I like him." I blurted out.

She stopped suddenly, her eyes narrowing.
"What." She murmured.

I squeezed my eyes shut as more tears spilled over, "I-I like him." My voice croaking.

"Get out." She whispered calmly.
My heart leapt in my chest, "No, please." I begged, my voice cracking.

"Get out!" She roared, making me jump.

"Mum, please I can't help it, I didn't me-"

"Do you want me to get your father?" She seethed, cutting me off.

I let out a small sob, before turning my back on her and walking out the house.

She slammed the door behind me, letting me walk out into the brisk night.

I shivered slightly, looking around, not sure where to go or who to go to.

I started to walk down the path, hiccoughing as I went.
I decided to make my way to the park, hoping it would be more secure than staying on the streets.

I wiped the tears off my wet cheek, not quite believing this was happening.
My mum just kicked me out.
I breathed in shakily.

I stumbled over to the park, walking towards the climbing frame which had a small tunnel in it.

It would still be cold, but at least it would be sheltered from the rain.

I fell to my knees on the hard bark floor and crawled into the tunnel, curling up into a ball in the middle and closing my eyes, my quiet sobs echoing around the plastic kids burrow.

Where was home going to be now?

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