"I can hold your backpack for you if you want." Jack offered, and I gave him a grateful smile before handing him my backpack, which he flung over one of his shoulders.

We approached the front door of Hiccup's house and I knocked on the varnished wood.

"Hiccup's dad is kind of scary," I whispered to Jack as we stood side-by-side, waiting for the door to open.

He rolled his eyes playfully.

"Please, how scary can he be?"

Suddenly, the door swung open, revealing Hiccup's dad. He was a tall man, a bit on the burly side. Hiccup clearly got his emerald green eyes from him, but that's all I could really tell about what he inherited from his father.

Jack's eyes widened as his gaze fell onto Hiccup's dad, and I quietly chuckled to myself at his reaction.

"Ah, hello Elsa! Who's this young man? Is he your boyfriend?" He asked and pointed to Jack. I grinned awkwardly after he spoke, looking over at Jack.

"Oh no, he's not my boyfriend, Mr. Haddock. Just a new friend that we all made today at school. Hiccup is home, right?" I asked and rubbed my neck sheepishly.

"Oh, my apologies. Yes, he is inside in his room. May I ask for your name, young man?" Mr. Haddock said, looking over at Jack towards the end of his statement.

"My name is Jack, sir. Ergh, nice to meet you?" Jack replied nervously.

"Hello there, Jack, nice to meet you, too. Come on inside, you two." He said, stepping aside and letting us walk through the front door.

"Thank you, Mr. Haddock!" I thanked him with a smile and he nodded in response before walking off toward the kitchen.

"Follow me upstairs to Hiccup's room," I said and began walking up the wooden staircase, and heard Jack trailing behind me.

Jack was behind me as I approached Hiccup's bedroom, getting hold of the doorknob. I turned the doorknob, entered the room, and caught sight of Hiccup already sitting comfortably on his large bed.

"Hey, guys! How was the ride here?" He asked cheekily and motioned for us to join him on the bed.

Jack dropped our backpacks onto the floor near the foot of Hiccup's bed before we sat down beside him.

Jack smirked, looking over at me, making me grin sheepishly.

"She handled it better than I thought she would. Even though she was practically screaming the whole time." He joked, and I rolled my eyes before bushing him playfully.

"I was not!" I exclaimed with a playful scowl, and Hiccup laughed at our interaction with one another.

"Sounds like Elsa." He played along, and I huffed before laying down on the bed, crossing my arms.

Jack grinned, and he looked over at Hiccup.

"Well, we can just watch a movie downstairs once Mer and Punzie get here, but we can relax in my room for now. You guys don't have any homework to do today, right?" Hiccup spoke, looking at both of us with a raised eyebrow.

Jack shook his head in response, and I frowned.

"I have some physics homework that I need to do. You guys can go ahead and do your thing." I spoke, sitting up and climbing off of Hiccup's bed. I walked over to where our backpacks were and bent down to open mine, pulling out my notebook and my pencil case.

"Need any help? I love physics." Hiccup offered with a smile, and I shook my head.

"No, I'm okay. Thanks, Hiccup." I responded, walking over to him and ruffling his hair playfully before getting back onto the bed. I laid down on my stomach and flipped open my notebook to a blank page, using my phone to pull up the PDF of my assignment for the day.

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