Chapter 29

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Albus picks me up from the common room at exactly 11 and, under the safety of the invisible cloak, we head up to the Room of Requirements.

When we get there a door appears and we walk in while quickly taking off the cloak. It's relatively large and doesn't have a lot of furniture in it, though there are two chairs that we can sit in.

"Okay...I don't even know how to start," Albus sighs after we sit in the chairs, he seems pretty tense. When a knock from the door startles me, Albus seems to relax more and another chair appears. "So, um I asked my dad to meet us here because I think he will be able to help more than I can."

"But I thought we weren't going to tell anyone," I say a little scared of what is going to happen when his dad finds out.

"No, we weren't going to say anything earlier because they have no business knowing it and I don't even want to know what they would make you out to be," Albus says shaking his head as iffy I g to knock the ideas out of his mind. The door than opens and Harry walks in smiling at them though he seems a bit concerned.

"What's so important that you asked me to sneak into the school to talk about? By the way Professor McGonagall knows I'm here, just thought you should no," Harry says as he walks over and sits in the open seat.

"I suspected she would, nothing gets past here," Albus responds nodding in understanding before turning to me. "I think you should tell him, not me."

I froze looking at him a bit scared and nervous about being put on the spot and not really understanding the situation in the first place. "Um," I say dragging it out as I think of how to word everything. "You know how the purpose of Zachariah's Hidden Stone is to suppress something, or whatever."

"Yeah, I was wondering about that. Why did your father give it to you?" Harry asks looking at me curiously and. It just seems so weird to say, I mean all wizards have magic but these 'powers' are just strange.

"Well, while we were trapped I was able to say a spell and it happened without using my wand," I say it sounds a bit weird and way too simple the way I put it.

"I mean, yes, there are many wandless spells that you can use," Harry says looking at me strangely seeming quite confused.

"No, dad she is way more powerful than that! Like when Clarice was about to use the unforgivable curse on me, Serena screamed. She screamed, and all of our attackers were thrown back and knocked unconscious!" Albus exclaims sounding as if he was still shocked but also as if it excites him.

Harry seems a bit taken back by this and glances at me while I look down at my lap flushing. "Interesting," Is all Harry says for a little while and the room falls into silence. A frown appears on his face to help him think, because that's apparently what they do. After maybe ten minutes Harry looks back up and stares me right in the eyes. "It explains your eyes as well, all the repressed magic had to show it's self somehow. Now, let's see what you can do."

We spend the next hour and a half trying different things, such as; trying to cast different spells without my wand, to lift objects with my mind, to make and object explode, read someone's mind, read someone's future, and a few more. Of course not all of them work, either because I actually can't do it or I'm not that strong as of yet and need to build my strength. As each task passes I become more and more tired and weak so we stop for the night.

"Okay, I want you to promise me you won't use these powers in front of anyone and only do it when someone is with you. We don't want something to go wrong and no one to be there to help you," Harry says as he sets his hand on my shoulder and squeezes it in comfort.

"Thank you Harry!" I say smiling up at him before it breaks off into a yawns and I start to nod off.

"Al, you should get her back to her dorm before she passes out. I love you son," Harry says before walking out of the room followed closely by Albus with me leaning on him. We go a separate way as Harry prepares to leave and Al gets me back to my dorm.

I quickly hit the correct code not caring if Albus sees it. He walks me inside, it's empty, and we head up to my dorm but stop there because Albus can't go in. "Thank you," I yawn as I give him a sleepy smile.

"No problem," He responds before yawning himself. "I just thought my dad would know more."

"No, thank you for everything," I say as I kiss his cheek and head into the dorm room and closing the door. I walk over to my bed and lay down as I stare at the ceiling. Penelope comes and curls up on my stomach and helps to settle my stomach, I realize that I haven't eaten anything. Oh well.

This whole thing is just so confusing. What are my powers for? If my dad is a wizard does that make me a half-blood and not a muggle born? So many more questions fill my head and it takes me so long before I can actually fall asleep. But once I do the dream once again begins and I am terrified by what it could mean.

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