Chapter 9

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The next day I woke up a bit late so I was in quite a rush so I ended up forgetting to put on my necklace from that night, I had only taken it off because for the first time in a while it was bothering my neck and wouldn't let me sleep. I hadn't wanted to miss breakfast so I ran as fast as I could to get to there and sat next to Alice once I saw her.

I only had three classes with Scorpius and two with Albus so I was so happy we all shared history because if we didn't I'd be too scared to ask the teacher anything. I shared a table with Scorpius while Albus sat across the aisle next to Rose, who I share most of my classes with sadly. So, when it came to the professor asking if there were any questions I was very thankful that Scorpius raised his hand so I didn't have to. "Who is Xavier Revis?" He asks to which the professor looks at him strangely for bringing up something way off topic.

"Though it has nothing to do with the lesson, does anyone know anything about who Xavier Revis is?" The teacher asks the class as I look around to see if anyone raises their hand and very expected Rose raises her's into the air to answer. "Yes Ms. Weasley."

"Xavier Revis worked for the ministry and was a very famous man among the leaders though it was kept extremely private exactly what he did. Many years ago he disappeared without a trace and hasn't been seen since though many people believe him to be dead or in hiding but there is no evidence for either theories," Rose's intelligent answer has the professor nodding his head agreeing with her.

"Does that answer you question Mr. Malfoy?" The professor asks to which Scorpius just nods. What she said was just in the book which gives me more questions than answers but I just have to deal with it for now. The teacher then continues on with the lesson leaving me in my thoughts till it is time for our next class which for me was defense against the dark arts.

I enter the room and sit in my seat next to Alice as other students file in as well. "Okay today we are going to be practicing the Knock Back Jinx. Would anyone like to demonstrate?" The professor asks the class to which Rose and another boy student raise their hands and glare at each other when they see who the person they are against is. "Ah, Ms. Weasley and Mr. Corner please step up and take your places."

They do this quickly standing on opposite sides of the platform and just glare at each other. "Your going down, Daniel," Rose sneers but the boy doesn't seem to care about what she was saying.

"Ready. Set. Draw!" At lightning speed they both lift their wand and say the spell "Flipendo!" sending them both flipping backwards and landing on the floor. They both groan in pain and Rose starts cursing under her breath that she hadn't won and stomps back to the other red headed girl. I look back at Daniel to still see him on the ground and see that is was the same boy that was with Karina when she pushed me during class.

"What did they do wrong?" The professor asks and I hesitantly raise my hand causing the whole class to put their eyes on me making me extremely nervous because this is the first time I have asked to speak in class. "Yes, Ms. Chandler?"

"They both tried to attack at the same time but they didn't try to deflect the spell," I say quickly and in a shaky voice then looked down at my desk trying to avoid everyone's gaze and calm my beating heart.

"Good job Ms. Chandler, that is correct. Instead of trying to protect yourselves from the oncoming spell you chose to attack your opponent leading to the both of you getting hurt and have no winner," The professor adds onto my answer and asks if any other students want to try as well. After almost the entire class has gone the shock of my life comes. "Ms. Chandler why don't you try?"

"I really can't," I start to say but am quickly cut off by Rose as she enters the conversation unasked.

"I'll go against her," Rose suggests making my eyes grow three times their regular size and stare terrified at her. I really don't want to do this but seeing as though she offered and I wasn't able to tell the teacher I still wasn't able to use my magic there is no backing down.

"Excellent Ms. Weasley, okay girls get in your places," We are instructed just as all the other student had been but I was extremely hesitant as I stepped onto the platform. I looked over at Alice and saw that her eyes were full of worry that I was going to get hurt which was going to most definitely going to happen. As I took my wand out of my pocket and pointed it at her my hands were shaking and when she saw this she started to smirk. "Ready. Set. Draw!"

As I said the word her spell hit me and as if in slow motion I did an entire back flip off the platform and landed directly on my back having the breath taken from my lungs. I didn't breath for a good ten seconds when I saw Alice's blue eyes looking down at me. I gasped for breath and continued to do so till I was able to breath evenly I mean it was my first time ever being hit with a spell. "Are you okay?' Alice asks once I could breath.

"I'm fine," I say in a raspy voice as she helps me stand up and steady me when I almost fall over. I turn to see the professor looking at me apologetically but she chooses not to say anything as I head back to my seat and the lesson continues. I mean this is only my second class of the day and so much has already happened.

Alice helps me hobble to my potions class because I am still sore and light headed. I take my seat next to Scorpius and sigh laying my head on the table. "What happened to you?" Scorpius ask making me groan again as he chuckles probably think I'm playing around or tired which I am but not for the reason he would think.

"Rose cast the Knock Back Jinx on me and I'm in a lot of pain," I complain and his chuckling stops immediately and he grabs my shoulders to look at me as if trying to see if I was lying or not. When he saw that I wasn't he stood up cursing and saying he was going to give her a piece of his mind. "Hey it's okay it was part of a class duel."

"Why in the world would you volunteer to duel let alone duel Rose? You know she hates you and I though spells didn't work on you," He asks angrily and looks at me as if I am stupid and wanted to get hurt which is the exact opposite.

"The teacher asked me to do it and before I could disagree with her Rose volunteered and by then it was too late for me to back down and I didn't think it was actually going to work but I was still terified," I answer closing my eyes exhausted and wanting to just go back to bed but it wasn't even lunch yet.

"Albus is not going to be happy when he hears this," Scorpius sighs shaking his head and letting go of my shoulders to sit down once more and pay attention to the rest of the class.

As soon as we got to the Quidditch field Scorpius started telling Albus everything I told him and he became extremely angry and tried to go and talk to Rose. "Please don't, I don't want her to think I cared about what she did because I don't. It was part of class and I don't have my magic so it's not her fault," I reason trying to stop him from approaching her.

"Okay but it's my turn to take you up since Scorpius has done it since school started," He gently grabbing my arm, not wanting to hurt my sore muscles, and drags me over to where his broom is laying down. It looks new and different from all the other students' brooms. He sees me looking at it and answers the question I didn't have to ask, "My dad got me this last week since Quidditch tryouts are tomorrow I thought I would get it out and take it for a test run."

"Cool," Is all I say as we climb onto his broom and lift off the broom and feels much smoother than Scorpius's but now that I see it Scorpius has a different broom now as well. I mean I already knew he wanted to try out for the Quidditch team but I would have though he would have brought his broom out sooner. I wrap my arms around Albus and sigh smelling honey and mint it's a little strange but smells really good. We don't do too many exciting spins or flips which I am grateful for because I really didn't feel like moving too much.

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